Chapter Four - Great Darkness

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After their encounter with Dark Aerrow, the Storm Hawks lay unconscious on the wreckage of the Condor. Soon, Aerrow slowly wakes up along with his teammates.

Aerrow: everyone okay?

Piper: I'm fine Aerrow.

Finn: I'm a little sore, but I think I'll manage.

Junko: I'm good!

Stork: Besides the sense of impending doom, I'm alive.....for now.....

Radarr then chirps his reply to Aerrow. After checking on his fellow Storm Hawks, he looks around the wreckage of the Condor and remembered Dark Aerrow.

Finn: First he trashes my ride and now he trashes the Condor?! Man what is this guy?! When could he do crazy crap like that?!

Piper could still feel the unseen hand clutching her heart. The smile on Dark Aerrow's face made her feel dirty.

Piper: I......I can still feel his hand.....

Aerrow then walked over to Piper and cradled her in a hug.

Aerrow: It's okay Piper....I won't let him hurt you.....

Suddenly, the hatch doors of the Condor could be heard in the distance. Everyone immediately prepared their weapons.

Aerrow: Everyone on me!

Stork: We're doomed.....

As the Storm Hawks prepared for a fight, they heard footsteps entering the Condor. As the footsteps got closer and closer, the Storm Hawks readied to attack. The figure soon entered their line of sight which is revealed to the Guardian and famed warrior trainer Arygyn.

Arygyn: Hello there Storm Hawks. It would appear you've all seen better days.

Upon seeing the eccentric Guardian's smile, the Storm Hawks breathed a sigh of relief as they practically fall to their knees.

Aerrow: are we glad to see you.

As Arygyn approached the exhausted Storm Hawks, his smile quickly faded from his face. He could sense the darkness still lingering from the Condor.

Arygyn: There is a great darkness on Atmos.

Finn: No kidding! We just got our butts handed to us by that great darkness!

Without saying a word, Arygyn sat in front of the Storm Hawks and began mediating. Upon seeing this, the Storm Hawks were visibly confused.

Junko: What do you think he's doing?

Aerrow: I.....I don't know.

As the Storm Hawks tried to piece together what's going on, Arygyn continues to mediate. He soon reaches the netherworld of Atmos. There, he sees Dark Aerrow standing there with an evil smile on his face.

Arygyn: So you must be the great darkness I sensed. I wondered who Aolroth found to do his bidding.

Dark Aerrow: I serve no one. I serve only myself.

Arygyn: With all this power you have, all you can think of is yourself. How sad and unfortunate.

Dark Aerrow: You want to know something? My Arygyn spoke just like you did. It didn't do him any good when I killed him.

Arygyn could feel Dark Aerrow's aura. It was pure evil shrouded in darkness. The power he possessed was unlike anything the Guardian has ever seen before.

Dark Aerrow: What's the matter Arygyn? You look like you've just seen a ghost?

Without warning, Dark Aerrow lunged at Arygyn and began attacking him. While the Guardian was able to block most of the attacks, Arygyn was taken aback by Dark Aerrow's ferociousness.

Arygyn: The darkness is strong in you! I can sense Aolroth in you! He hasn't completely turned you yet!

Dark Aerrow: That's where you're wrong Guardian! I'm no slave to anyone! Not Aolroth! Not anyone!

Dark Aerrow continued to unleash a barrage of frenzied attacks. Despite his powers, Arygyn found himself barely able to keep up with him.

Dark Aerrow: Soon all of reality will come crashing down! This illusion will be over and everything will end!

Dark Aerrow soon began to overpower Arygyn. Eventually, Arygyn was at Dark Aerrow's mercy.

Dark Aerrow: Try all you like. But in the end, none of what you do will matter in the slightest! This facade of free will is about to go up in flames. When I done, all of reality will be completely erased.

Arygyn felt a tremor in his spine. He looked into Dark Aerrow's eyes and saw nothing but an abyss. He saw pure evil lurking behind his eyes.

Arygyn: I will not let you do this!

Arygyn then unleashes a powerful shockwave of magic which repels Dark Aerrow away. Arygyn then broke the meditation, escaping the netherworld.

Aerrow: What's wrong?

Arygyn: A grave threat is upon us.

Piper: You mean Dark Aerrow? What's going on?

Arygyn: We must act quickly. As we speak, Dark Aerrow moves to destroy all of reality.

Upon hearing this, everyone was in shock.


Piper: That's....that's impossible! No one has that kind of power!

Arygyn: I'm afraid it's true. The Dark Aerrow possesses a great and terrible power. If we fail to stop this, all of existence will cease to be.

That realization completely stunned the Storm Hawks. Not even with Barbatos did they face such an existential threat.

Arygyn: Come. We must reach the Sanctuary.

Stork: Um...what about the Condor? I don't feel comfortable with leaving the Condor out here....

Arygyn: Do not worry my friend. The Condor will be taken to the Sanctuary accordingly. But for now, we must go. If we are to stop the Dark Aerrow, then we must reach the Sanctuary.

In that moment, the Storm Hawks began following Arygyn to the Guardian Sanctuary. The threat was now known to the Storm Hawks as well as Arygyn. It became all too clear that Dark Aerrow threatened all of existence in not only their Atmos, but to the entire Multiverse as well as existence itself.

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