13. Wrecked

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{Jade's POV}

I opened my eyes and blinked into the bright sunlight.

"How... where am I?" I looked around and saw nothing but lush green trees. I stood up and brushed off my gi'.

"Jade?! Is that you?" I heard a voice above me.

"Emerald? Where are you?" I asked. I soon caught sight of the gray cat up in a tree. She leapt down and landed silently on the ground.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I have no clue. The ship started falling but then is wasn't falling then it fell."

"Wait a minute... where is the ship?"

"I dunno... maybe we fell off somehow."

"Yeah but..." I stopped. A low creaking sound came from somewhere behind us. I carefully walked through the brush toward the noise. I gasped when I saw the giant ship embedded in the trees. The front of it was practically crushed and the back portion was ripped off. I started walking toward it then someone jumped me from a tree. I fell to the ground do to the weight. I twisted around to find Mason on top of me.

"Mason! Get off!"

He didn't respond.

"Mason!" I pushed him off and he rolled over and lay still on the ground.

"Mason?" I bent over him and noticed he was still breathing. I then remembered he was on the deck with me when the Bounty fell.

"Jade?!" I heard Flints voice. He was limping toward me from the Bounty and holding his arm. He noticed Mason on the ground, "Is he ok?"

"I'm not sure but he's still breathing." I said.

"Where's Lance?" Flint asked. I then realized Lance wasn't on the Bounty when we set out.

"I... I don't know... What about the others?" Flint hesitated, "Well... I only saw your dad, your grandparents, Master Wu, Uncle Cole, Dad, and... and Mom. Mom was unconscious and Dad was taking care of her..."

"You mean everyone else is missing!?" I exclaimed. Before Flint could answer I heard a rustling in the brush. I backed up just in case it was something dangerous. Danielle, Wayde, and Ava came traipsing out of the brush.

"Jade!" Danille and Wayde shouted.

"Flint!" Ava exclaimed. Wayde gave me a big hug. Flint yelped in pain.

"What's wrong, Flint?" Ava asked.

"I think I dislocated my arm again." He replied. Dani came up and grabbed his arm.

"Easy! That hurts!" Flint wined.

"Some tough guy you are..." Dani mumbled. She jerked his arm and I shuddered at the sound that it made.

"Ow! Are you trying to tear my arm off?!" Flint complained.

"Well you'll thank me later once the pain goes away," Dani remarked, "Where's Lance?"

"We aren't..." I stopped when I heard more rustling in the brush. Winter, Rey, and Ryan came out of the brush.

"Whoa! The entire ship is crushed!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Where are the others?" Winter asked.

"Flint said some of the others where still in the ship but we can't find Lance, Uncle Jay, Aunt Nya, Aunt P.I.X.A.L., Uncle Zane, or Aunt Bree." I said.

"We have to look for them!" Rey said. I looked down at Mason. "I'm gonna stay here with Mason... You guys go ahead." The others started walking toward the ship, all but Danielle. She bent over Mason and checked him over.

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