running away on a train

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I woke up I had to be at Scott's house at five today. I jumped out of bed and chose some clothes to wear. I wore a white tube top  that had the word "starstruck" in the middle with some stars and comets on it with some short jean shorts. I wore ankle socks and some red converse. I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I decided I didn't feel like makeup today. I checked my phone. It was already 4:50. I gasped I didn't have much time to get ready. I sprayed on some Victoria secret perfume and ran out the door. My mom was still sleeping so I wasn't stopped. I ran all the to Scott's house. Once I had reached it I knocked on the door. To my surprise scott didn't answer but a handsome stranger did. He looked like scott but older and a different haircut. "Is Scott here"? I asked the stranger. "Scott!" The stranger yelled scott came running with a suitcase I told him to pack one yesterday. Scott grabbed his bike and sat down. "Get on dawn"! He yelled from his bike. I ran to the bike and sat down me and scott had to share a seat but it was fine. Scott was riding so fast I was scared I was gonna fall of the bike. "Scott slow down"! I yelled. He started to slow down. "So where are we heading again" scott asked looking at me. "The train staiton" I said sadly. I held on to scott tightly. We looked at the sky. It was so clear and blue. 

*time skip UwU*

Once we had finally reached the train station  I looked  at it. It had vines and trees everywhere it also had stalls if you wanted to change. Me and scott sat down on a bench. "I'll be right back" I said to scott walking to the stalls. I got inside one and slipped out of the clothes I was wearing. I put on a short white dress. I put on some blacks heels and then stood up to look at my reflection in the mirror. I took out some makeup. I applied some pink lipstick and got out of the stall. As soon as I walked out scott starting blushing. I walked over to him and sat down. Scott looked at me still red as a tomato and said "so why are we here anyways". "My mom is getting remarried next month and that means we will move to his hometown" I said blushing. I got up and stood in front of him and put my hands on his thighs. He started blushing bright red. It was so cute. "Scott,I'm running away" I said moving in closer to his face. Scott looked shocked. "DAWN" I heard a familiar voice scream. I looked back and it was my mother and stepfather. I gasped and my eyes started to water. Scott gasped the loudest gasp I had ever heard in my life. My mom ran over to me and grabbed my wrist. I kicked her ankle causing her to fall. My mothers boyfriend grabbed me. I screamed for help. Scott came running over to me. He kicked him. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU"!? My mother's boyfriend screamed. He was gonna punch scott but scott held his fist. He pushed my moms boyfriend on the floor. The train had just arrived. "COME ON DAWN"! Scott yelled. My parents didn't care they had left to the car already. "Your coming"? I asked very happy. "Yes I would do anything for you" Scott said smiling. I ran to the train and got on it. We started moving me and scott were standing so we fell. We yelped. I realized scott was on top of me. We blushed and sat down on the seats. "So where are you gonna work"? Scott asked looking out the window. "Well I could work at a club" I said thinking of the jobs. "I could lie, tell everyone I'm 19" I said smiling. "Or I could work in show business" I said staring at the oak trees. "Like a singer"? Scott asked faking a confused look. "Do you think I'd be any good at it"? I asked sweetly. Before he answered I stood up and started singing.
/ is dawn  singing

/"There is never a light without a dawn" I started to sing. "The words you whisper linger onn". "Even when you cry your beautiful to me".  "Sit next to mee it will be alright". "Whisper into my ear I always love to hear your angelic voice". When its windy at the beach the waves will rise". I've always felt like you whisper the sweetest and kindest words. Your so nice, and baby I'm sorry if sometimes I make you feel insane. That's just how I play this stupid game. Unlike a child sometimes I do disobey. I'll always love you that'll never change. I walked into the room there is so many people but the only person im staring at is you"/ I sang while twirling around the train. Scott looked  shocked at the fact I could sing like katy perry. He looked at me blushing and said "dawn that was beautiful" scott said smiling. I walked back to my seat and said "thanks"! We sat down and I kept staring at the orange oak trees. I yawned and the moment I did that Scott's aura turned violet. That meant he thought something that was cute or funny. I giggled a little bit. I tilted my head so that it would rest on his shoulder. He put his arm around my stomach and held me closer to him. We fell asleep like this under the silver moon and golden stars.

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