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[Josh's PoV]

"Who were you on the phone with?" My mom asks me at dinner. "Tyler." I respond. "Tyler? Who's that?" My dad asks. "A kid in my class." I reply. "The emo kid?" Abbie asks. I nod. "Ooo, do you like him?" Abbie asks me teasingly. "As a friend, yes." I say. "Must suck to not be the best looking anymore." Ash says and Abbie and ash giggle. "Meh, I don't care." I say.

"How's mark?" My dad asks all of a sudden. "Mark? I don't know, he won't talk to me anymore." I say. "Oh? Why not?" My mom asks and looks at my dad. "He found new friends, either he's too busy with them or then he doesn't want to be seen with me anymore because his new friends are so 'cool' I wouldn't want their reputation to get ruined because of me." I say. "Oh, josh, that's not true, I bet they just want to get to know each other first." My dad says. "They think I'm gay, because I haven't had a girlfriend yet." I say. "You always say no girl is your type, so I can see why they'd think that." My dad says. "Gee thanks." I say annoyed.

"What does gay mean?" Jordan asks. "It's when a man loves another man, in the same way as mommy loves daddy." My mom explains. "So instead of a daddy and a mommy, there are two daddies?" Jordan asks. "Exactly." My mom says. "Okay." Jordan says.

"Thanks for dinner." I say and get up, I barely even touched my food. "You barely ate anything." My mom says. "Not hungry." I say. "Joshua..." my mom says. "Please eat some more.." she continues. "Your mother works hard to feed this family, you should be more grateful." My dad says. "I said thank you!"  I say frustrated. "Don't take that time with me." My dad says and looks at me.

I turn my back on them and go into my room. I close my door and sigh. I walk over to my bed and lay down on my stomach.

Dad always tries to find something to ground me on. It's unfair, Abbie and ash can yell all they like and can leave the table without saying thank you without any consequences but me? I get scolded immediately. Ash and Abbie can even hit me without being scolded because "they're practicing their self defense" like yeah, that's fine, but on me?! What the hell?! Oh and Jordan gets away with anything. And if I try to defend myself while getting punched or kicked by ash or Abbie, I get scolded and then they'll take my phone away for a week. It's so unfair, I feel like everyone hates me. At least in my family.

~Next day~

I wake up to my alarm going off. I groan and sit up. "Stupid.." I mumble to myself. I get up and grab some clothes from my closet. I wonder what would impress tyler... "ugh! No go away! Stupid thought!" I say to myself in disgust and grab some clothes.

I walk downstairs where I'm met by my mom. "Let me take you to school, you shouldn't skateboard to school in that condition." She says. "I'll walk." I say and put my headphones over my ears. I open Spotify and start blasting some Sleeping with Sirens. My favorite band.

I walk out the door with my headphones on and I start walking to school. I can't stop thinking about yesterday and about how unfairly my parents treat me compared to my siblings. I hate being the oldest one. I kick some rocks on the sidewalk.

I get to school and can see mark and his friends at their lockers. Unfortunately for me, mine is next to Mark's. I open my locker and put my headphones in there. "Hey there Joshua." Mark says, trying to sound like a bully. "How is the gay boy?" Mark says teasingly. "IM NOT FUCKING GAY!" I yell into his face.

I get into class already pissed off. Jennifer sits next to me and looks at my arm. "Oh my.. what happened to you..?" She asks me shyly. "Nothing." I say in a pissed off tone. "Are you okay..?" She asks me. "Yes. I am." I try to sound more angry. "You should easy up a bit.." She says. "Listen here you b-" I am interrupted by Tyler. "Josh come on, sit next to me. Let's go, not worth it." He says and grabs my arm, he grabs my backpack with his other hand and leads next to his table.

He puts my backpack on the table and pushes me against the wall carefully before whispering. "What was that all about?" I look at him, I blush slightly before answering. "My friend mark... he was teasing me before class.. so I was in a bad mood.." I say trying not to tear up, I'm going through so much at home and then this with mark. "He doesn't seem like a friend.." Tyler says. "You still shouldn't take your anger out on others.." Tyler continues. "I know.. I'm just... such a mess right now.." i say ashamed of myself. "It's okay, I'm just glad I got here before you were able to say anything." He says. "Yeah.. me too.." I say looking at him, all of my anger has turned into sadness. Hearing his voice made me calm down.

"What were you going to say to Jennifer?!" The group of girls ask me. "I.. I uhm... beautiful..?" I say, I just want to avoid any conflict right now. "Hm. Fine then." The girls say and turn their backs to me.

Tyler looks at me. "Beautiful..?" He asks furrowing his brow. "I just had to come up with something... and quick.." I whisper. Tyler nods.

We sit down and I get all flustered over nothing. Why am I so flustered?! Ugh! "How about you Josh?" Mr. Harrison says. "W-What..?" I ask. "Do you have any siblings?" He asks me. "Y-Yeah three... u-uhm Ashley... she's 15... and.. Abigail... she's 10.. and Jordan.. he's 6..." I reply. I can hear a few people awe.

Word count: 1036

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