A thin line between Chuck and Normality

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Lee jumps on Dan's bed trying to wake him up. "Dan. Dan. Dan!" She yelled trying to not wake Jenny or Rufus so early in the morning.

"What do you want Lee? It... it's pretty early and I had a late-night uh… studying." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Okay ew that was something I didn't need to know." She says shivering in disgust. "I just… I need your phone."

"What's wrong with yours?" He asks putting his hand through the little hair he had.

"I need to talk to Serena and I keep forgetting to get her number and I don't want to be our online conversation breaking to be me asking for what I need.

"If it's your shark week then you can use Jenny's until you buy more." He says resting his head back on his pillow.

She shoves him making sure he was still up. "I'm pretty picky about what brand I use some can get a bit…" Dan covers her mouth stopping her from what she was trying to say.

"Ya know what just use my phone if your gonna be like this. I want to get at least some rest before going to school." He covers his head with two pillows.

"Thank you, Humphrey. You are a lifesaver." Lee gives him a quick hug before leaving his room with his phone. 

She dials Serena's number praying she picks up. Luckily for her, she did. "Hey, Dan I didn't think you would be up this early."

"Yeah, this isn't exactly Dan. Don't worry he gave me his phone I just... I need to ask you to get me something." 

"Lee is something wrong?" She asked 

"Serena can you…" She rubbed the back of her neck. "Can you just please buy me a pregnancy test."

"Yeah, I'm actually um… I'm in the area so I'll do that right now."

"Thank you, Serena," She bites her tongue looking around realizing she went up a volume or two too high. "I don't know how I'm gonna ever repay you." She said making sure she was quiet this time.

"Just come to the steps and I'll give it to you."


Lee waves to get Serena's attention. "Serena, I'm over here."

She takes out the test and Lee stuffs it right in the purse. "Again thank you, Serena. I'm really sorry about the rumors about you holding a baby Humphrey."

"What matters if your gonna have a baby. The father is…" Serena looked around leaning in. "Chuck's." Lee nodded. "I'm so sorry..."

"You have no reason to be sorry for. I'm the one to make the mistake of repeatedly having sex with Chuck."

"Have you told Vanessa or Dan about this?"

Lee shakes her head. "I just want to find out whether I am or not first before I start to make my friends worry about this." She chuckles a little. "Especially Dan since he never knows how to keep his mouth shut."

"What about Chuck?"

"I already told him that if he wanted to talk to he had to come to me and I would rather not look like a complete weak-willed person to him."

"I think he deserves to know." She says rubbing Lee's back.

"I'll… I'll tell him after I take the test." She hugs Serena. "Seriously though thank you for this."

"It really was no problem, Lee."
Lee looked over at Dan who was walking over. "I think you two probably want some time alone."


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