Frozen Silence

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{Lance's POV}

I sighed as I pet Thunder's scaly nose. It had been two days since the failed mission. Mom had recovered from the snake bite thanks to Uncle Wu, all of us had learned spinjitzu, and the rest of the kids were still eager to gain their powers. Dad had told us that he suspected Ryker was the son of Ash, the Elemental Master of Smoke. Obviously he had learned to use his powers pretty well. The Bounty was a lot more peaceful since Uncle Jay, Uncle Kai, and Uncle Zane had moved their family's back to the monastery. I had made a makeshift stable for Thunder out of a small cave in the mountain side and that's where I found myself when things got boring. "Lance! Come quick!" Wayde shouted from the side of the house. I ran over expecting... well I wasn't exactly sure what I was expecting.

"Sophia's being chased by a cat!" Wayde exclaimed. At that moment I was practically attacked by a ball of gray fur. I was knocked to the ground and struggled to get the cat off me.

"Emerald! Stop chasing me! I am not your food! Bad kitty!" Sophia squeaked. I stood up and looked around and noticed a gray cat with bright green eyes sitting in front of me. I realized Sophia was now on my head.

"Sophia!?" The cat exclaimed.

"Uh that cat just spoke..." Ryan said staring.

"It's about time you realized!" Sophia sneered.

"Well I didn't expect to see you here." The cat retorted.

"Nether did I... What gives?"

"I was looking for you."

"It took you 15 years to do so?"

"Yeah well you know how slow time is in Realm Fawna."


"Uh... can one of you explain?" I asked.

"This is Emerald, one of my friends from my home realm." Sophia explained. "Emerald this is Lance."

Emerald dipped her head in greeting.

"Ninjago is really beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"Pft that maybe true, but it also seems to be the one realm with the lowest life expectancy!" Sophia squeaked. "And I wonder why..." She continued with a sarcastic tone.

"Ok everyone inside!" Aunt Nya called. "Dinner's ready!"

"Can Emerald stay with us?" Sophia asked.

"I don't see why not." I said.

"Thanks... I really haven't found a place to stay for tonight." Emerald said gratefully.

The next morning just before Mason and I left the bedroom...

"Lance we have a... a... achoo!" Flint sneased.

"What's wrong this time?" I asked.

"I think I'm al... achoo! ... aler... achoo!"

I raised my eyebrow. Mason crossed his arms.

"Well?" Mason asked.

"I'm alergi.. Achoo! Allergic!" Flint managed to say.

"To?" I asked.

"Ca... achoo!" Flint continued. "Cats!"

"Well I warned you about sleeping over..." Mason said.

"Ugh! Is there any tissues in here?" Flint said.

"Eh I think he'll live..." Sophia started. "I mean he actually managed to say a full sentence that time."

"Hahaha don't make me laugh!" Flint retorted before blowing his nose.

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