Chapter Four: New York Holds Secrets

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Dallas had to take deep breaths. He had to think this out. Each breath he took slowly calmed him down. Decisions were made, and he hoped it was the right one.

"You guys have to fucking swear you won't tell a soul this, got it," he uttered, staring at the gang. They all nodded.

"Good. Back when I was in New York, I had this tight gang. Few guys, and this one girl. This one girl, man, she couldn't be no older than me. Never fit the bill to be in a gang. She was real sweet, one of those nice ones," he paused. Thinking about her made his head spin. These thoughts hadn't crept up on him in ages. Everyone stared intensely, waiting for the story to continue.

"Me and her were real good friends, you know. Just got along real good, she was always lookin' out for me. Made me feel like a kid, always comin' around when I got beat up, cleanin' me up. God I was such a bitch back then, man. Got my ass beat up tons of times," Dally let out a soft chuckle. New York was cruel to him, but his gang kept him sane.

"It was just me, her, and the gang. We all got along real nice, man. They were wild, back then. We did some crazy shit, man. But, one day I got in real bad trouble with the fuzz. They were after me bad, could a got locked up for a year, so I split. I was always thinkin' 'bout leaving that shit hole. It was garbage. So, I just left. Didn't tell nobody, especially that girl. If I dragged her along with me, hell, she would have gotten in trouble too, so I just left her there. I can't, I just can't remember her. It's been years, hell, she even gave me this necklace, but I can't remember her. I just left the woman behind and didn't think twice, and now here I am," he mumbled. His head was hung low, hands running through his mop of hair. He wasn't gonna cry, but he did somewhat miss these thoughts. That gang was like family, and he just hated he couldn't remember them. Faces, names, everything was just blank.

"They're all probably still in New York, waitin' on me to get back. Probably moved on, got jobs, they weren't as bad as me. 'Cept one of the other guys. Man, he kept on gettin' in it with the fuzz, he'd always be pullin' shit, it'd land him in the slammer. We were just a family, man. We didn't have no place to stay, our real family couldn't give two shits, so we just found eachother, I guess. Started pullin' up money to find places to stay, all that shit."

It was obvious Dallas missed his old gang. It was his family, even if he didn't want to admit it out loud that he missed them. He laughed quietly, remembering the old shenanigans they got up to.

"Wow, Dal. If you could remember their names, we could always get you on the phone with em, we got the yellow pages," Soda said, honestly surprised about Dally's story.

"Naw, can't remember any of em'. The only thing I remember was a stupid nickname."

"What was it, maybe we can find em out like that," Soda pried, Dally put a hand over his face, covering it.

"Patches. It's stupid, it wasn't my idea."

Soda chuckled, and most of the others did too, Twobit especially. Two reeled his head back, laughing it up.

"Y'all had a dog, huh," Two joked, laughing at Dally.

"She wasn't a dog. It was that girl I was tellin' you about. She was always patching us up after we got in bad fights, so, we started calling her Patches," Dally scoffed, removing his hand from his face, avoiding eye contact with the others.

"You won't be able to find her, I know. I wouldn't bother, she probably don't wanna hear from me anyway," he mumbled again, head still hung low. His fingers fiddled with the Christopher that hung from his neck, he hated getting sentimental. So, he just left, slamming the door behind him. He needed fresh air.

Dally just started walking around, not caring where, he just needed to clear his mind. He didn't like thinking about that stuff.

As he walked around, he clocked eyes with Doc, who seemed to be doing the same. Dally had to know how she got that information. So, he made his way to her, still angered by the fact she brought it up.

"What the hell was that back there? How the hell did you know that," Dally yelled, getting in her face. She only eyed him back, no immediate emotion.

"Ways. Don't kill your friend over your stupidity, he didn't tell me. I just can't stand that you did that, and think it's ok to just act like nothing fucking happened! Like it's all ok," she yelled back. Doc was pissed, more mad than Dally had ever seen her. Why was she so mad about this, it didn't even concern her.

"It doesn't concern you! You weren't there! What, was one of the guys your friends? Is that why your so mad, huh?" His voice was condescending, he was getting even closer to her.

"They were all my friends, asshole. All of them, and you fucked it up," she yelled back, then turned on her heel, running off, but Dallas wasn't finished with this talk yet.

Dally grabbed her wrist, stopping her from running any further. He turned her around to face him, and she looked even more mad.

"Tell me how you know! Did they tell you," he yelled, even louder than before. Dally was causing a scene, but he didn't care.

"Why should I tell you when you don't even remember! You don't remember anything, you can't even remember me! I fucking hate you, Dallas! I hate you! You don't remember any of us," she was on the verge of tears. These memories were getting to her. Why did he have to be like this. Why did he have to confront her? He's the problem.

"I've never seen you before in my life! Of fucking course I don't know you!"

This hurt her. She stumbled back, ripping out of his tight grasp. Tears threatened to burst from her eyes. That's when she just broke, stealing the necklace from around his neck, breaking the chain.

"I gave you this and you can't even remember me! You don't deserve anything I've ever given you! I should have let you bleed out when you came back to me! I thought you'd remember me, but you didn't! I hope you get it even worse, I'm done patching you up!"

With that, she left, taking the necklace, and leaving Dally questioning everything.

What's Up, Doc? (The Outsiders, Dallas Winston, Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now