Desperately Seeking Serena

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Lee walked over to the table as she took off her apron. She sat down across from Vanessa. “So what are we gonna start working on first?”

“Well, I was thinking that since Dan has been struggling maybe we take some time and practice some good vocabulary for the test.”

Vanessa helped Lee for a bit when she noticed Nate walking into the cafe who waved at Lee. “Hey, Lee...” He trailed off tilting his head as he looked over at Vanessa.

“Vanessa. You're Nate, right?” She says pointing to him. “You play a very small but crucial role in my video project.”

He glances over at the computer seeing the footage she took at the school. “Oh, that's right. I remember you following Dan around with your video camera.”

Dan walked overlooking a little shocked that Nate of all people was in the cafe. “Hey, Nate. What are you doing here? I mean, I know the coffee's good…”

Nate looked through his backpack taking out some books, notes and even some practice tests. “Since I've taken every SAT prep and review class in the five boroughs, I figured why not pay it forward?” 

Dan looks at the tall pile of books with a mix of shocked and slightly in awe by the sight. “So… So you don't need these?” 

“You know, I've actually already taken it. My parents don't want me going to U.S.C. So I had to make sure my scores were good enough to get in without their help, which, thanks to these books, they were, so I’m done.”

“While we all love hearing about the struggles of the idle rich, Dan and I have got a fine tutor right here.” She says nudging Vanessa who nodded.

“Yeah, she is telling the truth. I ace every practice test I take, So we don't need your hand-me-downs.”

Dan takes one of the pages of notes and looked it over. “Um, you know what? This… this is actually pretty good. This looks good. Thank you.”

Vanessa looked up at Dan. “Is there a reason you insist on looking so desperate and needy?” 

Dan puts a hand on Nate's back. “Sorry, she's been like that since we were kids.” He said looking down at Vanessa.

“Yeah… Venomous without provocation,” Lee mumbled earning a hard glare from Vanessa.

Vanessa scoffed, rolled her eyes and looked away from the three. “It's better than being a charity case.”

“Oh and she can be rude, too,” Dan added, shaking his head at Vanessa.

“I see that," Nate said looking down at Vanessa. He looks over at Dan. "Well, I gotta get going, but I hope these are useful.”

Dan nodded. “Oh, yeah, yeah, very. Thank you.” He said sitting down going right to one of the books Nate brought.

Dan glances up to see a disapproving look from Vanessa. “What? They're... every little bit helps.” He said before leaving the table.

Vanessa grabbed a paper that was in between the books. Lee looks over her shoulder to see what she was reading. Vanessa folded back the paper and quickly stuffing it back in the pile.

"Hiding something?" She kept trying to get the paper but Vanessa took it and put it away from Lee. "Is it a love letter for Chuck from Nate that he was too scared to ever send."

"It's nothing like that…" Vanessa bit her bottom lip. "I just think I judged him wrong."

"Well, now you know." Lee grabs Vanessa's hand and puts them on the table. "Never judge someone by their bank account so now that you know that now go try to meet up with him."

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