The Dog in the Woods (Hogwarts AU 3)

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"You are lying!" Marinette hissed at Draco Malfoy loudly.

Everybody in the room turned to look at the Slytherins. No one had ever heard the small girl speak with such rage. Even Ron Weasley looked at her like he had walked into the twilight zone.

Snape was quick to turn on the small girl "And what did you see fit to disrupt my class for Ms. Dupain-Cheng?"

The girl met the  teacher's black eyes with her blue ones. Draco was Professor Snape's godson, every Slytherin knew it, but that fact seemed meaningless to Marinette. Every fiber of her being was determined that an animal was not to be blamed for her housemate's idiocy.

"I saw fit to remind Draco that lying does not become our house" Marinette narrowed her eyes at the blonde "Especially when it involves personal health and unbroken bones"

Snape eyes flashed with anger "Detention" He paused for a moment "Since you feel  like defending Hagrid you can serve detention with him".  

If he was expecting her to back down he had another thing coming. "What is Draco's punishment  for lying to a professor-" Marinette gestured to him "about another professor?"

"I am not lying"

Harry jumped on that statement "Then swear on your magic Malfoy" 

"I don't have to swear on anything"

Harry glared at the boy "If you're not lying, you have nothing to fear".

Damian tuned everybody out, Gryffindor and Slytherin always found something to fight about. After class Damian wasted no time before talking the Marinette. "What are you thinking?"

Marinette glared at her best friend "I think that if no one else is going to speak the truth then they should not bother speaking."

"Agreed but that was such a Gryffindor way to do confront Draco"

Her blue flared sheer determination  "If being an honest person is Gryffindor, at least I look good in red." Damian frowned " I think you would look just as good in red as you do in green" Damian's head shot up.

Marinette flushed.

Later that night with Hagrid, Marinette was still thinking about what she had said. It's not like it was weird to compliment your friends on their physical appearance. Then why did it feel so weird.

Marinette tucked at the sleeves of the large jacket Hagrid had let her wear. "Hagrid, can I ask you a question?" Marinette asked, turning around only to see that she was alone. Alone in the forest at night. Alone in the forest that everybody was forbidden from going into.

Marinette pulled her black cloak tight around herself for warmth and comfort. Though it did not give her any comfort when she saw an animal's grey eyes in the darkness. Marinette heart dropped into her stomach despite the fact it was beating a million miles per hour. She couldn't move or even breathe.

The grey eyes softened and the creature came into the moonlight. A massive black dog. The dog seemed just as surprised to see her as she was to see him. The dog walked out keeping its belly to the ground to be non threatening.

"Bonjour bon garçon." Marinette murmured looking at the dog. It seemed that the dog recognized the French because his tail began to wag. Marinette took a moment to look at his matted fur covered in dirt. " Bon garçon. May I pet you?" She cautiously bent down and held her hand out.

Dirty fur brushed past her hand and the dog toppled her in the closest thing a dog could get to a hug. Marinette burst into giggles " Bon garçon. Bon garçon". He was like a dirty fluffy stuffed animal. Marinette happily pet the dog, even checking his neck for some kind of collar.

Marinette smiled at the dog. "Did you lose your collar, Good boy?" The dog bowed his head in almost 'I am sorry I have no collar". No way to tell where he belonged, like a Hogwarts' student not wearing their house color. Which to be fair you could not see under the coat Hagrid let her borrow.

"I am out here because of detention so I don't have any food but I can get some later". The dog gave a happy yip like that was the best idea he had ever heard.

With a kiss to the forehead Marinette left the dog to go find Hagrid again.

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