Chapter Eleven - The Jedi Way

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The Jedi Piper quickly recovered and found herself in a blackened void. She ignited her green Lightsaber to light her path. As she moved through the void, she heard the slow laughter of Dark Aerrow. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. That's the code you follow? Look how well that worked for the Jedi Order. 

Jedi Piper: Your tricks will not work on me, dark one. The Force will sustain me. 

As the Jedi Piper said that, the voice of Dark Aerrow simply laughed. He mocked how the Jedi version of Piper would continue to keep even in the face of an unstoppable threat. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): We'll see about that. 

As he said that, Jedi Piper was confronted by masked female Sith. The Inquisitor was silent as she ignited a red Lightsaber.

Jedi Piper: Who are you?

The Sith was silent as she stood there. The Jedi version of Piper felt a dark chill crawling up her spine. Something seemed familiar about this figure, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Without hesitation, the Sith lunged at Piper and fought her in an intense Lightsaber duel. Piper was able block the attacks. What troubled her was the moves that the Sith used. They seemed all too familiar to the Jedi. 

Jedi Piper: I will not fall to your illusions!

The duel intensified as both Piper and the Sith clashed blades with one another. Piper tried to deduce the identity of this Sith, but was unable to. As this happened, Dark Aerrow watched with sick pleasure. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): What's the matter, Piper? Distracted?

Jedi Piper ignored Dark Aerrow's taunts as she continued to defend herself against the onslaught of the Sith. Soon enough, Piper lands a blow on the Sith's mask, shattering it. Piper then follows with a Force Push that sends the Sith flying backwards. The Sith recovers, revealing her face. Piper was in complete shock to see her own face on the Sith. 

Jedi Piper: This....this can't be possible! I would never fall to the Dark Side!

Dark Aerrow(Voice): But you did, in another universe that is. No matter what choice you make, the opposite will always occur in another universe. How many choices have you made? How many of them were utterly pointless? 

Jedi Piper was in a state of shock. She felt her heart stop and her breath still. She looked on at her dark reflection with fear and shock in her eyes. She could hear the Dark Aerrow's laughter echo in the void. Despite this fear, she remembered the words of her master Starling. 

Jedi Starling(Voice): Focus Piper. Let the Force flow through you. Always be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the moment.

In that moment, Jedi Piper found her strength. She focused her breathing and readied her Lightsaber. 

Jedi Piper: The Force is my ally, Dark Aerrow. I will not allow your evil to consume the Multiverse. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. 

Jedi Piper then got into a defensive stance as her Sith counterpart lunged at her. The Sith began unleashing a series of flurried attacks, but Piper was able to block every attack with her Lightsaber. She kept her composure as she soon put her Sith counterpart on the defensive.

Jedi Piper: I am one with the Force and the Force is one with me. 

The Sith counterpart tried to push the offensive on Piper, but the Jedi's focus proved to be an invaluable ally to her. As the two locked blades, Piper remained calm and resolute.

Jedi Piper: You may share my face, but you are not me! I am a Jedi! I will protect all live from all threats that seek to destroy it! I will be the light that shines in the darkness! 

Jedi Piper soon begins to overpower her Sith counterpart. As this happens, Dark Aerrow continues to taunt her. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): What do you think you're going to accomplish? You think stopping me is going to do anything? Everything is meaningless. 

Jedi Piper: You're wrong. There is meaning! I will not stop until all evil is defeated! 

Dark Aerrow simply laughed as Jedi Piper continued to press the attack on her Sith counterpart. In an act of desperation, the Sith Piper unleashes a torrent of Force Lightning on the Jedi. Jedi Piper her hands and absorbed the Lightning in her hands. Piper's body began to feel pain as she felt a burining sensation in her hands as well as the shocks all around her body. Despite this, Jedi Piper never flinched nor did she give in to the pain. She remained calm as she concentrated on the Force.

Jedi Piper: I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. 

Piper continued to deflect the Force Lightning while Dark Aerrow watched. He was impressed with her Jedi prowess as he didn't think she would last this long. With a sadistic smile on his face, he would watch as Jedi Piper put her life on the line to save not only all the lives on her universe, but the lives of countless others in the countless universes of the Multiverse from the Blackest Night.

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