Chapter 103: Anna, To Restore the Darkness and Balance

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              After the Dreamers finally defeated Lady Moon, their friend, Alfred, picked them up to carry out a mission around the world.

"Are you ok?" Landon asked as he appeared from the darkness.

"Oh, well, I've been better" I confessed to him as a flash of light appeared between us.

Iris stood between us with her arms stretch out as she stated seriously, "Nope! Back away!"

Landon sighed as he took a few steps away from us.

"Relax. It doesn't have anything to do with you and your enemies. This is about us and the recent villain we faced together" Landon answered simply as he looked at Iris.

She seemed surprised as Landon then focused his attention back on me.

"Why don't you take a quick at your realm and then tell me what you've seen" Landon suggested as he created a dark portal for himself, "I have to go. I have other plans to attend to at the moment. Good luck"

With that, Landon departed from us. Iris then looked at me with concern on her face.

"Are you sure about this? Can we trust him?" Iris exclaimed in shock.

She hasn't been here in a while, so she wouldn't really know about this. Landon did help us with Lady Moon and her conquest, but something just feels so off about this.

"He's fine. He is on our side. However, he does have a point. I need to figure something out about the realm I am supposed to protect" I said as I stood up to summon my glaive.

Iris seemed very surprised at my decision as I waved it around to create a gateway to the realm. The two of us crossed over and saw the realm. It was still barren and empty with the purple castle in the distance. The two of us entered the castle and began to wonder around.

"I remember Gladio telling me about this place. It seems so sad and lonely" Iris said as we wonder around the castle.

"This is the realm that is supposed to support our world's darkness and coldness. Without this realm, our world wouldn't be balance. I'm actually curious how this realm is still functioning. Lady Moon was the only one here. I am just unsure about how this realm is still able to be here" I said concerned as I looked at the damaged castle.

I entered one room and saw it basically destroyed... Lady Moon was attacked a few years ago. Why didn't she fix this room? She was here for a long time. Wait a minute, what about the heartless and nightmares here? This is supposed to hold everything related to the darkness and evil of our world. Where did they go?

"Something isn't right in my realm" I said seriously as I ran to the second floor.

Iris followed me as I opened another door. This room was empty and broken down as well. No one was here either... Where did the heartless go?

"What's wrong? What are we looking for?" Iris asked concerned as I continued to wonder through the castle.

"The heartless and nightmares" I said seriously when I opened the doors to the main bedroom of the castle.

"What?! Why?!" she exclaimed in horror as I continued to search.

"This realm should have them here! They are not here! I need to figure out why and bring the heartless back!" I shouted as I gripped my glaive tighter.

I saw her bedroom. It was still the same as when Lady Moon put me to sleep and Ryker came to save me.

"Maybe this realm is much lighter after the Dreamers defeated Lady Moon!" Iris tried to reason until I stopped and walked to the balcony, "This realm might be turning towards the light"

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