Chapter Two - Suspicious Circumstances

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After Finn's freak accident, Starling takes Finn to the medical center on Terra Messa. Aerrow along with Piper and Radarr follow her while Junko and Stork investigate on what happened with his Skimmer. Soon enough, the doctors were able to stabilize him. 

Aerrow: How is he?

Doctor: He'll be fine. He was very lucky. If he landed in the wrong way, he could've died. 

Upon hearing that, Aerrow and Piper were shocked to hear that Finn could've died, but were relieved that he was going to be okay. Radarr chirped to Aerrow. 

Aerrow: Yeah no kidding buddy! That was a close call!

Starling: What happened back there?

Piper: Finn was doing some tricks on his Skimmer and it just back fired. It was working fine the day before! 

Aerrow: We have no idea how this happened! 

As the others pondered at how this could happen, Junko and Stork entered the room. 

Piper: Did you find anything guys?

Junko: Looks like all those bright lights didn't cause Finn's Skimmer to crash!

Piper: That's good!

Stork: But something else did.....

Stork then showed everyone the engine. On the surface, it seemed fine. But upon close inspection, there were compression marks that looked like as if someone crushed it with their bare hands. 

Aerrow: What the.....

Stork: Someone or something must've gotten on the Condor and sabotaged Finn's Skimmer.

Piper: But how could any have gotten on board the Condor. Our sensors would've picked something up! 

Aerrow then recalls seeing the hooded figure on the mountainside. In that moment, he suspected that the hooded figure might have had something to do with Finn's accident. 

Aerrow: While we were getting Finn, I saw someone on the mountains. 

Junko: Someone was watching us?

Aerrow: It sure looked like it. I couldn't get a good view on his face. From what I saw, he...he was waving. It was as if he knew what was going on and wanted it me to know that it was him. When I blinked, he was gone. 

Hearing that concerned everyone. The idea of some kind of stalker watching over them and possibly mean them harm made everyone feel uneasy. Soon enough, Finn woke up.

Finn: Ow.....

Aerrow: Are you all right Finn?

Finn: Man what happened? Aw man....did my Skimmer go bust?

Junko: Nothing a few repairs won't fix! We're just glad to see you okay!

As the Storm Hawks checked up on Finn, Aerrow noticed something outside the window. He could see what appeared to be a smile under a veil of darkness with piercing red eyes. When he blinked, it was gone. As Aerrow was processing it, a voice called out from his head.

Voice: Aerrow.....

As the voice called out to Aerrow, he saw no visible reaction from everyone else. In fact, they simply carried on as if all was normal. Piper noticed something up with Aerrow. 

Piper: Aerrow? Is something wrong?

Aerrow: No. There's something I need to check out. Watch over Finn. 

Aerrow then exits the medical facility to check out what he saw. As he did, he saw the hooded figure standing near the cathedral as if he was waiting. Not wanting to draw attention to himself or the figure, Aerrow decides to quietly follow him throughout the town. 

Aerrow: (Who is this guy?)

Aerrow continues to follow the hooded figure. As he does, he can't shake the feeling as if he's being watched. In a strange way, it seemed that the figure knew he was being followed and was leading him somewhere. Eventually, Aerrow is lead into an isolated alley. He finally builds up the courage to confront him. 

Aerrow: Who are you and why did you attack my friend? 

The figure simply laughs. Aerrow then walked to the hooded figure and turned him around. 

Aerrow: I'll ask again, why did you attack my friend?!

But as Aerrow did that, the figure looked back at Aerrow. His red piercing eyes seemed familiar. He was caught off guard by the veil of shadows that covered his face. The figure then lets out an unsettling laugh. 

Hooded Figure: What's the matter Aerrow? You look like you've seen a ghost?

Aerrow: What? How did you.....

Hooded Figure: You'll know soon enough Aerrow. All of Atmos will know soon enough. But in the meantime, here's a little parting gift....

As Aerrow tries to restrain the hooded figure, the hooded figure then disappears in a mist of shadow. Aerrow was left disoriented by the mist. When he regains his composure, he sees a set of Twin Energy Blades on the ground. 

Aerrow: What the....

Aerrow noticed that these Twin Energy Blades bore a strong semblance to his own. When Aerrow activates them, the blade glows a crimson color. As he stares into the blades, he immediately drops it. Shock and horror floods Aerrow's mind as he realizes who these Twin Energy Blades belong to. 

Aerrow: can't be! Dark Aerrow.....

As Aerrow uttered the name an unsettling laughter echoed through the alleyway. He immediately reached for his Twin Energy Blades and looked around. As nothing was seen, Aerrow remained cautious. Soon, Starling called out to Aerrow. 

Starling: Aerrow? Is something wrong?

Aerrow: Something terrible is happening!

Starling: What are you talking about? 

Aerrow: He's returned......

Starling: Who? Who's returned? 

Aerrow: Dark Aerrow....he's returned....

The mere sound of his name sent shivers down Starling's spine. Aerrow was now aware of the Dark Aerrow's return. Knowing what he was capable of, Aerrow had to prepare not only his squadron, but all of Atmos. He knew that Dark Aerrow's return would mean nothing but chaos. 

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