it was a dream?

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I woke up in my bed. Shocked at what I had done in the dream i just had. I sulked and stared at the orange trees. "I love Scott"? I said shocked. Just saying his name made me feel amazing cause everytime we touch I get this feeling. Like I wanted to kiss him. Why cant he hear my heart beat fast. I want this to last I need him in my life. Without him it's hard to survive. I knew it was wrong to take courtney away from scott. I knew it was hopeless so I just went to my bathroom and took a shower. I was always think alot In the shower. But all I could think of was scott I kept thinking of how cute he was and how he almost kissed me in the dream. But what I didnt know was soap was getting in my eyes. I screamed loudly while scooping the lavender bubbles out of my eyes. Once I had finished that I washed my body and got out. I wore a pink sweater and a white miniskirt. Then some brown boots. I brushed my hair and put it into pigtails. I walked outside of my house and tried to meditate I sat cross legged and made my fingers into little o's. I felt calm and after I did that I walked home. Once there I grabbed my backpack and started walking to school.

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