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~Joshs PoV~

"Do you want to stay the night?" I ask tyler. "Are you sure it's okay?" Tyler asks me. "Well it's Friday, which means my parents are going on date night, so I'll have to watch my siblings, as long as I do that, it's fine that you stay over, if you don't mind us having to babysit." I reply. "That's fine by me." Tyler says and smiles.

There a knock on the door "come in!" I say and the door opens up. It's my mom. "Joshua, you do remember that your father and I are going on a date tonight and you'll have to babysit your siblings." She says. "I remember. It's okay if Tyler stays right? As long as we take care of the younger kids?" I ask her. "That's totally fine by me." My mom replies. "Alright, thanks mom." I smile softly. "There are some chips in the cupboard with the bowls, once you've put them to bed you can eat the chips if you'd like." She says and winks at me. "Will do momma." I say smiling. "Thanks again tyler and josh." She says and leaves the room.

"She seems nice." Tyler says quietly. "She is nice most of the time, except on her bad days, but it's understandable, having a kid like me and then having to make food for the whole family, after work. I honestly admire her." I say. "What do you mean 'a child like me'?" Tyler looks at me with his brow furrowed. "Well, I'm not exactly their favorite kid. I get punished for almost everything I do, they annoy me purposely so that they can ground me. My siblings are allowed to hit me and kick me and what not because it's 'self defense practice' which I have nothing against if they would do it on some inanimate objects and not on me. If I try to push them away slightly, my dad will yell at me. I'm mostly locked up in my room due to them always having some kind of reason to ground me." I explain "that's harsh.. but it's not your fault. And you're not causing them any trouble, they're doing it on purpose." Tyler says. "Well I always get the blame so it's hard to know what or who to believe anymore." I say. "I get it. I've been in a similar situation." Tyler says and grabs my hand, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb to comfort me. I smile slightly.

"WE ARE LEAVING NOW JOSHUA!" My mom yells from downstairs before they leave. I get up and open my door, in case my siblings need anything they can come into my room.

It's been a few hours since my parents left, we made some pizza with Tyler and we all ate together. We put Jordan to bed after that. Tyler fell asleep on my bed. I guess he was tired. Abigail went to bed two hours after Jordan. Ashley is in her room. She doesn't have a bedtime. I just have to make sure she won't leave the house without telling me. She does have a curfew, it's at 11pm in the weekends and during weekdays it's 9pm.

I'm sitting in my room, on the floor and look at tyler, he seems cold. He didn't even pull the covers over himself. He just laid down and fell asleep. I get up and gently put the covers over him. I wonder if he'll mind us sleeping in the same bed. If he doesn't wake up then I'll just sleep on the floor. If he happens to wake up, I can just ask him.

Ashley walks into my room. "I'm going to bed now." She says. "Alright, good night Ashley." I hug her and place a kiss on her forehead. She goes to her bedroom and I can see that she turned her lights off.

I sit next to tyler. His face is so pretty when he's asleep, I just want to kiss his lips that are slightly parted. I finally understand why he's so tired all the time. It's his situation at home... I'll make sure that he doesn't have to stay home for too long.

I message my parents, we have a group chat, just me and my parents.

Josh: Hope I'm not interrupting your date, I just wanted you to know that, Tyler will be staying with us a lot more, I hope that's okay. So please whenever you ground me, Please don't make him leave. His home-life isn't the best and it's the safest if he stays here.
Mom: That's Alright.
Dad: He's welcome to stay with us as long as he wants to.
Josh: thanks guys, you're the best! Have fun with the rest of the date!
Mom: we will. Don't stay up too late.
Josh: We won't.

I smile to myself as I put my phone down. Tyler is moving around a bit. "Tyler..?" I whisper. "Mmh..." I can hear him mumble. "Can I sleep in my bed..? Or do you want me to sleep on the floor..?" I ask him, whispering. "Bed..." he mumbles sleepily and pats the bed.

I can't help but smile at his adorable-ness. I lay next to him and he hugs himself close to me. I don't mind it. I just want him to sleep well and to feel safe.

I wrap my arm around his back and pull him closer before closing my eyes. He is a tiny boy. The most adorable and cute tiny bean ever. I fall asleep smiling while thinking about Tyler.

"Josh.." I can hear someone whisper while tapping on my shoulder. "Hm..?" I say sleepily. "Can you let go of me...? I need to use the bathroom..." I finally recognize the voice. It's Tyler, he's whispering. "Mhm..." I let go of tyler and he gets up. I keep myself half awake to make sure he returns.

He comes back after a few minutes and lays back down. "Can i cuddle you..?" I ask tyler. "Of course you can.." Tyler whispers sleepily before coming closer to me.

I wrap my arms around him and we fall asleep eventually. It is the best nights sleep I have ever had.

Word count: 1043

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