Chapter 5

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We were about to go on stage and it was an awkward silence between me Taeyong since last week with that whole incident. We were waiting to go on when suddenly the director told us the show was cancelled today.

Director: I'm really sorry we had to cancel today so all the artist who were going to perform today are heading to restaurant and since you guys didn't have a van planned since we forgot to mention it, do any of you know how to drive?

Seulgi&Taeyong: I do!
Director:'s the key you guys can figure it out.

He left faster than fucking speedy Gonzalez. We looked at each other and since I had the keys in my hand I started running towards to get to the car first so I can drive I'm surprised I can run in these heels. All I hear is Taeyong yelling after me.

Seulgi: NO!

I feel him closer behind me then I feel his arm wrapped around my waist... I got caught. Then he yanked the keys out of my hand. Still holding on to me I was practically hanging with a grumpy face on.

Seulgi: Fuck.
Taeyong: I'm driving.

We get in the car and started following the vans from behind to the restaurant since we didn't know what restaurant. It was quiet so I decided to turn on the radio. I stared out the window and it was gloomy it was going to start raining. My hands were resting on my lap clasped together. I feel Taeyong's hand hold my hand and started caressing it. I look up at him and he was focused on the road.

Seulgi: Taeyong.....
Taeyong: Don't talk, I just need to focus.

Okay, but did he really need to caress my hand like that?

I stay quiet and look back at his hand holding mine. It doesn't feel right especially after I got out of a relationship, but this kind of felt nice. It started raining and heavy traffic came in too. We were gonna be stuck here for a while.

Taeyong: *sigh* Can you call anyone to see how far the restaurant is.
Seulgi: I don't have any of the staff's Numbers.
Taeyong: Do you have ANY of the the artists numbers who were at buildings?
Seulgi: um...who was there? Oh wait! Baekhyun was there!
-Call with Baekhyun-


Baekhyun! Hi it's me Seulgi!

Oh! Hello! What can I help you with?

What restaurant is it that we are going to and how far is it?

Ah let me ask my manager. We are going to Xxxxxx and since traffic just hit it's gonna be a while so I don't know how long it will be.

Oh okay...thank you, Baekhyun.

Quick question. Who are you with your group wasn't even performing today.

Oh I'm the MC for the show and I'm with Taeyong he's driving since we didn't have a van.

Oh that sucks Chanyeol really wishes you were in our van.

I heard a giggling in the background and then I hear chanyeol scolding Baekhyun.

Ah Chanyeol?

It's a joke Well if you want when we get to the restaurant you can sit with us if there is any room with the seats.

Thank you again! We'll see you!


Taeyong: I didn't know you and Chanyeol were close.
Seulgi: we aren't which is what I found weird as to why he said that.
Taeyong: *scoffs* Probably has a crush on you.
Seulgi: Who knows...
Taeyong: You're thinking whether he likes you or not, huh?
Seulgi: Is it noticable?
Taeyong: No shit.

Why is he mad at the fact that I may or may not have hoes?

He let go of my hand and put it back on the steering wheel. He's mad at me again. Why? It's not like he likes me like that anyway. He just wants someone to fulfill his desires, right? Well I'm not that person to do it. I look at him and he has his serious blunt face on as always. I suddenly get a notification from my phone. It was a text.....from Chanyeol. Taeyong scoffs and rolls his eyes at me.

Taeyong: well aren't you going to answer it.
Seulgi: Huh? Oh...I guess.
Texting Chanyeol:

Hey don't listen to Baekhyun he's just being a dick to everyone.

Oh um okay.

You didn't think I liked you or anything right?

No! Yeah! I mean why would you we barely know eachother.

Yeah sorry about that again

it's okay


Seulgi: Oh thank God!
Taeyong: what?

He gave me the most annoyed tone ever. I finally snapped he started getting on my nerves.

Seulgi: What's your problem! You've been being a dick all day!
Taeyong: aren't I always?
Seulgi: Yes! But not like that! You need to get your shit together and stop being a bitch!

He stepped on the gas then looked right back at me with such hate. Instead of following the the van he exited the freeway and started heading the opposite direction.

Seulgi: Where are we going?
Taeyong: Home.
Seulgi: what? Why?
Taeyong: Because I don't want to go to the restaurant anymore.
Seulgi: why? Because of what I said? Well It's true!

He stopped at a gas station and was getting out of the car. I grab his wrist and pull him back in.

Seulgi: what are you doing? Where are you going?
Taeyong: You can drive right? You can go on your own where ever the fuck you want! I'll take a cab!

I should've just let him go, why? because I was mad and annoyed at the fact that he was mad, but I don't exactly know what possessed me to say...

Seulgi: Don't go...

He looked at me with an empathetic look and it went back to a serious one.

Taeyong: Fine, but we're going back home.
Seulgi: Okay....

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