Chapter Thirteen: Old Pals

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(A/N: Before I start the story, I want to apologize for the long wait of this chapter! School and everything caught up to me, and my attention was drawn away from my story. I apologize to you guys, my fans, and readers all around. I hope you all stick around for the ride!)

Doc awoke with a yawn, sitting up from the old, creaking bed. She stretched, looking over to Dallas, who was still passed out on the old motel bed. Drool was slightly coming from his mouth, his head buried in the pillow, blanket half wrapped around his body. 

Bare feet hit the carpeted floor as Doc got up from the bed, the clock reading 7:30 in the morning. God, it was too early to be up, but she supposed that they should hit the road early. She went over to Dallas, poking his side. 

"Dal, wake up. We have to go." Dallas only groaned in response, still asleep. Doc rolled her eyes, starting to shake him, rather roughly. "Dallas, wake the hell up," Doc grumbled, giving him a particularly harsh shake. Finally, his eyes opened, looking up to her. He let out a groan when he saw how barely any light was coming into the room, the sun not even being fully up. 

"It's too damn early for this," Dal groaned, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. Doc rolled her eyes, giving a small laugh. "We gotta do this early. If we stick around any longer, we'll be there at the dead of night. Now get up and get ready." Dallas sighed, not quite budging, staying sat on the bed, to which Doc rolled her eyes to. She gave him a small push, accidentally giving it to much muscle, and pushing him down on the floor.

Dallas let out a startled gasp, ending his snoring abruptly as he looked up to Doc with a groan, pushing his hair back with a sigh. "Ah, yeah, try and kill me why dont'ya, man! C'mon what was that for," he asked, slowly sitting up, only to plop back down on the bed. Doc let out an annoyed sigh, watching him sit back down. If they didn't leave early they wouldn't get there until late. They still had a while to drive. 

"We gotta get a move on, Dal. Stay here any longer and we won't get there till it's pitch black, and you know how expensive those hotels up in the city are. C'mon, you can sleep in the damn car. Let's go!" She pulled him back up to his feet, to which he let out a groan again, but stood up, starting to put on some, at least normal for him (it was a leather jacket and wrinkly, probably been through hell, white t-shirt with tight, as wrinkly, and blood stained at the cuff, jeans.) clothes. Doc chose to put on her normal attire, a red, at least not wrinkled, crop top with the old leather jacket, and tight jeans with boots. Her red and brown hair tied back into a ponytail. 

Dallas was still bitchy about being woken up that early. Never in his life had he woken up so early, it was unnatural to him, and he wanted to pass out. The closest he got to ever being up at 7 was when he stayed up all night at Buck's partying, and getting drunk. It seemed Doc was better at being up so early, already looking decent, actually taking time to brush her hair, teeth, and do what everyone else, at least everyone but Dallas, normally did when they woke up. It seemed she had both late nights and early mornings.

"You can sulk about it being late in the car, now move it. I'll check us out, you get our bags in the car, don't complain," she said, leaving him to huff the bags out of the room, a scowl on his face, not really at her, but to whatever God that decided that there should be a time this early, as he plopped the bags in the trunk, shutting it with a loud bang. 

Doc was inside the, albeit small, and rundown, lobby, handing over the key to the man behind the desk. The man looked old, and tired, which was normal with how early it was. He gave her a grunt in response to the key being placed on the counter, to which she rolled her eyes too, grunting back as she left. Hopefully Dallas had done what she said, and put the bags in the trunk so they could get on the road again. 

Dallas was already in the car by the time she had come out, leaning his head lazily on his arm, which rested on the side of the car. He already looked half asleep, and only gave a small nod when he saw her get in the car. 

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