Chapter Nine - Descent Into Hell

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After a long journey, the Condor made it to Terra Xoam. The Storm Hawks led the Multiverse coalition to the entrance of the Forbidden City where Arygyn awaited for them. 

Arygyn: You're here. Good. 

It didn't take long for everyone including Arygyn to feel a dark presence looming near them. Jedi Piper was most affected by this dark presence. 

Jedi Piper: A great evil is occurring. 


Gargoyle Aerrow: I agree. This evil must end. The Dark Aerrow must be stopped. 

Lark: We should be careful. There's a possibility that Dark Aerrow might know we're coming. 

Upon hearing this, the Storm Hawks were dumbfounded that they were in a position that they were agreeing with Master Cyclonis, even if it was an alternate version of her. Still, Aerrow could feel Dark Aerrow from within the Forbidden City. 

Aerrow: He knows we're coming. 

Piper: How do you know? 

Aerrow: I...I don't know exactly, but believe me, I know. 

Piper trusted Aerrow's judgement despite the vague circumstances. Though it seemed that nothing made sense anymore. 

Finn: So what are we waiting for? Let's go bust in and kick that guy's ass! I've been itching for some payback after he trashed my Skimmer!

Junko: I'm with Finn! He nearly killed Finn and now he's trying to kill all of us! Let's stop this jerk! 

Aerrow smiled at the bravery of his fellow Storm Hawks. Despite the immense power that Dark Aerrow wielded, it seemed the Storm Hawks with the exception of Stork though he wouldn't leave his teammates despite the danger. 

Arygyn: Prepare to face your fears. Once you go in, there's no going back. 

Lark: Aren't you coming with us?

Arygyn: I dare not enter this place. Only you are capable of stopping the evil inside.

Aerrow: We won't let you down!

Without hesitation, the Storm Hawks and the Multiverse coalition entered the Forbidden City. Everyone kept their wits about them as laughter echoed in the distance. 

Stork: Yep....we're doomed.....

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Looks like ole Stork is the only one who's got it right. 

Upon hearing his voice, everyone readied their weapons and looked around only to find nothing. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): So you decided to come after me. Why am I not surprised?

Aerrow: Stop this, Dark Aerrow! Stop it before it goes too far!

Dark Aerrow(Voice): And why would I stop? Why should I stop? Everything we do is ad infinitum. Everything we do is meaningless. Everything we are is meaningless. The only sane solution in this insane paradox is to wipe it all away. 

Piper: But it'll effect you too! You'll die along with everyone else!

Dark Aerrow(Voice): I'm fully aware of what the consequences are. I had a good run. It's better to go out with a bang than a whimper. 

Everyone was deeply disturbed by the depravity of Dark Aerrow's thinking. They were shocked at the depths he would go to for his goals. He would kill himself just to destroy all of reality. 

Gargoyle Aerrow: You're insane! 


Dark Aerrow(Voice): Don't make me laugh! I've killed most of you once already in my Atmos. Some of you will be new to me, not that I'm complaining. 

Finn: You're gonna pay for trashing my Skimmer!

Dark Aerrow(Voice): You never cease to amaze me, Finn. Even at the face of total existential destruction, you're still pissed off about that Skimmer. 

Finn: Why don't you show your face so I can kick your ass!

At this point, Dark Aerrow laughed once more. Suddenly, the Forbidden City was covered by a cloud of mist. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): I think that's a good idea! I got time to kill and I've been dying to kill something! But the question here is what should I do? I got all this power at my disposal and so many options. I could drive you all insane with a snap of my finger. I could warp your minds and make you kill each other. I could lobotomize you all with a mere thought and not think twice. Options, options. 

The power Dark Aerrow wielded was without equal. Dark Aerrow could inflict all sorts of physical and mental trauma on them with a mere thought. Despite this, Aerrow was determined to stop his evil counterpart.

Aerrow: Whatever you do, we'll find a way around it and stop you! We won't let you destroy everything! You hear me?!

Dark Aerrow was silent for a moment. What followed was an unsettling chuckle which grew louder and louder with each second, putting everyone on edge. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): There it is! There's that spirit I've been dying to see! That spirit to go to great lengths and descent into hell itself just to save the day, despite how meaningless it all is! I am going to savor this moment! I'm going to savor every little moment as I tear your minds apart with great pleasure!

Suddenly, reality began to wither away as everyone tried to figure out what was going on. Before anyone could react, everyone was placed under a powerful illusion which rendered them unconscious. At this point, they were all at Dark Aerrow's mercy. Dark Aerrow looked at the unfolding situation with sadistic eyes. He intended to inflict every form of mental torment on every one of them with sick delight. For in his mind, killing them would act as a precursor to the genocide that would follow he Blackest Night.

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