Wild Brunch

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"So the real question is, how are you?" Lee says popping into Jenny's room.
"Me? Why wouldn't I be okay?" 

"You know, at the end of the night, with Serena and the-the-the" Lee tries her best to imitate the wave Dan did before.

"Was it really that bad?" They looked at each other then back at Dan and nodded. "She probably thinks I hate her now. I’ve waited my entire adolescent life for a date with this girl, you know, Serena van Woodsen and I decide to close the evening with a wave."

"It was... a nice wave," Lee said biting her lip.

“At the end of the date? Come on, there's no such thing and you only get one shot with a girl like Serena. I got mine, and I blew it.”

"Which means you have nothing to lose." Lee pointed out.

"No, nothing except my last shred of dignity," Dan said in defeat.

"Oh, no. I think that's gone." Jenny said.

"You're right. You know what? I’m just... I’m gonna go talk to her. I’m gonna apologize for the wave. I’m gonna tell her how much I like her, and I’ll ask for a second shot. No, I’m gonna get a second shot."

"Yeah, you are," Lee said trying her hardest to smile and encourage her friend.

"Wait, wait, wait. I love the plan, but, uh, you need a better outfit and maybe a shower."

Once Dan rushed out to take a shower Jenny looked over at her. "Could you make sure he doesn't chicken out halfway through getting there."

"I really wasn't planning on hanging out with Dan today. I wanted to hang out with my favorite Humphrey." Lee said putting an arm around Jenny.

"I know for a fact that's a lie. Especially since I’ve seen the way you’ve looked at my brother."

"Ya’ know what your right Rufus is a lot better than the both of you combined."

Jenny rolled her eyes. "I guess you can stay here with me. I just thought that if something bad happened with him and Serena he would appreciate a shoulder to cry on."

"I mean if you put it like that…. I guess I can change my plans to go make sure he'll go to the palace."

Dan put up the barrier between there rooms. "Do I look okay?" 

"Definitely second-shot material."

"All right, then I’m gonna go.” They walked to the door about to leave but he stopped turning back to his sister.

“Oh and about what happened, you know, with, Chuck? If you want to, like, talk to someone that isn’t your brother just let me know." 

"Yeah, I’ll be alright.” She gets up grabbing her purse. “Hey, uh, wait. actually, there is someone I want to talk to."

When Lee opens the door there was Rufus with a bunch of groceries. "Hey, hey, where you guys going? I was gonna make waffles."

"Sorry, Rufus as much as I love your waffles me and Dan have to leave like now."

"Yeah, can't."

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