Hi Society

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The practice was going well for the most part until Chuck looked over at Lee once they were coming to the end.

"They must be lowering their standards. I didn't think they would let any girls from off the streets of Brooklyn in."

"Yeah and didn't think they would let in a boy as feminine as you so maybe they really are lowering their standards."

A boy with brown hair and beautiful brown eyes walked up to Lee bowing to her. "Would you be willing to be my escort for the dance?"

She glances over at Chuck then smiles at Brayden. "I would love that um but…  I can’t exactly afford a fancy dress."

“Oh don’t worry I can easily pay for the dress. We can meet up sometime to pick out a dress and get it fitted.” Brayden said before leaving.

Chuck walked up behind her and whispered in her ear. "I'm surprised you said yes to him. He didn't even do the things that can get you aroused."

"Oh like you know that any better than he does.” She pushed him off her. “Your a pathetic insect no matter how hard you try not to. He can at least not act like he didn't hasn’t had a stripper at his room last night."

"Really I'm pretty sure that was you in my dreams.”

"And sadly for you, that’s where that image of me will stay and never become reality."


Back at the Palace, they were up in Chuck's bed. “You looked pretty hot today on Brayden’s arm today”

“What am I just some accessory to you?.”

“Next to him, yes.” He flips her so she was on top of him. “But on me, you would be so much more.”

She pulls him up putting her arms around him. “Yes, but I can’t be on you remember. I don’t want Dan finding out." She kisses him. “I don't think I want any to.”

“Then you can keep being my dirty little secret.” He was about to go in for another kiss when Lee’s phone. He falls back on the bed.
She looks at her phone to see a message from Brayden. “Shit I need to go to my dress fitting.”

"I miss you already.” She grabbed her purse and he kept going. “Maybe I could get that stripper I got from this morning.”

“I think she’s a bit busy. Maybe you should check in an hour or two.” She said waving her phone before closing the door.

She rushed out of the Palace to hear her phone ringing because of Dan. “Humphrey you don’t need to remind me. I think I can handle myself shopping with someone for half an hour.”

“I’m just making sure you know that mentioning Hairspray and Heathers on the first date probably isn’t the best idea.”

“Hey, that was one time. Lee starts shaking her head. "Anyways… Anyways this isn’t a date.”

“Whatever you say, Anderson.”

Lee looks up at the building in front of her. “Wish me luck.”

“Wish you luck you don’t have to meet his Grandmother do you?” He asked.

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