Falling for you

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My next class was computer science and luckily neither Lee Jeno nor Na Jaemin were in this class, but neither was We Jomaw sadly.

I walked in very slowly and people grave me this grossed-out look, except for this one small group of boys.

They were all about my height but I was still smallest. Instead of staring at me, they smiled at me and waved. I waved back and went to find a seat.

“Um hi,” said a voice behind me.

I turned around to see a boy with tan skin, pretty rainbow hair and a bright smile.

“I’m Haechan, are you new here,” he asked.

I nod and start to smile too. “Yeah I just moved here,” I said.

“Well you can sit with me and my friends if you want,” He said.

“Um ok then,” I spoke and followed him over to a group of desk.

One of the desks were opened, my desk mate was a small fair skinned boy. He had bright blue hair and a very young face, he looked 12 if you ask me. He smiled and waved at me.

“Hi, My name is Park Jisung I hope we can get along,” he said and I bowed as well.

“I’m Huang Renjun I just moved here from China and I hope we can get along also,” I said.

He smiled again and we sat down.

“Oh, so your Chinese?” Jisung asked. I hummed in response.

“Can I tell you a secret?” he said. I nodded.

“There’s this person I have a crush on and their also Chinese,” He said.

“ahh I see,” I said.

“But there’s a catch,” he said rubbing his nape

“What?” I asked curious

“umm it’s uhm,” he paused, I guess he was second guessing telling me. I don’t blame him, we just met.

He took a deep breath, “He’s a boy, and his name is Chenle,” He confessed.

I stood there in shock, I didn’t expect that Jisung would like boys in the same way I do.

“Please don’t think I’m a freak please,” he pleaded

“No, I’m uhm I know exactly what you mean,” I said. His eyes widened in excitement.

“No way, are you gay too,” he asked.

“Yes, I am,” I answered smiling at him.

“Yaay,” Haechan said, over hearing our conversation

“That’s great because we all are, nobody knows though because we’d be outcasted more than we already are,” Haechan explains. “But you seem to be afraid to show it off, I mean you look adorable,” he cooed.

“Thank you,” I said and bowed.

These boys seemed like nice. I hope we can be friend

The Rest of class we spent just talking about each other and crushes and stuff. Apparently Haechan has this big crush of a boy named Lee minhyung but he goes by Mark I think.

Either way it was really fun. We got along really well and became friends quickly.

Jisung had invited me to sit at their lunch table so I accepted. After class we started to walk to the lunchroom.

On our way there Jisung started picking on Haechan about his crush on Mark and so Haechan started chasing him down the hallway.

I giggled and chased after them. It would’ve been great if my butt was paying attention to where I was running.

Before I knew what was happening I flew straight into Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin. WHAT IS THIS LUCK?!

I slammed into them so hard even Lee Jeno had to regain his balance. I felt myself falling backwards.

I started to brace myself for the hard impact with the tiles but instead Once Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno noticed I was falling they both quickly put a firm hand on my back to keep me from tumbling.

I looked up a them with surprise, the eye contact Lee Jeno and I were having was unbearable, nothing different from Na Jaemin.

I quickly stumbled back onto my feet and once I was stable they removed their hands.

“I’m so so soo sorry,” I pleaded, bowing un unlimited amount of times.

“Watch where your bolting down the fucking hallway understand,’ Lee Jeno spoke firmly.

I laid my eyes on my shoes in embarrassment and nodded. How many times am I going to embarrass myself today.

“Are you Okay?” Na Jaemin asked in a worried but still hard voice.

“He’s fine,” Lee Jeno said and grabbed Na Jaemin's hand. “Let’s go,” he ordered and they were off.

I stood there bewildered. I could still feel their touch on my back.

A light shade of cherry pink dusted my cheeks as I made my way to Haechan and Jisung.

“What took you so long,” Haechan asked, his head cocked to one side in confusion.

“Don’t asked,” I answered and flopped down in a seat. Today has been one of the longest days of my life.

“Okaaay,” Haechan said, taking his seat next to me.

He rubbed my back, I felt comforted but it still doesn’t give me that same tingly feeling that I got from Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno.

Jisung took the seat to my right and laid his head on the table. I guess we’ve all had long days.

Lunch didn’t last as long as I needed it too. I was able to fit a 7 minute nap in there but I still exhausted.

I had one more class until the end of the day so I prayed that I didn’t have Lee Jeno or Na Jaemin in that class.

I think Soo Man answered my prayers because when I walked in there was no sigh of either of the beautiful boys.

I let out a sigh of relief and began to unpack my backpack.
What up peeps. I know this is any other short chapter but I promise that the next one will be longer. I LOVE YOU BAABIES BYEEE💖💖


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