Pathetic // Johnnyboy

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A/N : This one will be kinda sad, but it'll have a happy ending :)


Ponyboy sighed as he walked to the lot to meet his best friend, Johnny. They met there almost every night if they could, so sit there and watch the stars in comfortable silence. Most of the time they cuddled, enjoying each other's warmth and presence.

Ponyboy probably liked cuddling with Johnny a little too much, though. Mainly because he was in love with Johnny. He had been for weeks now. But he would never tell Johnny that. He was way too scared. Besides, it was the 60s and Johnny was probably straight and homophobic like most people were.

He finally reached the lot, and was happy to see Johnny.

That was until he realized Johnny was sitting there and crying, and looking empty. Ponyboy didn't waste a second before running over and wrapping his arms around Johnny in a comforting way.

He hated to see Johnny cry. Johnny didn't deserve to feel sad. He was the sweetest person Ponyboy knew. He deserved the world.

"What's wrong, Johnnycake?" Ponyboy asked as he held Johnny closed. God, why did he have to feel like this?

It took a minute for Johnny to calm down, but when he did, the emptiness in his eyes scared Ponyboy. It was like he was a different person.

"I-Its my parents, man. They hate me. They kicked me out of the house again. But I guess I deserve it. I can't take much more of this, Pone. I wish I could just kill myself." Ponyboys heart broke as Johnny told him this. His parents were absolute pieces of shit. They didn't deserve to have a son like Johnny. And if Johnny killed himself, Ponyboy would be right behind him.

"No, don't do that! Please, I couldn't live without you!" Ponyboy said and he meant it. He felt like he would die without Johnny. But Johnny didn't believe that. He couldn't.

"I don't see any reason to stay! No one has ever loved me and no one ever will!" Johnny's voice broke as he yelled this. Secretly, he was madly in love with Ponyboy. But Johnnys self esteem was so low that he felt like no one would ever love him, how could they? Especially someone as gold as Ponyboy.

"That's not true!" Ponyboy screamed, desperation in his voice.

"You can't prove that?" Johnny screamed back, and Ponyboy wanted more than anything to tell Johnny that he loved him. To prove him wrong.

"Yes, I can! Because-" Ponyboy cut himself off. He didn't know what to do. Johnny was here, in front of him. And he could do it. Johnny might hate him, but at least he would know someone loved him more than anything.

"Because what?" Johnny sighed.

"Because I..." Ponyboy couldn't stop himself. Johnny needed to know that someone did love him.

"You what?" Johnny was getting frustrated now. Ponyboy sighed as he knew what he was about to say.

"I love you." Ponyboy looked at Johnny, checking for a reaction. Johnny looked shocked, he would've never expected someone like Ponyboy Curtis to love him.

Johnny loved him, so much that it hurt. But he just couldn't believe it.

"Pathetic." Was all Johnny said. He felt it was pathetic that Ponyboy could love him. He felt like he didn't deserve Ponyboy.

"Why don't you believe that I love you?" Ponyboy was now crying too. He did mean it, he loved Johnny more than life itself.

"Because I'm a horrible person! I don't deserve you, I don't deserve for anyone to love me! Why would someone like you want someone like me?" Johnny had always been told he was a mistake, and at the end of the day he started to believe he was too.

Ponyboy couldn't resist it anymore. He grabbed Johnny by both sides of his face and brought their lips together. Johnny kissed back, not believing this was real. It felt like a dream.

They kissed under the stars for what felt like ages. Ponyboy couldn't believe that this was happening. It felt so right. He then remembered that Johnny didn't believe he loved him, so he broke the kiss feeling the need to say something.

"Johnny Cade, you're the most beautiful, amazing, and sweet person I know. You may not believe that but it's true. And I love you. I love the way your skin glows in the sun, I love the way your beautiful dark brown eyes light up whenever you see the stars, and I love your soft lips. You have the cutest baby face ever, by the way. I love your smile too. Also, I love the way you listen to me talk, I love the way you're always there for everyone, and I love the way your voice sounds. You're just so amazing and sweet and perfect. You're gold, baby. Solid gold. And I love you so much, more than anything." Ponyboy said, finally pouring out his feelings.

"And you may not believe that, but I promise you that it's true. And you know I don't break promises." Johnny stood there in pure disbelief. He then broke down into tears. He couldn't believe Ponyboy thought that much of him.

Johnny didn't waste a second before wrapping his arms around Ponyboy, snuggling his face deep into his chest. Ponyboy sighed and wrapped his arms around Johnny, holding him close. Johnny felt so safe, and for once in his life, he felt loved.

"I love you too, Ponyboy. It's just hard for me to believe you love me, y'know? I thought no one could. I thought I didn't deserve love. Or you. You're amazing and I can't believe you love someone like me." Johnny admitted. Ponyboy felt hurt that Johnny thought of himself like that, but there was nothing he could do but show Johnny love.

"How could I not love you? Like I said, you're perfect. I promise I'll show you how loved you are." Ponyboy said before tilting Johnny's head up slightly to where he could kiss his lips. This kiss wasn't as long as the last one, it was short and sleep.

"Johnny, will you be my boyfriend?" Ponyboy asked, a blush forming on his cheeks.

"Of course I will. I love you." Johnny said and kissed him one more time.

"I love you too."


A/N : that really sucked 😂 i wrote it when I was half asleep

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