Chapter One - Freak Accident

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Months after the defeat of Aolroth, the Storm Hawks enjoy a brief period of peace. In that moment, Piper believed in Aerrow's hopes for peace between the Sky Knights and the Cyclonians. As the Condor flew over Terra Messa, Finn was making adjustments to his Skimmer. 

Finn: Hey guys check this out! 

As the Storm Hawks gathered around Finn's Skimmer, Finn flips a switch and bright and colorful lights begins flashing on his Skimmer. Most of the others were confused. 

Aerrow: Care to explain this Finn?

Finn: I'm calling this the Light Overload! Pretty cool huh?

Piper: Why?

Finn: Because it looks cool! Duh! I mean look at it! When a bad guy sees this flashing baby, they're immediately gonna know it's the Finnmeister coming to lay down justice!

Stork: Or shoot you down. You're just making yourself an obvious target. 

Junko: Well hang on a minute! Maybe it could work! 

Piper: I fail to see how it could...

Finn: Why not I test it out?! When you see just how cool it is, you'll be begging to have your Skimmers flashy like me!

As Finn prepares his Skimmer for a test drive, the other Storm Hawks were anticipating what possible disaster could occur. As Finn readies his Skimmer, Radarr chirps to Aerrow. 

Aerrow: Your guess is as good as mine...

Finn: All right everyone! Feast your eyes on this total display of awesomeness! 

Finn starts up his Skimmer and flips the switch, activating the flashing lights on his Skimmer. Finn then begins performing air tricks with his Skimmer. 


Aerrow: You gotta give it to him. He knows some tricks....

Piper: But I still fail to see why the flashing lights would be of any use! It seems more like a flashy distraction than anything!

As the Storm Hawks continue to watch Finn perform air tricks on his Skimmer, a mysterious figure cloaked in shadow watched from a mountain side. The figure watched Finn perform his tricks with a wicked smile. 

???: Have you forgotten about me already Aerrow? won't let you forget about me! You cannot escape what is coming! Let it begin.....

The cloaked figure aimed his hand towards Finn's Skimmer. He closed his fist. As he did, something in Finn's Skimmer malfunctions. Aerrow immediately senses something wrong. 

Aerrow: Something's wrong....FINN! IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT?!

As Aerrow asked that, a part of Finn's Skimmer bursts into flames. Trying to keep cool, Finn tries to laugh it off. 

Finn: It's all good guys! All part of the show!

But as Finn said that, his Skimmer completely shut down and he began plummeting to the ground. As Finn is screaming, he attempts to activate his parachute, but mysteriously malfunctions as well. As this happens, Aerrow and the Storm Hawks got on their Skimmers to rescue Finn while Stork rushed to land the Condor on Messa. 

Junko: What happened to Finn's Skimmer?! It was working a second ago! 

Aerrow: Don't know! But I.....

As Aerrow's eyes fell on the mountains overlooking Terra Messa, he saw the shadowy cloaked figure. It looked as if he was waving at Aerrow. When Aerrow blinked, he was gone. Piper notices Aerrow's sudden silence. 

Piper: Aerrow?! Aerrow!

Aerrow soon snapped out of his moment of confusion and focused on saving Finn. As the Storm Hawks rushed to save Finn, Finn reaches out to a branch on a tree. As he grabs it, the branch breaks as he crashes onto the ground, seriously injuring him. The Skimmer soon follows by crashing to the ground in a ball of fire. 

Aerrow: FINN!

The Storm Hawks land their Skimmers and rushed to Finn's side. He was bloodied and bruised from the fall. Soon enough, the citizens of Terra Messa were surrounding the Sky Knights. 


Finn: S...see guys...told ya it was....gonna be awe....some....

Finn then passed out from the injuries sustaining his fall. As Aerrow tried to wake him up, no response was heard. Piper then rushed in and placed her ear on Finn's chest. She heard a faint heartbeat. 

Piper: He's breathing!

Aerrow: We need to get him to the medical bay on the Condor now!

Piper: We can't! We don't have enough medical supplies on the Condor! 

As the Storm Hawks tried to figure out how to help Finn, Starling rushed to the scene. 

Starling: What's going on here?!

Junko: Finn's Skimmer backfired!

Starling: There's a medical facility not too far from here! We need to get him there quick!

Starling then picked up Aerrow and began taking him to the medical facility to treat his injuries. The Storm Hawks soon followed. As they followed Starling, Aerrow couldn't keep his mind on what he saw on the mountains. He didn't know what he saw or if he even saw something at all. As all this happens, the mysterious cloaked figure watched from atop a cathedral. He saw all this chaos and uncertainty occurring before his eyes and he relished every minute of it.

???: And so the game begins. Go on Aerrow. Save his life. It won't do you any good. When this meaningless world comes to an end, all will know that it was the Dark Aerrow who ended it! And soon, the Multiverse itself will fall! But let's see how fun you make this for me!

In that moment, Dark Aerrow set his twisted plan in motion. Not only did he plan to enact his vengeance on Aerrow, but bring the entire Multiverse itself to the brink of chaos and destruction. His game has begun.  

Storm Hawks: Blackest Night (The Dark Aerrow Saga)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ