Chapter 11

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She sits on her bed and I sit next to her. I hold her hand and she takes it away from me. That hurt honestly, so I hug her instead and she tries pushing me away. She was struggling so she stopped.

Taeyong: She came on to me.
Seulgi: How can I believe you?
Taeyong: In the interview she was asked if she was in a relationship she said no after she got rejected by me. When I was asked I said was seeing someone meaning you. I didn't say you specifically because I know we aren't in a relationship yet.
Seulgi: Taeyon-
Taeyong: She kissed me and I pushed her away, you just happened to walk in at the wrong time. Seulgi, I can't wait anymore. I want to be with you.

She looks at me frowning and cups both my cheeks.

Seulgi: I want to be with you too, but I don't know if it's too soon.
Taeyong: You and I are close, too close. You like me and I like you. I don't think it's too soon. It's been almost a month I don't think anyone is going to care it doesn't have to go public. If people happen to see us together oh well that's how they can find out. So please say yes. I need you right now.

I was so happy I couldn't contain myself. I kissed her and that kiss got into a deep passionate make out. I go down to her neck and give her kisses.

Seulgi: w-wait don't give me hickeys.
Taeyong: Oops too late.

I left a small one on her collarbone. I was smirking at her she looked at me with a mean face.

Taeyong: Aw don't look at me like that.
Seulgi: How am I going to hide this from my members and my manager!
Taeyong: Hey hey relax you have long hair hide it that way.

I kiss her again, but this time she pushed me away. I was thinking she didn't want to, but instead she got on top of me kissing me and giving me a hickey, but it's noticable.

Taeyong: What the fuck?
Seulgi: that's what you get.
Taeyong: At least I did it where no one can see it. You on the other hand gave it to me where everyone can see! At least do it on my chest next time!

I lean her back on the bed and take of her top.

Seulgi: What why how when where?!?!

I kiss her all over her chest while her hand was on my hair stroking it. I kiss her going down her body and stopped at the waist where here pants were in the way. I was unbuttoning them, but Seulgi stops me.

Seulgi: Wait!
Taeyong: What's wrong?
Taeyong: If you're not ready...we don't have to you know?
Seulgi: Yeah...I mean no! I want to! Just a little nervous and insecure.
Taeyong: Insecure about what?
Seulgi: My body....
Taeyong: *sigh* you don't need to be insecure about your body. You're beautiful inside and out.

She nods and I continue to remove her pants I noticed her panties were wet and I got hard. I look up at her smiling as I take off her panties.
Seulgi's POV:

I was so nervous when he took my panties off. I couldn't help, but keep my legs closed. He laid his hands out on my thighs and slowly opened them. He rubbed his thumb against my clit and then licked it. He started to place his mouth on it going at a circular motion making soft moans come out of me. Suddenly he puts a finger in me making me shriek. After a while he added two which made my back arch off the bed. When he took them out, I was at loss without his touch. He started to unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants whipping out d**k. He put it near my face signaling me to blow him. Which I did but it was all new to me. This was my first time doing anything like this so I was a bit more nervous. I grab and put it in my mouth and start sucking he throws his head back in pleasure. He places it at my entrance and slowly puts it in. I lean back gasping for air as I feel it going in. It hurt at first, but he was going at a slow pace which made it pleasurable. He was leaving hickeys on my chest as he was increasing the speed in his thrusting making me moaning mess. I moaned out "I'm Cumming!!" Repeatedly. He takes it out and cums on my stomach. He rests beside me and I'm completely red from this whole thing.

Seulgi: I'm going to go shower in Irene's shower you can shower in mine.
Taeyong: or how about stop being fucking shy and shower with me.
Seulgi: I don't know...
Taeyong: Oh come on We're both naked already so wtf.
Seulgi: Taeyon-
Taeyong: Why don't you want to shower with me? I mean we already had sex what wrong with doing a round 2?
Seulgi: Taeyong!
Taeyong: Fine no round 2, but please shower with me.

Without a word I go into my bathroom and start showering. For like about 5 minutes I feel arms around my waist hugging me. Taeyong stuffed his face on my crooked neck and kisses it repeatedly. He puts me against the cold wall and attacks my chest once again. He stopped and hugged me tightly we stayed like that for a while. I finish getting showered while Taeyong stayed in there showered himself. I change in some shorts and a hoodie I lay in my bed under the covers and relax. Taeyong comes out and lays next to me. He brings me closer to him and I snuggle into his arms.

Taeyong: So does this mean I can call you my girlfriend from now on?
Seulgi: Yeah I guess...
Taeyong: "I guess"?

He has a questioning look on his face. kind of like he's upset on my choice of words

Seulgi: I mean yeah you can I'm just getting used to this new relationship you know?
Taeyong: You were in a relationship before so why are you acting so weird about it?
Seulgi: I guess because I fell for and now dating my bully.

It hit him once I said that and he instantly sat up then turned to me. He held my hands and starts to beg for my forgiveness.

Taeyong: Seulgi I'm really sorry! I really am!
Seulgi: Why did you bully me though?
Taeyong: I bullied you because I didn't want to look like the weak one, you were easy to pick on so I started bullying you.
Seulgi: *sigh* Taeyong there was so many ways to not look like a weak person.
Taeyong: I know and I was stupid teenager I'm really sorry Seulgi. I know I'm a terrible person, but please forgive.
Seulgi: I know you bullied me and I know you meant the things you said. Sometimes there's second chances and I'll forgive you because the past is the past and we have to forget that.

He bit his bottom lip nervously and slammed his lips against mine and suddenly hear an awkward cough. We turn around and see Irene and Johnny standing at the door. They both walk in.

Irene: I said talk to her not eat her face off.
Johnny: Ah Irene now you're just overreacting.
Taeyong: We talked I explained and she understood.
Irene: Hmm alright then. Listen you and your members are welcome to our place whenever.
Johnny: Thank you Irene, but Taeyong and I have to go!
Taeyong: Where are we going?
Johnny: We.Are.Going.To.SM
Taeyong: Why?
Johnny: Don't ask let's go.

He grabbed Taeyong by his collar and dragged him out.

Seulgi: Oh- Bye?

Irene and I laugh out loud suddenly the rest of the girls come in.

Yeri: How was it?
Seulgi: How was what?
Wendy: Oh sweetie I know you just lost your virginity so how was it?
Seulgi: Huh? Oh! Um good...
Joy: Ooohhh
Seulgi: Oh shut up!
Taeyong's POV:

Johnny dragged me in the dorm and I see the rest of the members there literally all 21 of them.

Doyoung: How did it go?
Taeyong: How did what go?
Haechan: Nasty as fuck don't say it like that!
Lucas: How else am I suppose to say it? How was it when your were clapping her che-
Sicheng: ANYWAYS!! Really how did it go though?
Taeyong: It was great.
Jungwoo: I want chips.
Taeil: I swear you're always fucking hungry.

I roll my eyes at them arguing and then sit down with them and turn on the TV.

Taeyong: What are we watching today, Jisung?
Jisung: *gasp* I get to choose?
Renjun: He always gets to choose!
Chenle: Let him! you chose last night!
Jaemin: Oh both of you be quiet!
Jeno: I never get to choose....
Ten: Can you guys please shut up it's not a big deal!
Mark: I'm getting water melon.
Johnny: I'm getting coffee.
Yuta: Sicheng come with me to get drinks yeah?
Sicheng: yup.
Kun: Yangyang put the vase down! Xiaojun: Is it always like this?
Hendery: I don't know we just debuted bro.
Jaehyun:*sigh* why can't they all be normal?
Taeyong: I wouldn't fucking know.
Jisung: Ow Haechan stop!
Kun: Stop you're going to kill him!

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