I want him too

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@Renjun’s P.O.V@

I didn’t get in to much trouble for coming late to class since it was still only my second week here but, Mr. Soo said this was the last time he’d excuse it.

I had put the moomin plushie on my desk, proudly showing it off. There weren’t words to describe how happy I was to own such a thoughtful gift.

I found it funny how not even an hour ago I was ready to rip their heads off, and now I was back to completely geeking out over them.

I didn’t pay to much attention in class, which was probably a mistake considering I barely understand the math as it is.

My eyes were glued to my new prized posation. My smile never left my face.

The bell rang and I hopped up from my seat. I picked up all of my things, stuffed them into my backpack and Grabbed my plush.

In my next class We Jomaw came up to me. “Hey Injunnie, I didn’t seen you in the morning. Cute plushie by the way,” she said.

“Oh sorry I had to do something and didn’t get to school until late,” I lied. She nodded.

“But, um can I tell you something. A secret,” I told her. She nodded rapidly and leaned in.

“Lee Jeno gave me the plushie as a gift,” I told her.

She gasp loudly and stood in shock. “Wait, really!” she yelled.

“The scariest boy in the school gave you a gift!” she said loudly in Chinese.

I smiled and nodded. She then wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I hugged her back. “That’s crazy,” she said still encasing me in her embrace.

All of a sudden, I felt someone harshly bump into us. Pushing us apart.

“Hey-“ We Jomaw trailed off as she saw who had shoved us.

It was Na Jaemin himself.

“Oh I’m sorry were we in your way,” she said, softening her tone.

“Nope,” he said and continued to make his way to his seat.

I looked over at we Jomaw who was now smiling.

“what,” I asked.

“I’ll tell you at lunch,” she said.

After class I made my way to my locker. When I opened it There was a not stuck to a…No flipping way.


The note said. “I got you one too I guess -Jaemin,” I smiled. I picked up the second one and gave it a hug.

And you’ll never guess who it smelled like….

YUTO FROM PENTAGON- (JKJKJKJKJK. I just really love Yuto of Pentagon)

Na Jaemin.

I gave a bigger sniff. I was so happy. I was like my two favorite things in one.

I spent most of my passing period deciding on whether or not to bring them both to me next class.

I decided that I should. They make me happy so why not.

I made my way to my next class, the smells from the soft creatures filling me with happiness.

I didn’t care about the stared I was receiving. I didn’t care about the whispers. I didn’t care about anything.

All I cared about was the fact that my feelings were now completely clear.

I had the biggest crush on Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin.


Once I got into my classroom Lee Jeno looked up at me. I sat in my seat next to. I use to hate sitting so close but now I love it. 

I glanced at Jeno who I notice was staring at me, I don’t even think he knows he was staring.

I couldn’t help it. I was so happy. I don’t care if he won’t like it.

I turn to face him and give him my best smile ever. I smiled so big my eyes closed.

“Thank you so much, I know that you don’t like me very much but, it means everything to me. I love it,” I said.

It was the most sincere I’ve been in a while.

Jeno’s eyes widened for a moment but quickly he looked away.

“Umm, yeah whatever. Your welcome, don’t talk to me,” he said.

Even though his words were harsh I didn’t feel upset or brushed off by them. In fact, I began to smile at them.

I picked up the plushie that Na Jaemin gifted me and gave it a sniff. The strong comforting scent filled me with love.

I then pick up the first one that I had receive and did the same.

Something about their fragrances make my heart flutter.


Jaemin’s POV

I was walking to my class when I feel someone grab my arm.

“Jaemin~ah, go for it,” said Jeno.

I gave him a puzzled look. What is he talking about? Go for what?

“What do you mean baby?” I asked.

He looked me straight and spoke clearly.

“I want Renjun too,”
Heyy lovelies how are you all
I hope you are enjoying the story it is really fun to right.
Anyway I'll be leaving now
θK@¥ B¥€


♡Ours~and~only~ours♡  /NoRenMin FanFic/Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang