Chapter 86: Alaina, Mystic Poppers

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                  Regardless of the necessary request of trying to quiet the Dreamers recent activities. Especially Nina, she's really loud. I am aware that they were just recently reunited with us and their respective guardians after four months, but I would like some kind of peace and quiet.

"I don't think they mean too much harm" Hijnix reassured me as she hovered around me.

Also, there is this guardian I have to think about. For some reason, the Dreamers or rather someone much more powerful than them assigned each of us a guardian for safety reasons. A few years ago, the Dreamers were almost too late when it came to save their classmates. They barely made it, but they were worried about leaving them alone. Thus, this system was put in place.

"So, how long will you stay with me?" I asked her as I closed my book.

If I did have partner, then I might as well be nice to my partner and learn who they are.

"Until the day you graduate! The Dreamers decided this idea. However, they have allowed us to remain in contact with you just in case" Hijnix answered with a smile.

"Alright, so what can you do?" I asked her curiously.

"I can help you with magic! I've also got more tricks up my sleeves" Hijnix said with a grin.

Interesting. Maybe I can advance my magic studies. Why don't I give that a try?

"So, does that mean you can help me with my studies?" I asked her, "I wouldn't mind if I advanced my skills with it"

"Um, I am not entirely sure about this. You are still inexperienced" Hijnix pointed out nervously.

"Don't worry. I can handle it" I reassured her as we went to work.

We were outside of the school as Hijnix held her wand. Then, she began to conquer up some magic bubbles.

"Can you conquer up these kinds of bubbles?" she asked me as the bubbles floated around us.

It seemed like a simple spell. With a flick of my wand as a I swiftly cast the spell; bubbles appeared around us.

"Not bad! Ok, then let's try sparklers!" she said happily as she fluttered around and cast many, tiny sparklers around.

I was in awe. This is so pretty. I followed her movements and created a bunch of sparkles around us.

"That was fantastic! Why don't you take a break for now? Those spells were kind of strong. It is late too. I'll see you tomorrow" Hijnix said as she created a small portal for herself to travel through.

"Why are you leaving?" I asked surprised.

"Oh, the gate between our worlds is about to close. I have to cross over before it closes otherwise, I will be stuck here for the whole night. Don't worry! I will return to you tomorrow" Hijnix reassured me as she waved her hand and left.

I waved goodbye to her and decided to rest for tonight. After all, we get free rooms here, and tomorrow is Saturday. I plan to sleep in and then do more spell training. I really want to improve with my spells.

"Are you ready?" Hijnix asked as she appeared into my room.

I jumped back with wide eyes. I did not expect to see her here so soon. However, I am kind of relieved she is here. I wanted to improve my spells more. We got dress, and I had breakfast. Then I went to work outside. Hijnix tried more basic spells with me. After a while, I noticed Nina was running around and casting more powerful spells of her own.

"Woah. Can I do that?" I asked in a whisper as I copied Nina's movements and completely ignored my guardian's new instructions.

As I copied Nina's movements, but my wand began to spark and crackle. I turned my gaze towards my wand and saw the fire bursting from it! I held my wand and gasped in fear.

"Hijnix! Help me!" I shouted in a panic.

"What did you do? I thought the snow powder spell would be easy! Why is fire coming from this?" Hijnix exclaimed when she fluttered around the wand.

I dropped my wand as it burst into flames!

"Oh my! Get down! I can handle this!" Hijnix exclaimed as she flew towards the flames.

As she flew towards the flames, she was struck by one. I felt the burn and gasped in pain.

"Why did that hurt me?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Sorry! I'll be more careful! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Hijnix shouted in a panic.

I was surprised. She was working so hard to put out my wand. Even if it hurt us both. I shook my head. There has to be something I can do help her! I caused this kind of mistake, because I was distracted by those annoying Dreamers! I wanted to improve my spells, but I didn't want to hurt my friend! I looked around and then saw a fire extinguisher. I ran towards the holder and then took it. I unleashed the contents on the fire and quickly put out my wand. Hijnix then rushed towards the wand and then cast a powerful spell towards it. The wand then calmed down and stopped the fire from bursting. We both sighed as we heard someone coming towards us.

"Oh, did you try an advance fire spell? Happens to everyone" Jiwon said with a grin as she walked towards me, "Would you like to learn spells with me?"

Hijnix was surprised to see me here and grinned.

"It is nice to see you! I've heard so much about you from Preselzee! If anyone can help you with your magic training, she can" Hijnix exclaimed in delight.

"I don't think so" Jiwon shook her head with a grin, "You two are clearly a pair. I was only sent here to make sure the fire calm down. Good luck to you two"

Jiwon went away and then left us to handle our practice.

"Wow! We can definitely do this! Come on, Alania! Let's make sure we can learn more powerful spells together!" she shouted in delight.

I grinned at the young creature as we went to work. I can't give up nor get too distracted by those annoying Dreamers. Well, almost all annoying Dreamers. Thanks, Jiwon. I won't be afraid of making mistakes anymore. Let's do this! 

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