Chapter Ten - A Gargoyle's Vow

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As reality itself seemed to crumble around him, Gargoyle Aerrow suddenly woke up in a green grassland. He looked up and saw the Moon shining above him. He looked around in a state of confusion. 

Gargoyle Aerrow: Where....where am I?

Suddenly, he felt a hand grabbing him. He turned his head to see the Gargoyle version of Piper. Upon seeing her, Gargoyle Aerrow was overcome with an array of emotions.

Gargoyle Aerrow: Piper? W...what's going on here? 

Gargoyle Piper: It's okay, my love. Everything is fine. 

Gargoyle Aerrow looked around and saw his fellow Gargoyles of the Storm Hawk Clan interacting with humans. It seemed peaceful. Too peaceful. Suddenly, a familiar voice whispered into the Gargoyle's ear. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Peace is a lie. 

When Gargoyle Aerrow blinked, he was back to the day that the Gargoyles were hunted down by the humans. He watched as the humans slaughtered the Gargoyles. He could hear Dark Aerrow laughing.

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Some leader you turned out to be. But then again, who am I to talk? 

Gargoyle Aerrow: Show yourself, you coward! You may share my face, but we are nothing alike!

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Is that so? We'll see about that. 

Suddenly, the massacre stopped as both humans and Gargoyles turned their attention to Gargoyle Aerrow. Gargoyle Aerrow watched in confusion as both human and Gargoyle walked towards him with blank stares in their eyes. 

Human Warriors: Apathy is death.

Gargoyles: Apathy is death. 

Gargoyle Stork: Apathy is death

Gargoyle Junko: Apathy is death.

Gargoyle Finn: Apathy is death

Gargoyle Piper: Apathy is death.

Gargoyle Aerrow: What sorcery is this?!

Gargoyle Aerrow soon found himself surrounded by both Gargoyles and human. Left with no choice, Gargoyle Aerrow was forced to fight his way through what appeared to be an endless wave of enemies.

Gargoyle Aerrow: Damn you, Dark Aerrow! You will pay for you transgressions!

All he could hear was laughter in the distance as Gargoyle Aerrow continued to fight through both human and Gargoyle alike. Soon enough, he found himself standing against his fellow Gargoyles of the Storm Hawks Clan. 

Gargoyle Aerrow: You are not my clan. You are but aberrations who have perverted their faces! I will not let this egregious crime go unpunished! Do you here me, Dark Aerrow?!

Gargoyle Aerrow soon fought the forms of his fellow Storm Hawks. Despite them not being real, Gargoyle Aerrow felt sorrow in his heart at having to fight those closest to him. Fighting them was not easy. Gargoyle Junko was among the most physically strong of the clan. Gargoyle Finn was fast and agile. Gargoyle Stork was cunning with his attacks while Gargoyle Radarr rushed at him. But what hurt him the most was fighting his mate. Gargoyle Piper was his love. Despite this, Gargoyle Aerrow pressed on. 

Gargoyle Aerrow: I will not fall to your wretched visions! I am no hapless pup that you can kill at will! I am a Gargoyle! I am a defender of humanity! A defender of the night! I am a Gargoyle! 

As Gargoyle Aerrow fought his clan, he eventually took them down. Suddenly, he was no longer in the past. He was in the modern city that he now called home. He watched as Detective Starling was killed by the traitor Gargoyle Dark Ace. 

Gargoyle Aerrow: NO!

Gargoyle Aerrow rushed to the body of Detective Starling, but he soon saw the bodies of his fellow Gargoyles. Anger and rage fueled Gargoyle Aerrow as he confronted the Gargoyle Dark Ace.

Gargoyle Aerrow: You will pay for your crimes, Dark Ace!

Reality suddenly began to shift on the Gargoyle Dark Ace as there was a brief moment where his form transformed into Dark Aerrow. 

Gargoyle Aerrow: Your plot ends here!

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Peace is a lie. 

Gargoyle Dark Ace: Apathy is death.

Gargoyle Aerrow: I will fall not victim to your words, Dark Aerrow! Your tricks will not work on me!

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Heh. Good luck with that.

With that, Gargoyle Aerrow fought against the Gargoyle Dark Ace. Gargoyle Aerrow unleashed his fury upon the Gargoyle that had betrayed his clan all those centuries ago. The fight was brutal as the two held nothing back. The two mortal enemies hacked and slash at one another while Dark Aerrow simply chuckled. He watched as Gargoyle Aerrow fought against his mortal enemy. Meanwhile, Gargoyle Aerrow fought on. 

Gargoyle Dark Ace: Why do you persist, Aerrow? Your sense of honor and duty has led you to nothing but pain and misery. 

Gargoyle Aerrow: From the moment I was born, I made a vow. From the moment I was born onto the Earth, I vowed to protect humanity from the evils that threaten it. Even if I must walk a long and lonely road filled with hardship, my spirit shall not waiver! As long as I still draw breath, I shall not stop! That is the vow I took! A vow that you have forsaken for your own foul ambitions! Unlike you, I honor my vows with deep conviction! I will honor my vows until my final breath!

With that, Gargoyle Aerrow reaffirmed his vows and fought the Gargoyle Dark Ace. Gargoyle Aerrow showed no signs of giving up as he fought his immortal enemy to a standstill. Despite the nature of the fight being levied against him, Gargoyle Aerrow refused to give up. As Gargoyle Aerrow continued to fight the Gargoyle Dark Ace, the Dark Aerrow watched with a sadistic smile on his face as all of reality was in his absolute control. 

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