Chapter 20

501 15 6

I spaced out and not realizing this isn't a dream. We were in the ER almost all of NCT were here and it was just me and Irene. We were waiting for 2 hours already until the doctor came out.

Dr: who is here for Taeyong Lee?
All: Me!
Dr: Oh wow there are quite a few of you. So we'll move somewhere else where everyone can stay there.

We moved into a private lounge.

Dr: So Taeyong is currently good at the moment.

We all sigh of relief.

Dr: His brain didn't tell his muscles to function properly so that made him get a sleep apnea. Do you guys happen to know what he does for a living to know what could've cause this?
Manager: I'm his manager we can speak privately.
Dr: Of Course. You may all go in to see him, but go into small groups to prevent it being overcrowded.

I go sit down on a couch and just sit there silently. Suddenly taeil comes and sits next to me.

Taeil: He'll be fine, Seulgi.
Seulgi: Why did this suddenly happen?
Taeil: Kept overworking himself during practice. I guess he isn't doing so well in general.
Seulgi: What do you mean?
Taeil: He's been struggling lately and hasn't been too cheerful. In his sleep he tends to cry in pain and we don't know why. He overthinks too much and well we keep catching him almost hurting himself.
Seulgi: W..What?
Taeil: if he sees something wrong, he's not satisfied with himself and tends to work harder when he shouldn't. He doesn't even eat properly
Seulgi: I don't know what to say or think.
Taeil: Take your time to let that sink in.
Irene: seulgi we're next cmon.
Seulgi: I'll go in last....
Irene: Okay...

After the others have already gone to see him I go in last. I walk in nervously and see him scrolling through the phone. He looks up and smiles at me.

Taeyong: Hey. I didn't know you came.
Seulgi: Hey....
Taeyong: oh c'mon don't look sad
Seulgi: I was very worried you know?
Taeyong: I'm sorry...

He looks down and I go up to him then hold his hand.

Seulgi: Don't be sorry. Taeil told me everything.
Taeyong: He what?
Seulgi: If you're mad you shouldn't be. I'm glad he told me. I just want to say don't overwork yourself if someone tells you it's good believe them. If you need a shoulder to cry on I'm one call away.

Taeyong was in tears not sobbing but just tears streaming and seeing him made me tear up as well making me cry more than him.

Seulgi: please....please....don't hurt yourself...because as much as it hurts you it hurts me....please think of me....when you have the urge to....just please don't do it anymore....

He just closed his eyes and nodded. I go in for a hug and kiss his cheek lightly.

Taeyong: Go home and get cleaned up.
Seulgi: I'm coming back after.
Taeyong: You don't have to I'm being released today.
Seulgi: oh okay then.

I say my goodbye and leave. I get home, shower, get dressed, and head out for a meeting that was planned for Inkigayo. We get to the station only to see the director, Taeyong and Jeonghan? I was so confused as to why he was here.

Director: As to an emergency meeting. I called you all here to welcome Jeonghan as a new MC in replacement of Taeyong.
Seulgi: I'm sorry replacement?
Taeyong: It's just temporary doctor said I can't do any sort of activity that I need to rest.
Director: Ah yes it's temporary he'll only be filling in for Taeyong.
Seulgi: Oh okay.
Director: I was going to have Seungmin do it, but he is currently on tour.

Jeonghan: when do we get our scripts?
Director: you get them the day of the show.
Jeonghan: Ah okay. I'm kind of nervous.
Director: Nothing to be nervous about it's all normal. Now go home and rest Inkigayo is in two days from now.

The Director leaves and now it's just the three of us here.

Jeonghan: I guess we're team from now on Seulgi!
Seulgi: Ah yeah a team.

I could tell Taeyong was upset to hear that.

Seulgi: Anyways we gotta go now so he can go rest up.
Jeonghan: oh okay hope you get better soon.
Taeyong: Mhm...

I quickly drag him out and we leave.

Taeyong: I don't like the fact that he has to be your partner.
Seulgi: Don't worry just until you recover than you can come back as an MC.
Taeyong: Than my ass better recover fast.

I chuckle and I hug him lightly.

Taeyong: What's with the awkward hug?
Seulgi: I don't know....
Taeyong: What you think you're going to break me? I'm just a little tired not fragile.
Seulgi: I know but still.
Taeyong: Whatever.

~3 weeks later~

It's been a week and fans are already calling us a couple. Taeyong isn't happy about it either. We ignored it as best as we could. Fans know I'm dating Taeyong but choose to ship me with others as well. We were backstage and the director comes up to us.

Director: A lot of the fans are really liking you two as a pair maybe you two should become a power couple instead of you and Taeyong.

He said as a joke suddenly we hear someone clear their throat. We turn to see Taeyong glaring at the Director.

Taeyong: I'm all better so that fantasy you have won't happen.

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