Chapter 6

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The ride home was intense I guess I was being a little bit too much for him to handle. Did I annoy him in a way because I didn't even do anything.

~Time skip to a week later~

In a couple days we're all flying to Hong Kong for MAMA. I have to do a special performance dance with Taeyong and another one with My group and NCT 127 too so it's going to be hectic. We're meeting up today with the choreographer to teach us the moves, but before going to the dance room we decided to get everyone drinks. We get to the dance room and see the others stretching and getting ready.

Seulgi: Guys! we got coffee and milk tea! They're 7 milk teas and 8 coffee drinks!
Doyoung: Thank so much!
Jungwoo: what kind of milk tea is it?
Seulgi: I think Oolong.
Johnny: *talking to mark* My dad knew I liked beans and he was just playing with beans, he dropped it, and then dropped it on a rock and then it slid, and then hot water started falling and then Coffee!
Mark: *dying in the back*

Everyone is stretching until the choreographer gets here. I was trying to stretch my leg out like Irene she had her foot on Yeri's shoulder and joy was doing the same with Wendy so I didn't have a partner. Then Taeyong came in rolling around.

Taeyong: Thank you for the drinks by the way.
Seulgi: Oh you're welcome it's no problem.
Taeyong: Your waiting for one of them, huh?
Seulgi: ah uh yeah.
Taeyong: do want to do it with me?
Seulgi: huh?!
Taeyong: not like that weirdo I mean do want to stretch using me?
Seulgi: oh um you wouldn't mind?
Taeyong: I wouldn't be Offering if I did.
Seulgi: Thank you!
-no POV-

Seulgi started raising her leg high and placed it on Taeyong's shoulder he was a little taller so it was steeper for her that she almost fell back, but Taeyong caught her by her arm while he had one hand placed on the leg on his shoulder. She switched legs and they both didn't realize that everyone in the room was staring at them.

Taeyong: what?
Johnny: I don't think y'all should stretch when it comes to one like that.
Taeyong: Wh- Oooooh shiit.

He put Seulgi's leg down quickly, but she still didn't quiet understand the whole reason why until joy whispered it into her ear.

Seulgi: omg!
Yeri: since when did you two get that close to even do that?
Seulgi: well we've been working together for a while now. I guess we didn't think much of it.
Taeyong: Trust me I don't even like her.
Seulgi: Asshole no one even asked...
Taeyong: Hey I'm just making it clear for everyone!
Irene: Alright quit it! The choreographer is here!

They started practicing and trying to memorize the choreo. It took 3 days to remember it so they met up with everyone everyday to practice. Then came the part where Seulgi and Taeyong had to learn their choreography.

Choreographer: Then Taeyong when she goes to the right you slide your hand down from her back to her bottom.
Taeyong: *chokes* I'm sorry what?
Choreographer: Mhm

Once they learned the full dance they started meeting up as well to practice before heading to Hong Kong.
Seulgi's Pov:

I was heading inside the practice room and noticed no one was in there. I sit on a block in the room waiting. I guess I came to early then I hear the door open and see Taeyong coming in.

Taeyong: Alright let's do this.
Seulgi: I brought you coffee...
Taeyong: Oh..thanks.
Seulgi: Wai-

He grabbed the drink and started taking a sip from it.

Taeyong: Why is it so sweet?
Seulgi: Because...that was my drink....
Taeyong: oh I'm sorry... anyways let's start.

We started practicing for hours until we realized it got dark. We took a little break Taeyong went to the bathroom and I sit while checking my phone it was 7 pm. Taeyong came out and started the song again signaling me to start.

Taeyong: a little more practice and then we can go home.

~Time skip 12am~

Taeyong: alright I think it's time to go home.
Seulgi: okay Great because if I kept dancing I think I might have actually collapsed.

I started gathering my things I heard the door close so me thinking he left already. I decided to change my shirt quickly, but I felt hands on my waist holding me close to their body. Their cold hands against my bare skin sent shivers down my spine. I turn my head to the right to see Taeyong behind me.

Seulgi: Taeyong! What are you doing!
Taeyong: Now you see...This is where you fucked up and not me.

How about you just fuck me up? Man ... conscious shut the hell up.

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