Nightmare // Johnnyboy

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A/N : this prompt seems pretty accurate too


Johnny and Ponyboy were the only members of the gang at the Curtises. Soda was out with Steve, Dally was in jail again, Two-Bit was out with Marcia, and Darry had to work later than usual. Ponyboy was already asleep, and Johnny just sat on the couch, not feeling that tired. His parents kicked him out again, and Darry made him come stay here since it was starting to get really cold outside. Johnny felt like he was being a burden, but everyone always assured him he wasn't.

It was completely quiet, Johnny alone with his thoughts. He was thinking about Ponyboy. He had been in love with him since the whole Windrixville situation. Once he saw those Socs trying to drown Ponyboy, he knew he had to save him, no matter what he had to do. He realized that Ponyboy was the love of his life and the only reason he was still alive. So he killed that guy for him. He ran away with him, continued to make sacrifices for him, and fell even deeper in love with him. They held each other when they cried, fell asleep in each other's arms, they did everything together. Hell, Ponyboy even pushed him out of the way in the church fire. Johnny had broke his arm, and had pretty serious burns, but the doctor told him he probably would've died if Ponyboy didn't save him.

His arm was healed now, and the burns weren't there as much. No one really noticed. The whole thing was a month ago, anyways.

And yes, Johnny fell in love with Ponyboy. He loved him more than he loved himself. He wasn't sure if Ponyboy felt the same, he thought he liked Cherry. He couldn't blame him, Cherry was a real nice girl. Her, Randy, and Marcia all put money together so Johnny wouldn't have to go to jail.

But still...Johnny wanted Ponyboy to like him back. Not Cherry.

Johnny's thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream coming from the bedroom. Obviously it was Ponyboy, he was the only other one here. Johnny didn't waste a second as he ran into the bedroom, only to find Ponyboy still halfway asleep, but screaming. It looked like he was having a nightmare.

Johnny wasn't sure what to do, Ponyboy never had nightmares when they were up in the church, or any other time they slept in the same room. Johnny thought about it for only a second before deciding what to do.

He climbed on the bed and gently shook Ponyboy, causing him to fully wake up. When he did, he was sobbing and breathing too fast. Johnny wrapped his arms around him in a comforting way. Ponyboy hugged Johnny back, squeezing him tight. Johnny was shocked Ponyboy was hugging back so tight, he was pretty sure he'd never been hugged so tightly by anyone before.

Ponyboy was still sobbing and breathing heavily, so Johnny reluctantly started stroking his hair and saying things to try and calm him down.

"Shh, it's okay. It was only a bad dream. It ain't real. Its gonna be okay. I'm right here." Ponyboy finally stopped sobbing and started breathing normally. Johnny really was comforting him.

"T-thanks Johnnycake." Ponyboy mumbled and broke away only a little, but Johnny's arms were still around him. Ponyboy was blushing now, and hopefully Johnny would notice. Ponyboy had been in love with him ever since Johnny got jumped by those Socs, and felt the need to protect him from anything. He wanted to tell him so bad, but he was too afraid. He was at the point where he wanted to tell him so bad, and holding it in was making him go crazy.

"What was the dream about?" Johnny asked, knowing he usually forgot them. Sometimes he did remember them, though. They were usually about his parents. Well, Ponyboy did remember this nightmare and it wasn't about his parents. He figures he should tell Johnny.

"I-It was back at the church. I-I didn't save ya and...oh god. You died...and I lost ya! I can't lose ya!" Ponyboy said as he started sobbing into Johnny's arms again. Johnny was shocked, but held him again.

"It's gonna be okay...I ain't goin' nowhere. I'm stayin' right here and ya ain't ever gonna lose me, alright?" Before he could stop himself, Johnny gently kissed his forehead. Johnny was scared Ponyboy was going to push him off and yell at him, but Ponyboy only buried his face deeper into Johnny's chest. Maybe he thought nothing of it.

"I love you..." Ponyboy said as he sobbed harder, realizing what she just said. Johnny's eyes widened at this and Ponyboy broke away from his arms and moved to the other side of the bed. He was scared Johnny was going to hate him.

"Wait, really? You mean it?" Johnny asked, and he saw Ponyboy nod in the dark.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it." Ponyboy had his back turned, scared Johnny was going to leave. His breath hitched when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.

"Aw, don't be sorry, Pone. I love ya too." Ponyboy's eyes widened and he turned around, not wasting anymore time. He almost lost Johnny, and he didn't want to risk losing him again. Especially without him knowing how he felt.

Ponyboy gently pressed his lips against Johnny's, the first kiss for both of them. It was only a peck and with no tongue, since they were both equally inexperienced.

"B-be my boyfriend?" Ponyboy nervously asked, and in response Johnny kissed him again. This time it was longer.

"Come on, Ponybaby. You should get some sleep. Ya look tired." Ponyboy blushed at his new nickname. Johnny kisses him again and started to get up, but Ponyboy pulled him back down.

"Can ya stay here and cuddle with me? I think I sleep better next to ya." Johnny nodded and they both lay down on the bed, Johnny holding Ponyboy in his arms like he always wanted. He couldn't believe this was real.

Ponyboy fell asleep almost instantly, resting his head on Johnny's chest and listening to his heartbeat. Johnny fell asleep a few minutes later, holding Ponyboy close.

That's how Darry found them when he got him. He smiled at the two and went to sleep, ready to tease them about it tomorrow. Soda would just have to sleep on the couch tonight.


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