The New Kid

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I was on my way to my new school, nervous. I had moved in a month ago and enrolled. It was the first time I was ever living on my own, I’ve always been a kind of momma’s boy because she always understands me. I’ve been getting calls from her nonstop since I left our town. If I’m Honest I didn’t mind the calls because I also missed her. She had helped me find and place to live and we were able to find one pretty close to the school.

Because my house was so close and the fact that I have to car I decided to walk to school. The weather was cool and moist from the rain yesterday. The smell of dew on the grass and the sound of occasional cars in the distance driving by was calming.

The quiet nature of the town was what drew me to it in te first place. I like being quiet because it keeps trouble from happening. This town in a way is like the same. There hasn’t been any huge thing that happened here so not many people know of it, that makes it perfect for me.

I was wearing my pastel pink knitted sweater with White shorts that just barely peeked through the bottom. My sneakers were all white and had doodles of moomin on them that I had done one day when I was bored. My back pink was white with gold accents. My hair was done neatly and looked nice, I was proud of my outfit. I had worked hard on planning it so I’m glad it turned out the way I wanted.

Once the school came into I started to get excited and began to skip the rest of the way. I reach the front of the school and as if automatically all eyes were on me, and not in a good way. I stopped in my tracks and clutched the straps on my backpack. I guess I didn’t think about the fact that since it was a small town, a new kid would stick out like a sore thumb. I continued to walk but as I was making the never ending trek to the front door I started to tune in to the whispers.

“Ew what the fuck is he wearing,”

“I swear I have that exact pink sweater,”

“Are those his sisters clothes,”

“Is it a dare?”

“He looks like a girl,”

“What a fag,”

The last one made me blush with complete embarrassment. I began to rush into the school, but inside it was a lot worst.

“Look at him,”

“OMG he is not wearing that forreal,”

“Is that a boy?”

“Who let a fairy into school,”

“You know he shops in the girl’s section in stores. Gross,”

I looked around for the nearest escape and saw a bathroom. I Booked it whilst still gaining the glares of every person in the hall. Once in the bathroom I walked to the farthest mirror from the door. The bathroom was neat with a clean and sleek design. I stared into the mirror and into my own eyes. I didn’t like my outfit so much anymore. I wanted to go home and start a new the next day but I’m already here so let's do this.

I sat there for a while longer, not realizing that the bell had already rung. I was trying to muster up all of the courage that I had, which wasn’t a lot. I eventually was about to gain enough to walk out of the bathroom. There was barely anybody in the hallway, only a few people remained but they didn’t fail to do a few doubletakes.

I walked over to the hallway that my first period class was supposed to be in. I was able to find the room labeled =Class 127, Math= I knocked softly on the door and soon enough it opened. The teacher stepped out into the hall and close the door behind him. He stopped dead as he stared at me. His eyes traveled up and down me with a confused and almost Gross out expression. I went stiff and looked at the cream and white tiles of the hallway flooring. “Yes,” he finally spoke, after realizing he was staring. “Um I’m new and I think this might be m-my class s-sir,” I said quietly. He paused then smiled brightly. “Oh, you must be Huang Renjun,” he said. I nodded still not looking up. “My name is Mr. Soo. did you get lost on your way here, the school isn’t very large so it’s strange you came so late,” He wondered aloud. “Um yes, I got lost and went down the wrong hall, I got turned around a bit, but I uh found it in the end,” I lied. I made an “Ahh,” sound and then he walked a little closer so that he should whisper to me. “Renjun I wanted to inform that I tried my hardest but the only available is next to a…. not so well-behaved student,”

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