Chapter Seven: The Truth

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Dallas stood in shock as he tried to comprehend what just happened. He didn't even know how to respond, what to do. Buck just took Doc away like it was nothing, like he didn't care about what happened.

Dallas knew where they were going, the two were heading to The Dingo as he stood. Dallas knew he had to stop them, stop Buck from doing anything to his friend. His old friend. Buck was a touchy guy, a flirty guy, a guy who could get any woman in his bed. Dallas knew that, and he knew he didn't want to see that. He didn't know why, he just couldn't see that.

Dallas threw his jacket over his body, putting it on snuggly. His hand pushed the door open, with a heavy force, as he rushed out to catch up with them. He couldn't get too close, though, they'd catch him.

"Real sorry bout Dallas, doll. I just wanna know how you know ol Dally. Seems like y'all know each other real good," Buck said, walking towards the diner. It was kind of cold out, so they were picking up the pace slightly.

"It's a long story. Don't wanna get into it," she mumbled, looking at the ground, fiddling with the Christopher she stole back from Dallas. Buck only nodded.

"Well, you oughta know how he can't be the best of a guy. Ain't no sense in getting into it with him, I 'on't think he'd change for nobody, you feel me?"

She nodded. She knew what he meant. Dallas Winston was too tough to change for anybody, even her.

Dallas was quietly lurking behind them, as to not get noticed. He heard them continue talking about him, and how everytime, his old friend would just talk down about him. She didn't care for him anymore. Not after what he said, what he did.

"Me and Vin were really close with him, I don't know what happened. Now, I feel like I don't even known him. Yeah, he wasn't a good guy back then, he was getting in trouble with the police, but still. He cared about us, too, or at least we thought he did. Guess not, though," Doc admitted to Buck. Sympathy laced his eyes as he looked down at her.

That hurt Dallas. He really did care about his gang, even if he didn't show it. It was in his nature. Dally wasn't a guy who showed his affection, admiration, or anything. It wasn't him.

Dallas followed the pair all the way to the diner, even sat down a few seats away without them noticing. Everything was going as planned, but he still needed to stop them. He needed to stop this. Dallas didn't like it at all.

Dallas continued to listen in to Buck and Doc. They only kept talking about him, how terrible he is. How problematic he can be. Dallas couldn't stand to listen to them anymore. He had to stop them, he hated hearing how Doc tore him down. How she truly felt, what she wouldn't say to him to his face.

Dallas stood up from his table, marching his way to their booth. Slamming his hand on the table, he glared at the both of them. Buck and Doc were definitely surprised, as they hitched their breath when he did it.

"Dallas," Doc yelled out. She didn't want him there. She didn't understand why he would even be there.

"I heard you. If you got something to say, say it to my face."

"Why the hell you even care, Dal? I've never seen you have such a problem with people talkin' about you before," Buck questioned. Dally never cared about what people said before. Plus, he was causing a scene in the diner, plenty of people were staring.

"Just leave me alone, Dallas! Since when do you even give a fuck about me, huh," Doc didn't seem to care about causing a scene either.

"I care when I hear my fucking friend talk shit about me like you never cared about me either! We were in the same gang, you can't fucking lie to me! I thought we were friends!" He started letting it all out. Dallas couldn't hold it in any longer. He still thought of her as a friend. He still wanted to be friends. Dallas Winston, Tulsa's baddest guy, missed his friend.

"We were friends 'till you fucking walked out on me! You walked out on me, on everyone! You walked out like you didn't even fucking care!" Her hands were trembling as she clutched the table, getting louder by the second as she yelled.

"Didn't care my ass! I left because I would have just dragged you down if I stayed! The police were on my ass, if I stayed with you guys, you would have got dragged down with me! We could have been in jail for a year, maybe more!"

Everyone was staring now. Everyone had their eyes trained on the pair who were arguing so intensely.

Dallas grabbed Doc's wrist, dragging her out of the diner to continue their conversation away from so many eyes. Doc tried getting out of his grasp many times, but it was no use, as he already had her outside.

"What the fuck did you do, then, huh? What was so bad you left us like we were nothing," she yelled, getting in Dally's face.

"It's called I got into a fucking fight with a cop's kid! I didn't mean to, but I about killed the fucker when he threatened you guys! Then he cried to his rich dad, and they threatened that if I didn't leave, they'd take me to fucking jail for years, and anyone who was with me. So, I left. I was fuckin' scared that if I took any of you, we'd all go, so I went by myself. I was fucking scared! You happy now," Dally yelled. He got it all out. Everything was out in the open. Everything he kept bottled up for years and years.

The question now, which stained his mind, how would Doc take this? Would she be furious, or understand he was only young, scared, and wanted to protect them?

What's Up, Doc? (The Outsiders, Dallas Winston, Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now