15. Always Remembered

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{Lance's POV}

I walked to the raised deck and looked at the city below.

"Your not telling them everything..." I heard Nick say from beside me.

"Because I'm not sure." I said.

"Not sure of what?"

"Can't you read it off my mind?" I asked.

"Certain things in the mind must be allowed for me to see." Nick went on. I sighed, "Fine but I'm not exactly sure." I thought back to what I thought I saw in the flames back at the meeting hall. It looked like a dark figure with red glowing eyes and two large weapons strapped to it's back. Nick gasped, "What is that?!"

"That's why I didn't tell the others... I didn't know what it was or who it was." I told Nick.

"I see your reasoning... somehow though it looks familiar to me." Nick went on. "I'll work on it and let you know what I come up with."

"Ok Thanks."

"What was that all about?" Rey asked walking up.

"Just a hunch I had..." I said.

"You know... Mason thinks you're acting a little strange. Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"I guess I'm just worn out from all the stuff that's been going on." I said. I knew that wasn't really what was bothering me, but I didn't want to mention the real reason since everyone would know sooner or later.

"If you're sure then..." Rey said. She walked off to go talk to some of the other masters. I noticed one of them left the group and was walking in my direction. I wasn't sure how but I instantly knew she was the Master of Nature. "Hi." She said with a smile after approaching me.

"Hi." I replied. "Your Master of Nature?"

"Yes... who told you?" She asked.

"No one..." I said.

"If noone told you how do you know?" The girl asked. I shrugged, "I guess it's all in my powers. I haven't exactly figured them out yet."

"Do you know my name?"

I shook my head.

"I'm Autumn. Your Lance, Right?"


"Cool. What can you do with your powers?" Autumn asked.

"Like I said I'm not exactly sure... I just got them yesterday. Dad said he would train me to use them properly once we have the time."

"Oh I see... I can grow plant life and communicate with animals." Autumn explained.

"Hmmm very interesting..." Sophia said crawling up to my shoulder.

"That mouse is talking human!" Autumn said jumping back.

"Yep, she does it all the time." I said. "And I mean all the time."

"Wow, thanks Lance." Sophia grumbled.

"Well... here." Autumn said digging in her pocket. She pulled out a few nuts and offered them to Sophia.

"Hey thanks!" Sophia exclaimed jumping in Autumns hand.

"Do you have any more animals?" Autumn asked.

"Well there's Emerald... she's a gray cat from Sophia's home realm so she can talk as well and there's Thunder, he's a lightning dragon from near our monastery. He hurt his wing yesterday though so he's at our base."

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