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Tyler takes a deep breath. "I want to leave..." Tyler whispers quietly. "We can leave." I say and rub Tylers back

We leave the cafeteria and grab our backpacks from the lockers. "Where are you guys going?" Mr. Harrison stops us. "Oh uh Tyler isn't feeling that well, and he's staying with my family." I explain and Mr. Harrison let's us go.

I grab Tyler's hand and hold it protectively as we make our way back to my family's house. We get home and I look at tyler. Tyler looks very pale and tired.

~Tylers POV~

I've been feeling a bit odd all day. Once we finally got to Josh's house my vision started going blurry and I could feel the ground shaking, I felt really exhausted and I lost my balance.

~Josh's POV~

Tyler loses his balance, luckily he falls forward and I could catch him. I am now pinned against the wall with Tyler leaning against my chest. My heart is beating so fast both because he's so close to me and because I'm worried about Tyler. "Tyler..? Are you okay?!" I ask him worriedly. "So.... tired.." Tyler mumbles half asleep.

I pick him up and go to my bedroom. I put him on my bed and lay him down. He falls asleep immediately and I lay next to him, pulling the covers over us. I can't help it I give Tyler a small peck on the forehead.

I start blushing like crazy as I smile widely. He's so adorable, I'm so glad I had the chance to do that. I face Tyler and just adore him. I place my forearm on his forehead to check his temperature.

He doesn't have a fever, he did seem really tired when school started. He must have had many sleepless nights. Poor boy...

I pull him close to my chest and hold him tightly. "Mmh..." he mumbles nonsenses in his sleep.

I shut my eyes, my heart is beating fast again. I just want him to be mine, but I don't know how he feels about me.. I want to ask him but I'm afraid of the answer..


~Tyler's POV~

I wake up in Josh's bed, Josh is holding me against his chest and he's asleep. I blush softly and carefully get out of his grip. I don't want to wake him up. I look around the room and rub my temple.

It's 5pm, that means Laura will be home any minute now. I hug my knees to my chest, I wish I had a family like Josh's. I guess it could be worse... but I want to go to moms house... she is nice...

~Josh's POV~

I wake up and look around. I yawn slightly and notice Tyler. "Are you okay..?" I ask him and sit up next to him. "Just thinking..." Tyler says. "About what..?" I ask him curiously.

"Well.. my birthday is next month.. I'll be 18.." tyler says. "Oh yeah that's great!" I say smiling. "Yeah.." He says and smiles a bit.

"Tyler can I ask you something..?" I say and look at him. "Yeah sure..?" He looks at me confused. "How do you feel about me..?" I ask him.

"W-well I-I uhm.. y-you're g-great!" Tyler says his face being a bright red color. "I mean.. do you like me more than a friend..?" I ask him. "W-why are you asking..?" He asks me. "Well... I kind of... don't know... my feelings are killing me... I can't hide this anymore... Tyler I have feelings for you... I understand if you don't feel the same.." I blurt out. I didn't mean to say that!

Tyler looks at me for a while before opening his mouth to speak but quickly closing it again. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable..." I say quietly.

"Nono! I... I'm just shocked..?" Tyler says. Shocked..? Why would he be shocked..? "Why..?" I ask him. "I didn't expect you to like me back..." he says quietly. "Oh.. wait a second..? What do you mean like you back..?" I ask him confused. "Josh... I like you too.." he says blushing.

We both stare into each other's eyes and start leaning in closer, our lips are inches apart. Our lips lock but only for a second, because my door swings open. "Dinner is r-" my mom looks at us.

"I-it's uh.. it's not what it looks like! I-I uh.." I hide my face. "Josh there's no point in hiding it anymore. It's okay, I won't tell anyone, I still love both of you." My mom says and smiles slightly before leaving my room.

I look over at tyler and hide my face into my blankets. "Oh god why didn't she knock!" I groan. "How long were you even planning on hiding it from then..?" Tyler asks. "I don't know..? I might've told them today but I just didn't want her to see us kissing! Oh god I'm so embarrassed." I say. "It's okay Josh.. she seemed okay with it.." Tyler says trying to comfort me. "Yeah.." I mumble.

"She could've walked in on something far worse." Tyler says. "I guess.. but still.." I say. "I know you're embarrassed but it'll be okay." Tyler says and gets up, he puts his hand out for me and I grab it.

We go downstairs and sit at the table, I'm trying to avoid eye contact with my mom. I start eating and so does tyler. "Am I the only one who senses the awkwardness?" My dad asks. "Haha nope definitely not!" I say quickly. "What's going on, Laura?" My dad asks my mom. "I don't know?" My mom says. Thank god.

Once we are done eating, Tyler and I leave the table. We go back to my room and sit on my bed.

I look at Tyler and he looks at me. I didn't even get to have a proper kiss with him thanks to my mom.

I stare into Tyler's eyes and he stares back into mine. I start leaning forward and so does he. Our lips connect again, this time there was no interruption.

The kiss lasted for what felt like hours. Once we pulled away we looked at each other blushing. "I've never felt like this.." I whisper quietly. "Like what..?" Tyler asks whispering as well. "Like this.." I whisper and grab Tyler's hand, placing it on my chest so that he could feel my heartbeat.

"Woah.." he chuckles quietly and smiles. He then grabs my hand and placed my hand over his chest. I could feel his heartbeat, it was really fast, just like mine. I smiled too and blushed more.

"No one has ever made me feel like this..." Tyler whispers. "No one has ever made me feel like this either.." I say.

We lay down and stare into each other's eyes for the longest time before falling asleep.

Word count: 1155

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