20. Time Will Reveal With Time

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{Mason's POV}

We soon reached an island not far from Stiix.

"So Wayde. How did you get the location down?" Jade asked.

"Duh! He's Wayde." Sophia said.

"Sophia! How did you get here!?" Lance exclaimed.

"I was in your pocket the whole time," Sophia replied.

"Ah-ha!" Ronin said. "You do have pockets... Wait how did... Holy mackerel! It's a talking rat!"

"Um excuse me?!" Sophia exclaimed.

"Oh no..." I said, "Ronin, you might want to take that back before it's too late."

"What?!" Ronin asked, obviously confused.

"Uh, guys. We can move this conversation farther down the road." Wayde said. The airship landed on the island right next to a large building that was half-built into a steep hill.

"I'll stay here and guard this piece of scrap," Sophia said.

"Excuse me?" Ronin asked.

"Ok, Ronin. You are now our prisoner." Lance said his voice now back on the robotic filter.

"What?!" Ronin exclaimed.

"Theoretically," I said.

"Oh..." Ronin sighed with relief. A few nindroids walked up to the ship with guns pointed at us.

"We are here with a prisoner," Jade said. "He knows the Ninja and may contain valuable information."

"Take him inside." A nindroid general ordered. We led Ronin to the building and opened the metal doors. Inside was a huge control room with several nindroids at the computers. I had no clue what to do next hopefully the others didn't need me to say anything.

"Hey, you!" Wayde said walking up to a nindroid at a computer. "Take that prisoner and lock him up. I'll take over for you."

"On whose orders?" the nindroid asked.

"Mine!" Wayde said. "Now get moving." The nindroid backed away from the computer and walked toward us and Ronin.

"Follow me." He said. Jade and I started to follow the nindroid with Ronin, but when I turned around I didn't see Lance or Winter anywhere. I decided it was best to keep going. The nindroid led us to a room that had a table with chairs on two ends. On one of the ends, there were cuffs on the table. Jade forcefully sat Ronin down in the chair and cuffed his arms down.

"I'll never talk." Ronin said.

"Won't you?" The other nindroid asked. "You just did."

"You ain't getting any information out of me." Ronin corrected.

"We will see about that," I said, turning to leave. Jade followed me as I headed back. I saw a small corridor and quickly ducked into it. Jade looked from left to right before following me. I quickly sent a message on my bracelet.

Mason> Ronin is in what do we do?

Lance> We have control of the Bounty, the tractor beams, and nindroid communication. Stand guard and if we get interfered follow our lead.

Jade> Your intercepting everything?

Winter> Yes. While Wayde controls the Bounty. Lance controls the received communication so we won't get orders from Mr. E to fix the Bounty. I control the tractor beams so if I need to I can use them to our advantage.

Mason> Great. Let's do it.

Jade headed back to the computer room. I noticed the computers were labeled so I instantly found where Lance and Winter were. Jade started looking around and pacing as if she was guarding the area. I did the same but went in the opposite direction.

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