Chapter 7

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Once he said that, he made me face him while still holding me by my waist.

Seulgi: Taey-
Taeyong: Shhh Just let me do this for a little bit.

He picked me up and placed me on the table. He tried to kiss me, but I kept inching myself away when he got closer. He started scratching the back of his head in frustration and decided to let me go. He sighs and storms out the door. I quickly put my shirt on and sit there thinking what could've happened there. I'm walking down the street and decided to get a coffee to get my mind off things. I was around the corner of the apartment building when I started getting cat called by some drunks. One of them decided to grab my wrist so I turn around and slap them.

???: Ouch! You bitch!
Seulgi: Taeyong?!
Taeyong: yes it's me surprised?
Seulgi: you fucking scared me!
Taeyong: well next time don't walk alone in the middle of the fucking night!
Seulgi: How else was I supposed to get home?
Taeyong: hmm idk? A fucking cab smart one!

He kept scolding me as we were walking.

Seulgi: why are you still out anyways you left before me?
Taeyong: I went to the convenience store and saw your dumbass alone.
Seulgi: Okay okay! Can you stop yelling at me now!
Taeyong: next time take a cab!
Seulgi: ugh why do you care!

He stopped walking and started thinking sarcastically again.

Taeyong: two things could've happened. 1 You could've gone missing and I would've been interrogated. 2 instead of interrogation I'm a suspect!
Seulgi: omg relax nothing could've happened!
Taeyong: I swear you're so stupid!

We got to the elevator and right before the doors closed someone ran in.

Man: I'm sorry to barge in like that haha!
Seulgi: it's fine
Man: you're very pretty. you seem like my type. Could I get your number by any chance?
Seulgi: oh no sorry haha..
Man: Oh c'mon it's just your number we can start as friends.
Seulgi: I'm sorry, but no thank you.
Man: C'mon you don't have a boyfriend do you?
Seulgi: I do-

Suddenly I feel an arm around my waist Taeyong pulled me closer to him then placing his hand back on the railing behind me. He didn't bother to even speak he just kept his gaze looking forward.

Man: Hey man that's disrespectful! You shouldn't touch a girl like that!
Taeyong: what's disrespectful is you, pushing her to give you her number when she said no. Here's s a Tip don't pick up girls like that don't be so straight forward all the time. It won't work with just any girl.
Man: Who are you to tell me what to do?!
Taeyong: I'm just me. Seulgi get off here this is your floor.
Seulgi: oh thank you.
Man: it's my floor too maybe I can walk you to your place?
Taeyong: for fuck sake.

Taeyong grabbed my arm and dragged me off the elevator. He walked me all the way to my place.

Seulgi: Thank you....

Taeyong just rolled his eyes.

Taeyong: Whatever. Just be careful
Seulgi: See you tomorrow?
Taeyong: yeah. Bye.

He started walking away. I was looking through my bag to for my keys. I couldn't find them so I tried calling all of the girls and none answered. I called my manager and he didn't answer either. Shit what am I gonna do now? I decided to dial Taeyong's number since he was the only one in this building besides Vernon.

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