School Lies

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“Serena you finally got here,” Lee said hugging her. “Your bathing suit looks amazing on you.”

“Oh hey, Lee I didn't realize you were gonna be down here.” She looks up and down at Lee. “Your bathing suit looks good on you too. Purple looks really good on you.”

“Yeah, um…” She looks down at her swimming suit. "Brayden bought me this two-piece for the occasion. It was his way of apologizing for the Debutante Ball”

Serena was about to say something when Chuck appeared behind her. "Why don't I turn that, one-piece into a no-piece?" He looked over at Lee checking her out. "Though it might be easier to do with that two-piece now that I think about it."

Serena scoffs lightly pushing him away from them. “Find a floatie to talk to, Chuck.”

“You know, if my dad and your mom come back from South Africa tomorrow engaged, we'll be brother and sister and you know what they say. The family that plays together stays together.”

“Ew, that’s disgusting Chuck.”

“Ah, incest... the universal taboo. One of the, um, only ones you haven't violated.”

"Well, I'm game if you are.” Seena pretends to go for a kiss but slaps his drink before anything happened. She grabbed Lee’s arm taking her away from Chuck.

“Hey, why don’t you invite Dan down here. I doubt he’s doing anything important anyway since your here without him.”

“Okay, I’ll call him right now” She gets her phone out and dials his number. “Hey what are you up to? Well besides missing me.”

“Aww, what a sweet baby Humphrey.” Serena looks red in the face and pushes Lee in the pool. 

Lee quickly got out of the pool not wanting to be in at the moment. She looks for her towel so she could dry off. She wraps the towel around herself when she flinches as someone comes up from behind. “I knew that shade of purple would look good on you.”

Lee lightly pushes him away and grabs her phone. “Just save it for someone who actually cares Chuck.”

“Why are you acting all ice queen on me?”

“Chuck… I don’t think I can do this any more… This just wasn’t supposed to last this long.”


Chuck’s words were instantly drowned out when Lee heard a scream that got her attention. She looked to see a boy in the pool unconscious bleeding. All of the rest that happened was a blur. Sirens blaring through the night. A key that saved them from all getting in trouble. Her not being able to let go of a certain Bass.


The St Jude’s headmaster was in front of the kids who were at the pool showing us photos of that night. "Thanks to the cell phone that somebody left behind, we've got plenty of evidence of who was at the party." Lee glances at everyone as the man continued to talk. "Lucky for you, Andrew Collins is going to be fine. Unlucky for you, we need to hold someone responsible. Ms.Queller?”

A woman walked up in front of them. "Hello. I'm Ms. Queller, the new headmistress at Constance. It's unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances but I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I've already talked to your parents. She glanced over at Lee and, "Well at least, those I could reach, and look forward to reading your personal essays, describing how you came to be on school property after hours, using alcohol and drugs, where a fellow student almost died. In other words, what the hell is wrong with you? I'll also be conducting one-on-one interviews until I discover who broke into the pool and initiated the party. That person will be expelled. If that person is not identified, then you'll all face expulsion.”

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