Chapter One: Hey There, Doc

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A rumble always got the gang excited. Especially one they knew they would win. All of the gang, plus a few of the Shephard boys, would be participating in this one. The Socs didn't stand a chance when they were all there, and it was no weapons, so the tougher, more disciplined Greasers were surely going to win. This rumble would start at 12 am, and it was 11:40, and if they walked at a good pace, it would take 10 minutes to get to the designated rumble area.

Darry was finishing getting ready, he always liked to show off at these things. His signature tight shirt placed on his body, showing his body off. The rest of the boys were talking themselves up in the house, filling themselves up with pride (well deserved honestly, they were most definitely winning tonight).

"Y'all boys ready to head out," Darry yelled from the bathroom, double checking his watch, 11:45.

"You know it," Twobit yelled back, ending his sentence with a loud holler. He was getting himself more worked up than usual.

"Then what're we waitin' for, let's head out," Darry yelled back, even he was excited, ruffling Ponyboy's hair as he gathered the boys up and out the door. The boys all took off as soon as they were out the door, hollering, running, doing flips and tricks. They got there in no time, still in a cheery mood, meeting up with the Shephard boys.

"You boys ready for this one? We're gonna wipe the floor with em," Tim laughed, looking around at his gang to get nods of agreement. Everyone agreed, today they were gonna show the Socs what for.

Recently the Socs had been getting at the Greasers bad. Not even two days ago, Steve and Sodapop were jumped leaving the DX. They cut them up bad, probably would have done worse if Steve hadn't carried his blade with him.

The roar of the Socs expensive Mustangs could be heard, and the yelling from them was almost louder. 4 cars pulled up, each filled with 2-3 boys. There were 10 Socs to 12 Greasers, a pretty even match considering Pony and Johnny's inability to fight on their own. They were weak, they needed all of their combined strength to take on one guy.

The Socs got out of their cars, all lined up, glaring at the Greasers, to which they glared back. As soon as the first punch was thrown by some Soc, all hell broke loose. Blood, the sounds of fists cracking heads, everything filled the open field.

Dally was currently taking on a tall, unknown soc. He had red, short, combed back hair, not that it mattered, it was tossed about since the fight began. His build wasn't terrible, but currently Dally was completely destroying him. He had the Soc in a headlock, slamming his knee up into his face. You could hear the crack of his nose breaking.

The Soc managed to scramble out of Dallas's grasp, getting a hold of Dally's shoulder with a tight grip. Dally stared, a smirk on his face, until he felt a cold blade in his side, cutting deep. That damn Soc had a blade on him in a no weapons rumble.

Dally let out a yelp, holding his blood gushing side. The stab wound hurt like all hell. His cry of pain must have been heard, because Darry reeled around, pushing the other Soc off him, and taking Twobit with him to rip the guy of Dal.
Darry had that Soc out cold, and soon the Shephard gang helped run the rest of the Socs off as Darry and Twobit looked at Dally's bleeding wound.

"Damn man stabbed me! Thought this was no weapons, if I'd have known he'd do that, you wouldn't see him awake the next day," Dally said through gritted teeth.

"Dallas it's looking bad, God, and the hospital won't do us any good. We can't afford one, and I sure as hell know you don't have the money for it. We'll have to take you back to the house and try to patch you up," Darry said. He was panicking, he didn't know the rumble would end in this bad of a wound. Sure, they got hurt, but never this bad.

"Dammit Darry, you know that won't help for shit! I know a place where we could get me fixed up quick, alright? It's cheap, but I don't think a first aid kit is gonna fix this damn stab. Get me the hell up, and I'll take ya' there."

"You better be right," Darry mumbled as he lifted Dally up, leaning Dallas on his shoulder. He was still clutching his side, and his hand was leaking out red.

"Boys! Come here now, we got a problem," Darry yelled, getting his friends to run to him.

"Jesus, Dal, are you ok," Johnny asked, shocked at his friend's state.

"What's it look like, man! Let's just get there, alright," Dally scoffed, ready to get himself patched up as soon as possible. It hurt, bad.

"Go towards Johnny's street, then keep walking, when you get to that fork road, take a left. Go to that blue house, it'll be the second one on the right," Dally mumbled to Darry, he was starting to slip in and out of consciousness due to blood loss.

Darry and the boys took off, rushing him as quick as they could to that place. They couldn't go too fast, as it hurt Dally's stab wound with each bump up as he was carried.
The lights were on in there, they could see it through the windows. The cold wind was starting to make their faces freeze. They ran there, and their pants of breathlessness was shown in the cold air.

Soda and Pony both banged on the door, loudly. Each knock got louder and louder, they needed help now. The gang listened in silence as they heard a groan, shuffling, and loud thumps making their way towards the door.

The door opened up quickly, startling the boys. A woman was in the doorway, she looked tired. Red hair (it had to be dyed, her dark brown roots were peaking through), was tied back. She was wearing a slightly long, blue night time shirt, and matching shorts. Her eyes were greenish blue, and they had dark circles underneath, accompanied with deep bags.

"Listen, our friend here, Dally, he got stabbed, we heard you could help, please," Johnny managed to stutter out. He was worried, he didn't like seeing his friend badly hurt. She only nodded, gesturing for the boys to come in.

Her house was messy, food, dishes, and other things placed about. It wasn't an awful house, it was quite nice, but it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a few weeks. The woman pointed to a table, which was surprisingly clean, and gestured for Darry to set Dallas down.

Darry set Dallas down gently, Dally still clutching his side tightly, groaning in pain. He looked up at the woman, smirking. Even in pain, he couldn't not take an opportunity to pick up a lady. She took a bag out from under a cabinet, dropping it on the table and opening it up. It was filled with medical tools, and they looked nice.

Her hands took to Dally's shirt, lifting it up to expose his wound. She bent down, squinting, examining the stab, before picking out the tools needed for the job. First, a syringe into his side, which numbed the area so she could do her job.

Her hands worked diligently, fixing his wound quickly, and surprisingly well despite not being a legal doctor. Dally smirked, eyeing her up as she did her work. He chuckled, flashing her a smile.

"Hey, doll, once you're done, how 'bout I stay the night, keep you company,"

She only glared at him, giving him a look that could kill. He chuckled in response, giving her a toothy grin.

"Aw, c'mon, you know you want to. I could really show you a thing or tw- Ow," he yelped. She had poked him with the sharp end of the needle she was using to stitch him up. Now, she was smirking.

He shut up after that, not to mention that the guys laughed at him. He mumbled profanities, cursing at the broad that dare turn him down in such a way.

She was finished in no time, disinfecting the area, then put a bandage on it gently. The woman grabbed a piece of paper, writing a few things down, and slapped it to Dally's chest.

Dally inspected the paper, it had a few tips on it saying to be careful, no strenuous activity, no heavy lifting, or the stitches would pop. Then, as his eyes glanced down to the bottom, 35 dollars in total. A big, fat, bill, just for him. Then, to top it all off, it read, "If you'd have been nicer, it would've been cheaper! Give me the money by Friday."

She had nerve, a feisty one, hard to get. Just the way he liked his girls, and he was gonna play the game. Nobody would turn him down like that, he'd show her what for.

Well, he would have, if she hadn't kicked the boys out in a moments notice. He glared at the door, then turned around to the boys, giving them a smirk.

"I ain't lettin' her get away, she's feisty."

What's Up, Doc? (The Outsiders, Dallas Winston, Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now