Pool Day // Johnnyboy, Dalry, Stevepop, & Marcia-Bit

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A/N : requested by Cat_Wolf17
Let's just call Two-Bit x Marcia "Marcia-Bit" 😂 or is Tarcia

This is going to be really short, since I can't really think of anything to make into a full oneshot. So it's more like headcanons in a oneshot format.

Modern AU


Normal POV

It was a hot day in Tulsa, and the boys were tired of sitting around all day. A new pool just opened in town, and it was cheap enough for the seven of them plus Marcia to go. They all piled up in the truck and started heading towards the pool. It was on the middle part of town, so all classes were welcome there.

It was a mistake piling everyone into the truck. Dally decided to drive, much to Darry's dismay. Darry was being the back-seat driver the whole way there. Marica sat on Two-Bits lap, but of course they didn't mind that. Johnny had to sit on Ponys but he didn't mind that too much either. Soda made Steve sit on the floor.

"Why don't we just put some of them in the back of the truck?" Dally asked curiously. Darry rolled his eyes. He already told him why about a million times today.

"Because Dal, it's illegal. And we all know you'd floor it and they'd end up flying out." Darry spoke the truth.

"That reminds me..." Dally said with a smirk. The gang knew exactly where he was going with this. They all screamed in protest as Dally stepped on the speed and zoomed the rest of the day to the pool.

They all got out, and luckily it wasn't very crowded there. They saw a few greasers and middle class people that they knew, and a group of Socs buying drinks, but that was about it. They already came in their swimsuits so now it was time to have fun.

Almost instantly, Steve and Soda raced to the diving board. They did not plan on making this a calm trip. They practically tripped over each other as they tried to jump off at the same time. When they got into the water they started laughing before doing it again. And again.

Johnny and Ponyboy carefully used the stairs into the water, trying to be careful. Johnny had no idea how to swim, so they were going to stay in the shallow end. That wasn't a problem for them, though. The second they got in there Johnny wrapped his arms around Ponyboy waist and stayed like that, comfortable with his love in the water.

Two-Bit did a cannonball into the pool, and Marcia refused to get in. In response to that, Two got up and pushed her in. She wasn't even mad. When she got to the surface, she started laughing and grabbed his leg to pull him back in there with him. They then continued laughing and splashing each other.

Darry shook his head as he watched his friends, thinking they were all idiots. Dally was trying to get him to join them in the pool and Darry finally did, but only because he got tired of Dally begging. He realized he mad a mistake and Dally tackled him and tried to sink him. Well, attempted too at least. Dally was strong, but he was no match for Darry's muscles. Darry kept picking him up when he tried to dunk him and threw him back into the water.

Meanwhile, Soda and Steve were arguing over who gets to go down the slide first, earning angry glares from a bunch of little kids who wanted them to hurry the fuck up and go. Eventually, Soda pushed Steve down the slide. Steve however, managed to grab Sodas legs and pull him down with him.

"I HOPE YOU HIT YOUR FACE AT THE BOTTOM SO IT'LL KNOCK YOUR TEETH STRAIGHT!" Soda screamed as they sank to the bottom.

Ponyboy was teaching Johnny the basics of swimming when all of a sudden, Two-Bit came up from behind and scooped Ponyboy on his shoulders. He then proceeded to throw Pony, but Pony kicked him and got knocked off. Ponyboy then got an idea.

"Hey, Two-Bit, come here." Ponyboy said, trying to grab the older greaser. But Two was bigger, and unfortunately he was thinking the same thing as Pony was.

"YOU'RE GETTING BAPTIZED LITTLE BITCH." Two-Bit yelled, earning glares from the lifeguards and some parents. By this point Marcia was chilling by the pool, sipping a smoothie and watching this craziness happen. Two-Bit kept 'baptizing' Ponyboy until Johnny told him to stop. Now it was Ponyboy clinging to Johnny.

Two-Bit was now bored and needed someone to mess with, and he spotted Dally. And Darry. But they were making out. A lot, too. Two-Bit slowly backed away and went to go find Soda and Steve, who were splashing each other.

Just then, they saw Cherry Valence walk in. She flicked them all off and went to go talk to
Marcia. They all scowled at the sight of her but decided to ignore her and have fun anyways.

They all decided it would be a great idea to push the lifeguards chair into the pool. Two-Bit distracted the lifeguard by asking him stupid questions about drowning.

"So if I was drowning, you'd have to make out with me, right? Cause I'm so hot." Two-Bit said, flexing his non-existent muscles.

"Well, yes but actually no-" The lifeguard got cut off as he felt his chair being pushed into the water. The three boys started cackling. However, the lifeguard was not amused and called security.

Meanwhile, Marcia had enough of Cherry talking and pushed her into the pool. The thing was, Cherry still had clothes on and was arguing with Bob over text, while holding her phone.

Darry thought it would be Dally getting them kicked out, but this time he was wrong. He apologized to the lifeguard and the gang was escorted out by security.

And that was the story about how they got kicked out of the pool.


That was the worst thing I've ever written 😂

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