Footsteps to Follow

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{Jade's POV}

After we all ate lunch we sat around the Bounty trying to figure out what to do. The adults were discussing the Nindroid problem further and Winter was trying to fix some minor problems with Gismo. We all sat in the living room trying to find the best solution to our boredom.

"We could explore the little forest." Ava suggested.

"Eh to dull..." Ryan complained.

"Why don't we do a checkers championship?" Flint asked.

"Because there's no point. We all know Lance is pretty much undefeated. Excluding the times he's played with Winter." Rey said.

"Or I could start training you guys." Dad's voice said from the doorway.

"What!? Really?" Lance exclaimed.

"All of us?!" Ava asked hopefully.

"Why not?." Dad replied. "I especially want to work with Lance and the twins since they're older and should have started training sooner."

"Cool! When do we start?" Flint asked. Dad smirked, "As soon as you get your lazy carcases over to the training yard."

"Oh great, this better not be like the time he tried to teach us Geometry." Mason grumbled as he got up from the old saggy couch.

"I think you'll find I'm better at teaching the art of stealth and balance than the art of shapes and formulas." Dad stated.

We were soon sitting cross legged on the edge of the training courtyard.

"I'm going to choose each of you for certain lessons and let the others take note on it so they can be prepared to do it themselves later." Dad started. "Ryan your up first." Ryan got up and stood beside Dad. "Attack me whenever your ready."

"Uh... your not gonna teach us attack moves before you tell me to attack?" Ryan asked.

"I have something in mind." Dad said simply.

"Ok then." Ryan shrugged. He jumped at Dad but in a flash Dad moved off to the side. Ryan fell flat on the ground with a thud.

"Ok did not see that coming." Ryan mumbled under his breath. Dad shook his head. "And that's exactly why you all need to learn this lesson first. You have to expect the unexpected in any form of combat."

"Ah the student becomes the teacher." Uncle Kai's voice came from behind.

"Very funny." Dad said sarcastically. I looked at Dad confused. "It's an inside joke." He explained. "Kai was mostly in charge of training me when I was about Wayde's age."

"Yeah but wouldn't Uncle Kai been that old too?" Wayde asked. Uncle Kai and Dad smirked at each other.

"Oh yay another story!" Wayde exclaimed.

Uncle Kai sighed, "Yep, I was actually around Mason's age when it all started and Lloyd was Wayde's age. After we found out he was the Green Ninja we started training him for the prophesied final battle."

"Yeah and we know all about that. We just want to know how you two are the same age now when you weren't back then." Flint interrupted.

"Well one day," Dad continued, "I was stuck on the Bounty while the others went on one of their missions. They didn't come back for awhile so Uncle Wu and Nya went looking for them. They called the Bounty and told me to meet them and bring their weapons... Little did I know I would find them..."

We all exchanged the same confused glance.

"Find them... doing what?" Lance asked. Uncle Kai tried not to laugh. "We were sitting at a booth in a restaurant hopelessly because we all got turned into kids."

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