Chapter Seven - The Face Of Evil

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As Arygyn meditated, Dark Aerrow makes his way to the Forbidden City on Terra Xoam. Dark Aerrow used his powers to get himself inside the Forbidden City. Dark Aerrow knew from his Atmos that the Forbidden City was littered with booby traps. 

Dark Aerrow: Heh. Some things never change. 

With his first hand knowledge as well as the power of Aolroth, Dark Aerrow was able to navigate through the traps without much difficulty. Even the most advanced traps that even the Storm Hawks had difficulty with were nothing more than minor annoyances. Soon enough, he arrived at the inner sanctum of the Forbidden City. 


Immediately, the spirit of the Oracle soon manifested and appeared before Dark Aerrow. The Oracle soon felt his malefic presence. 

Oracle: I sense a great darkness in you. You hold the power of Aolroth. 

Dark Aerrow: Nothing escapes you, eh Oracle? I remember you told me that Atmos would fall and my friends would be slaves. Guess you were dead wrong about that. 

Oracle: Not me. From another. You are not of this world. 

Dark Aerrow: What gave it away? Guess there's no point in the pleasantries. You know why I'm here. 

Oracle: You wish to destroy reality. You wish to unleash the Blackest Night on this world and all other worlds. 

Dark Aerrow didn't need to say a word as he simply smiled a sinister smile. His intentions and motives were made clear to the Oracle. 

Dark Aerrow: Guess I'm right. Now then, I've a reality to destroy. 

Oracle: I cannot allow that. What you desire means the end of all things good and evil. 

Dark Aerrow: We all know nothing matters. What good is a decision if the opposite happens in another universe? What good is life if it has no meaning whatsoever? You know this more than anyone. 

The Oracle quickly realized that there was no way of convincing Dark Aerrow to turn back. Not only was he willing to make this twisted dream a reality, but he had the power to back it up. 

Oracle: Then you leave me with no choice. For the preservation of all reality, you must be destroyed. 

Dark Aerrow: Heh. I was hoping you'd say that!

Dark Aerrow then unleashed a torrent of black lightning upon the Oracle. She simply held out her hand and absorbed the lightning with her hand. Dark Aerrow is not fazed by this display as he unleashes another torrent of black lightning. The Oracle responds by unleashing a torrent of light. The black lightning and light collided with one another. The intense power of the two attacks cancelled each other out.

Oracle: You do not know the power you wield. It is corrupting your mind. The power of Aolroth corrodes all it touches.

Dark Aerrow: Don't try it, Oracle! I know exactly what I'm doing! With this power, I'll bring sanity to this aimless world! I'll wipe the slate clean! I'll destroy every iota of this meaningless existence!

Dark Aerrow continued fighting the Oracle using the power of Aolroth. The Oracle had never encountered something so evil and so powerful in her life. Despite this, the Oracle was determined to destroy Dark Aerrow. 

Dark Aerrow: Not bad Oracle! Back in my Atmos, you were a real pain to kill! But with Aolroth's power, this is almost too easy! 

Dark Aerrow took pleasure in the fight against the Oracle. He hearkens back to the day he killed the Oracle in his Atmos. He remembered it being the most challenging fight of his life. With all this power, this fight was completely different. 

Dark Aerrow: Is that all you got?! Pathetic! The Oracle in my Atmos put more of a fight than you! 

Despite her best efforts, Dark Aerrow was too much for her. Her power was eclipsed by the immense power of Dark Aerrow. Not only was he able to control Aolroth's powers, but he seemed to master it as his own. He then unleashed a torrent of black lightning upon the Oracle. She screamed in pain as the Dark Aerrow simply smiled. Dark Aerrow relished in the pain he was causing her. Soon enough, he had beaten her. 

Dark Aerrow: As much as I would love to kill you again, I need you to unleash the Blackest Night. 

Oracle: I will an instrument to your madness.....

Dark Aerrow: We both know you don't have a choice. 

Dark Aerrow then used his powers to influence to force her to help him begin a ritual to begin the Blackest Night. This created a great surge of power across Atmos. 

Dark Aerrow: Now let's get this show on the road! Time to bring an end to this facade once and for all!

Dark Aerrow had begun the ritual to bring about the Blackest Night to Atmos with the intention of destroying all of reality. In his private quarters, Arygyn felt this surge of power. He felt the Dark Aerrow's presence and power coming from the Forbidden City. The power Dark Aerrow was emulating nearly overwhelmed the Guardian. He knew what was coming. 

Arygyn: The Blackest Night has begun.......

At this point, Atmos was on a race against time. Arygyn had to gather the Storm Hawks as well as the Heroes from the Multiverse to face this threat. The face of evil had revealed itself and now was the time for the heroes to gather and fight it. 

Storm Hawks: Blackest Night (The Dark Aerrow Saga)Where stories live. Discover now