I Don't Wanna Be Alone Right Now // Dalry

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A/N : 👇🏻


After another long day at work, Darry was looking forward to just sitting in the recliner and relaxing.

It was around 10 on a Friday night, and Sodapop was out somewhere with Steve and Johnny and Ponyboy were in Ponyboy's room doing god knows what. Ponyboy made Johnny spend the night, since it was cold outside and he didn't want him to sleep in the lot. Two-Bit had left earlier, telling everyone he was gonna go get drunk. And no one knew where Dallas was. Probably getting into trouble.

So Darry was basically alone, since Ponyboy and Johnny were probably just gonna stay upstairs reading or whatever. Darry didn't feel the need to check on them. He was kind of bored, but it was good to be alone and with no kid brothers to disturb him.

It was quiet for maybe another twenty minutes, before the door opened and slammed shut. Darry turned around, ready to yell at whoever slammed the door. That was until he saw who it was.

He expected it to be Two-Bit, but it was Dally. Dally looked tired and beat up (imagine how he looked after the rumble, but not upset or anything).

"Dally?! What the hell?!" Darry didn't waste a second before getting up and walking over to Dally, putting one hand on the side of his face. Darry didn't know why he was being so protective, or why he was touching Dally like this.

"Got into a fight with some guy, man. No biggie." Dallas smirked. He probably thought he looked tough, both versions. Well, he kind of did, but no doubt that must've hurt.

"You're an idiot, Dal. Stop gettin' yourself into so much trouble." Dallas shrugged as he walked over to the couch. He hasn't come here to get patched up in awhile, so that he wouldn't cause Darry anymore stress then he was already in. As much as he hated to admit it, he really did care about Darry.

"What brings ya here, anyways? It's been more than a month since you've showed up after a fight. Usually ya just head back to Bucks." Dallas didn't want to tell him the truth. He didn't want people to think he'd gone soft. He was Dallas Winston, the farthest thing from that. He was cold as ice.

The truth was he didn't want to be alone right now. He wanted to be around someone, preferably Darry. Darry just understood him in a way no one else really did.

But there was also something else he wouldn't even admit to himself. He didn't know what it was, he just knew it was something.

"Dal?" Darry asked again, because he didn't receive an answer the first time.

Dally lied a lot, but he didn't really want to lie right now. There was a lot of things he didn't understand.

"I don't wanna be alone right now." Sally said as he looked up. Him and Darry made eye contact for a few seconds before Darry looked away.

"I'm gonna go get the first aid kit." Darry mumbled as he walked into the kitchen. Dallas wondered if he could tell how he really felt, even if he wasn't completely sure himself.

A few seconds later Darry came back with the first aid kit, sitting next to Dally on the couch. They were so close, Dally felt the urge to kiss him. He didn't act on it, though. He didn't know how Darry would react. He would probably kick him out of his house and never speak to him again.

"Let me just take care of ya, Dal. Ya look pretty beat up." Darry suggested and Dally nodded. Darry started cleaning up the blood, causing Dally to wince.

"Sorry." Darry said, but he knew it would only hurt more if it didn't get cleaned. After a few minutes he was done, and Dally looked kind of mad because of the pain.

Darry didn't know why he did it, but he did. He gently brushed his thumb across Dally's bottom lip. Dallys eyes widened and he felt his heart start beating a thousand times faster. Oddly enough, he liked this. A lot.

Darry took Dally's shocked expression as a sign he should stop, but as soon as he put his arm down and tried to pull away, Dally grabbed his wrists and pulled him back down, kissing him.

The kiss was rough, but also passionate and for once, Dally actually felt something. He had never felt...fireworks...with any of the broads he's been with. Not even Sylvia. Darry has had girlfriends before, but none of them made him feel like Dally did.

He realized he did have feelings towards Dally. Obviously, he wouldn't kiss anyone he didn't have feelings for. Dally realized the same thing. Darry was different from everyone else, and now he was his.

Dally lay down on the couch, making Darry straddle him. Darry leaned down and started kissing his neck, causing Dally to slightly moan. This was defiantly going to leave a mark.

The kisses got rougher as Darry started gently biting, so he had to stop because Ponyboy and Johnny could probably hear Dally's moaning, if they weren't asleep already. They didn't want want to have to explain what the hell was going on. Knowing Ponyboy, he'd finally have something to tease them about and they wouldn't hear the end of it.

Darry sat back up on the couch normally, and Dally got up too and leaned on Darry. Darry smiled and wrapped his arm around Dally, finally feeling happy.

Dally leaned up and kissed him again, this time more softly. Darry kissed him back with just as much passion as before.

That's when Dally knew, he would never have to be alone.

Dallas Winston was in fact ice cold. But in the right hands, he would melt.


A/N : welp 😂 I hope everyone had a nice day

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