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                  @Renjun’s P.O.V@

I walked into my next class and to my surprise so did Jaemin. I walked into the class and stood in a corner awkwardly.

I heard a gasp and a squeal. All of a sudden, a girl ran up to me. “OMG, I love your outfit, are you new here,” she said with a smile.

Hearing a compliment was comforting to say the least. All I’ve heard today is negative.

“T-thank you, and um yes I just moved here,” I answered. She nodded with the smile still plastered on her face. “I’m We Jomaw,” she said bowing.

“I’m Huang Renjun,” I responded bowing as well. “Where did you get that bomb outfit,” She asked.

“Um back in my home town,” I responded. “Oh, where are you from?” she asked sitting on the desk behind her. “I’m from china actually,” I explain. Her eyes widened with surprise and excitement. “No way!” she exclaimed with a smile.

“I’m from china too do you speak Chinese,” She asked in a comforting language I had missed a lot.

“Yes, I speak Chinese better than I speak Korean to be honest,” I said back, which caused her to clap in excitement.

“let's be best friends, this can be our secret language,” She said with a wink. I giggled at that.

“Ok, sure sounds like fun,” I said trying to hind my excitement.

She walked up and gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

She was a pretty Chinese girl. She had dark long hair. And a pretty face, I’d probably be attracted to her if I liked girls in that way, but I don’t. 


The bell rings and she ushered me over to sit next to her. I take my seat and soon after the teacher walked in the room.

“Good morning class,” he said. Then he looked straight at me, “I see we have a new student,” he said. I put my head down in embarrassment. I hate being notice, or put into the spotlight in anyway. “What’s your name,” he asked. The whole class turned to me and gave we weird looks. Some of them I recognized from the hallway this morning.  “Um I’m Huang- Huang Renjun,” I said.

“BOOO!” somebody shouted. I looked over to see that it was the same boy from before. Lucas, I think his name is. “Lucas shut up,” We Jomaw said glaring at him.

“Make me, why are you defending the fairy Jomaw,” he asked coldly.

“Because I’m not an asshole,” she retorted.

He gave her a dirty look then looked away. I stayed silent through the whole thing. I was grateful for her sticking up for me, she was the only person to do so. The rest of the class was ok, most people just payed attention to the teacher so I got a brake from the staring.

          Once the bell rung, I gather my stuff and hugged Jomaw goodbye before leaving. I guess I was in a rush to leave because I was one of the last people out. Before I could see him, I slammed straight into Na Jaemin. I fell to the floor and kept my head down.

“Here,” he said. I looked up and he was holding out his hand, I sighed and took it.

Once I was up he didn’t let go of my hand, he just stood there. I made the mistake of looking up and him and our eyes locked. His eyes sparkled as they stared right through me.

He suddenly ripped his hand away and cleared his throat. He walked away, leaving me there speechless.


I didn’t have We Jomaw in my next class but guess who I did have. No other than Lee Jeno and guess where the only free seat was, right next to Lee freaking Jeno.

I sat in my seat and kept my eyes facing downward. I didn’t want to look at him, I would probably just start staring at his hotness and never look away.

As soon as I as I stood up to introduce myself I felt all eyes on me. I began to play with my fingers. “Um hi I’m Huang Renjun,” I said quietly. I started to hear all the whispers in the room. I sat down and kept my head my head. At this point I’m tired of all the whispers, they wont stop. I heard the whispers get louder until it was just talking at this point. I felt a tear fall as I quietly said “please…make it stop.” I didn’t realize I had said it loud enough for Lee Jeno to hear, but he did. An boy was he mad.


Everyone immediately shut their mouths and stared at Lee Jeno. I looked over at him. He looks over at me and gives me a look. The look that he gave me was strange, I couldn’t read it at all. I couldn’t tell is he was mad or, annoyed, or fascinated with me.

While he was staring I watched his eyes trail downwards. I followed them all the way down to my thighs. I was speechless, he just sat there staring at my thighs like it was no big deal. I couldn’t look away from him. Then he did it, the thing that made me go crazy. Whilst staring at my thighs, Lee Jeno…. BIT HIS LIP. I quickly grabbed my notebook and basically slapped it onto my lap, causing Jeno to snap out of his trance.

Class went on as normal for the most part. I kept my notebook in my lap to cover my thighs to make sure Jeno didn’t stare at them again. It was insane how flustered I got but what else do you do when the hottest boy ever bites his lip while starring at your thighs? I thought so.

Anyway once class was over and while I was getting up the notebook fell out of my lap, great. Once again Lee Jeno leans over and picks it up for me and people just looked on. He hands me the book and I bow. I was embarrassed for dropping my notebook twice and both times Lee Jeno had to pick it up.

After that he quickly got up and walked out of the classroom. I look down and saw A tiny piece of white paper. I squint to ready the small text. “I didn’t bite my lip because of you if that’s what your thinking,” I froze and felt my cheeks turn red.

Hey guys thank you so much for the support so far Sorry this ones short but I'm double updating so hopefully that makes up for it. I hope you crack head enjoy. Kay byeeeee

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