my "happy" ending

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*Dawn's p.o.v*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. It was so loud and fir once I actually didn't want to go to school. I got out of bed and wore a white And black striped shirt,tight Jean's and black converse. I brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail. I put on some red lipstick and mascara. Then I went to the kitchen and poured milk into a bowl. Scott Walked in and shrieked. "What are you doing"? He asked with a surprised look. I shot him back a confused look and said "uh eating cereal". He sat down and poured himself some cereal but he added the cereal first. Scott looked so cute in his red hoodie. Once we had finished eating we got in Scott's car. We drove to our school. I kept staring at the orange oak trees. It was almost December,I watched as the dead leads fell one by one. The wind blowing the away from the tree they once were on. When we parked we got out of the car and walked to class holding hands. As we walked in school people looked so surprised. I looked as courtney was holding onto some guy with piercings. It was almost like Scott was the only person they missed. I was just thrown to the side like a piece of trash. People didn't even say anything anymore. Courtney looked at us and ran over to scott. My eyes widened as she put her hand on his back and started making out with him. Tears started trickling down my cheeks. I had never started a fight before but this time I had to. I smacked courtney in the face full of jealousy. "What was that for you witch"! Screamed courtney who had a hand mark on her left cheek. She pushed me onto the floor. Everyone was starting to gather around us yelling the words "FIGHT"! "GET HER COURTNEY"! As soon as I heard those words I suddenly raged so hard. I started yelling insults at courtney. I called her a spoiled brat,prom queen and more mean insults. I threw a left hooker and broke her nose. Courtney started bleeding so much. "MY DESINGER SHIRT"! she yelled as it dropped to her shirt. I kicked her chest feeling amazed as she fell down. I sat on top of her chest and punched her face blinking back the tears. Courtney started yelling insults that hurt as much as a dagger. She managed to get me off her and punched my stomach. She punched my nose so hard it started to bleed. I wiped it off on my shirt schocked at what she had done. And by now courtney was drenched in blood , had a broken nose and scratches on her face. I on the other hand had bruises and a bloody nose. Scott was in the bathroom trying to avoid the fight. I'm pretty sure that uptight bitch scarlet told a teacher because mrs. cloudson walked out of her class and broke up the fight. She sent both me and courtney to the principal's office. We sat down and waited for the principal to come in. She walked in and sat down. She looked at us sternly and said "so why were you two fighting"? We could have told the truth we could have lied. But we chose to tell the truth. I stood up put my hands on her desk pushing out my lower body and yelled "BECAUSE SHE KISSED MY BOYFRIEND"! Courtney rolled her eyes and my principal looked schocked. I sat down and we talked about it.

* time skip -_- *

I walked out of the office and decided that I needed to clean up so that I would look like I didn't just murder somebody. I walked inside the restroom and cleaned up my shirt. I fixed my makeup and applied some perfume. I walked out of the bathroom to notice it was free period wich meant I had skipped many classes. I face palmed so hard. For free period I decided to just sit in the auditorium.

*time skip to her last class :)*

My last class was geometry. It was one of my least favorite subjects while our teacher was saying something about trapezoids all i could focus on was the orange oak trees. I looked to the clock I only had a few more minutes in this class and well,in school. I kept staring at the trees. I wanted to stop myself but couldn't. After all this chaos that I called life I finally realized why I kept staring at the orange oak trees, they were the same color as scotts hair. I heard the bell ring so I put everything into my desk and then got up and left. Scott walked out. "Hey are you ok"? He asked. "Yeah I'm fine". I said looking to the side. He stopped me from walk by holding my waist. "Courtney kissed me, I love you dawn" he said blushing. We were walking by that tree and he brought me over to it. Scott was so tall I had to stand on my tip toes. He grabbed the bottom of my chin and brought me into a long,passionate kiss. When I pulled away I said "scott I love you more than a thousand galaxies. I would never cheat on you. Everytime I was sleeping in my own room I wished you were  next to me". Scott Hugged me tightly. I had betrayed so many times by so many different people but scott was one of the few good people in this world. I stood in front of that tree for a few minutes. Scott waited in the car. Before I met Scott I didn't think I would ever love again. Somebody has to play the loser role,and I guess that was me. I started shedding tears. I stood in front of the tree watching the leaves fall and blow in the wind. I looked up at the tree and said "Right here.. right now..I will love again". I walked back to the car as the sun set and leaves blew in the wind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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