Chapter 108: Jae, Penelope, and Ronald, Being There is Also Important

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              Being the oldest sibling to the Dreamers cannot be easy. No, Nina doesn't count in this case considering she is always with her little sister during their adventures. Penelope couldn't believe Jay was going on such dangerous adventures and saving their world without telling her!

"Big sis! Can we eat?!" Ronald asked loudly as he tugged on her big sister's sleeve.

"Oh, sure thing!" Penelope said as she handed her little brother a plate of fries and fruit.

She was very troubled by this. Sure, Jay is growing up and learning a lot about the world, but he would always be her little brother, much like Ronald.

"I wish I could be there" she said with a sigh as Ronald listened to his sister's whisper and another girl walked into the room.

"Be there for what?" she asked with a smile.

Penelope jumped up in shock as she "Jae?! Sorry! I was just thinking about my other little brother!"

"Don't worry, he's fine" Jae reassured Penelope calmly as she went to get herself a drink, "He has very good friends with him. Just like my little sister"

Penelope was surprised at how calm Jae was about this! Ronald grinned at his big sister.

"Yep! Joseph is going to be just fine!" Ronald shouted in delight.

Jae grinned at the little brother.

"Exactly. Our little siblings can handle more than you think. Trust them" Jae said as she flicked her wand to make her guardian, Aversa, "I want to practice a bit more on dark magic"

Aversa chuckled in agreement as she held her tome. The two of them cast simple spells to create pools of darkness. Ronald looked at their spells with great interest as Penelope sighed in frustration.

"Is something wrong?" a gentleman's voice asked as she looked up to see her guardian, Ignis.

"Ah, I have to cook for my siblings as I worry about one of them going on dangerous missions" Penelope confessed to him.

Ignis walked to the kitchen and took out a pot and cutting board. He adjusted his glasses as he gestured her to come over.

"I can help" he said simply, "But that also means you have to be here and make an effort too"

She just smiled at him and followed him into the kitchen. There was a loud crash as someone, and their Pokémon partner burst through the doors.

"We could've stuck the landing better" he whimpered in pain as his fluffy Pokémon partner landed on his back with a thud.

"Hop! Please keep Ronald occupied!" Ignis shouted from the kitchen as he continued to chop up some vegetables with his knife.

"Understood! Come on, Wooloo!" Hop shouted as his Pokémon let out a happy cry.

The two of them made their way to Ronald as he grinned at them. Guardians have many unique roles. The first role is to protect the Dreamers and their friends and family from attacks. Then, they must train them to handle simple missions without the Dreamers as well as support them with their personal goals and work of any kind. Lastly, guardians are always there to support the friends and family. Adventures are always fun, but it is important to take a few moments to talk and release your worries.

"So, Jiwon's magic is going well, right?" Aversa asked in a knowing tone.

"You should know this since you talk to Robin and Rabin all the time" Jae replied back in her knowing tone.

Aversa simply laughed as she cast a gravity spell to lift Jae to the celling. She began to walk on the celling.

"She'll overtake me along with any other famous wizard and witch before us" Jae said with pride in her voice.

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