Chapter Fourteen - Origin Of Dark Aerrow

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The Storm Hawks soon woke up from their trance and found themselves in a blackened void. At this point, it became clear what was going on. 

Stork: I knew we were doomed.....

Aerrow: It's not over yet, Stork! We're still alive. That counts for something. 

As Aerrow said this, laughter began to fill the void. Everyone immediately prepared their weapons. 

Aerrow: Show yourself, Dark Aerrow! You plot ends here! 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Perhaps you were expecting some surprise, for me to reveal a secret that had eluded you, something that would change your perspective of events, shatter you to your core. There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you.

Piper: It's not too late to turn back from this! You can still change!

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Always so naive. That was your best quality. In every Piper I've seen, they possess some naivete. Perhaps it's just that vital. 

Aerrow: What happened to you? 

As Aerrow asked his evil counterpart this, silence was heard. The silence was then broken by an unsettling laughter. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Do you really want to know? 

As he said this, reality began to warp as they were soon transported to what appeared to be the Condor. They saw themselves conversing among themselves. 

Junko: That' 

Finn: Total deja vu.....

Dark Aerrow(Voice): This was my universe's Storm Hawks. Nothing too drastic. They were much like you all: hopeful and ready to help those in need. But there's a problem with so called altruism. If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in this world, you will only weaken yourself...and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards. You stole that struggle from them, cheapened it. If you care for others, then dispense with pity and sacrifice and recognize the value in letting them fight their own battles. And when they triumph, they will be even stronger for the victory. 

The Storm Hawks watched as the past version of the Dark Aerrow entered the bridge of the Condor with Radarr on his shoulders. He looked no different from Aerrow. 

Alternate Finn: There you are! What's the plan for butt kicking?

Without saying a word, the past version of Dark Aerrow pulled out his Twin Energy Blades and began attacking the Storm Hawks. The Storm Hawks watched in horror as the past version of the Dark Aerrow slaughter his squadron. 

Alternate Junko: Stop! We're your friends! 

Alternate Finn: What's gotten into you?!

One by one, the past version of Dark Aerrow slaughtered his version of the Storm Hawks. The prime Storm Hawks couldn't believe the horror they were witnessing. Soon enough, it came down to Dark Aerrow and a wounded alternate Piper. 

Alternate Piper: W....wait! Stop....please.....

The past version of Dark Aerrow was silent. He looked down upon her with emotionless eyes. Just as it seemed he was about to spare her, he plunged one of his Energy Blades through her chest. 

Alternate Piper: Ae.....rrow.....

Dark Aerrow(Past): Goodbye.....Piper. 

He watched as the life drained from alternate Piper's tear filled eyes. As the slaughter ended, the Storm Hawks were speechless. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): It was then that I became who I am. It wasn't until Aolroth sought me out as my universe began to decay. Upon learning of the existence of the Multiverse, I realized that everything I thought mattered suddenly didn't. 

Aerrow: monster! How could you do that to your own squadron?! 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): I killed them to feel something. And even doing that did nothing. No matter how many people I killed, I still felt nothing. My existence is meaningless. Everything is meaningless. Everything we do is meaningless. The Blackest Night is the only decision that holds any true consequence. I am making the only real choice. The Blackest Night is upon us. As much as I would love to continue our little chat and relive so many wonderful memories, I have a reality to destroy. Goodbye. 

In that moment, Dark Aerrow attempted to destroy the minds of the Storm Hawks as well as the other heroes from the Multiverse. As reality began to crack, they struggled to keep their minds in one peace. During the mental struggle, Aerrow fought through it. The form of Dark Aerrow soon appeared before Aerrow.

Aerrow: You're insane.....

Dark Aerrow: Does it really matter? There are so many alternate versions of us that it would take centuries upon centuries to go through them. 

Aerrow: I won't....let you win!

Dark Aerrow: Your stubbornness is most admirable. I guess that's why you're you. How long can you resist my power? How long until your mind as well as the minds of those who follow you shatter like glass? How long, Aerrow? 

Aerrow: Long do this!

As Aerrow said this, he lands a punch on Dark Aerrow's face. The power of that punch was able to disrupt Dark Aerrow's concentration. In that single lapse on concentration, the Dark Aerrow's hold on the Storm Hawks and the others was soon broken. As reality was restored, Dark Aerrow simply chuckled. 

Dark Aerrow: This is getting tiresome. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to make due with killing you all myself. 

In that moment, the Storm Hawks and the heroes from the Multiverse readied themselves for the fight of their lives. They knew that the Dark Aerrow was all that stands between them and saving Atmos from the Blackest Night. The fate of reality itself lies in the outcome of this climatic fight.

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