Chapter 105: Kristen and Angel, A Detective and High School Student!

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               "Ready for our Smash Brothers match?!" Kristen asked her best friend, Angel.

The two girls were currently sitting in Kristen college dorm and preparing to play smash brothers together.

"You're going down!" Angel stated seriously as she took her controller.

The two girls then picked their avatars and began to fight each other.

"How's Nedd doing?" Angel asked curiously after their first match was over.

"Good. He went back to France to visit his family. Jack would've gone with him, but he had to go with Nina and the Dreamers for some kind of important mission" Kristen answered as she took a huge gulp of water from her bottle.

Angel nodded as she then recalled Ryker and Ryan. Ryan was attending his college and making sure he kept up his grades and work while being a descendant just like them. As for Ryker, he was quite the mysterious friend they have.

"Do you think we will hear from Ryker soon?" she asked curiously.

Kristen wasn't sure. Although Ryker was a very close friend of theirs, he was just plain odd at times. He would disappear from college and then help the Dreamers and the other two Protectors. Then, he would come back to help them and go back to his personal work. However, it felt like he was hiding something from them. Something important.

"I am sure he is fine. After all, he's pretty odd" Kristen said with a grin as she went back to her switch to set up another map for them to play on.

However, Angel was curiously about his whereabouts and what he was up too.

"Hey! Should we check on our realms?" Angel asked Kristen as she finished picking the stage.

"If you want to. I know my realm should be safe for a while" Kristen said as she looked at her friend.

Angel grinned as she extended her hand to summon her lance and pointed it towards the sky. A portal opened before them. The two girls quickly ran through the portal and found themselves in a music room.

"Hey Host Club! Are you here?!" Angel shouted in excitement as she looked at the empty music room.

Instead of rose petals falling from the ceiling accompanied by soft piano music. This surprised Angel as Kristen looked outside from the window.

"They should be here! I didn't think it was time for them to leave!" Angel said as she ran around the music room and searched for the Host Club.

Kristen said calmly, "I believe they are outside"

Angel ran to the window and saw Honey and Mori standing back to back against the heartless!

"We have to help them" Kristen said as Angel simply shook her head.

"Those two can take care of everything here" Angel reassured Kristen.

The two of them watched the small blonde child attack the heartless his fist while the tall man easily kicked the heartless away.

"Let's get down there. I am sure they will have everything done" Angel said with a grin as the two of them rushed down to meet the two high school students, "Mori! Honey!"

The two of them turned their attention to her and Kristen. Honey rushed to Angel and gave her a big hug as the two of them shared a joyful laugh. As for Mori, he just nodded when he saw Angel.

"Is everything ok? I thought the heartless weren't a problem" Angel asked as she put Honey down.

"Oh, this is nothing. So far, it is nothing too dangerous. Mori and I can handle it without any issue!" Honey said in delight as he jumped up and down in delight.

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