Chapter Five: What Happened to You?

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Dallas stood in shock, rubbing his neckline where the necklace used to fall. How did he not realize it was her? What had happened to her, was the main question. She looked so different.

His old friend used to have such long hair. It used to touch the lower part of her back, in long, brown locks. Now, it barely reached the middle of her neck, and it was dyed a deep red, always pulled back in a short ponytail. Her most different change was her face. It was so round back then, you'd mistake her for a kid, she was always like that. Now it was thinner, more sharp, and her eyes. Those eyes used to be so full, bright, the most fun filled, blue green eyes. Now, they were just glazed over, bloodshot from long nights, and bags hung under.

How did Dally not know it was her? Why couldn't he just recognize her, his old friend? He couldn't even chase after her. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he walked his way to Buck's, planning on drinking off the memories.

On the other end, Doc was hiding in her house, clutching the necklace close to her chest. She had given him that necklace years ago, and in turn, he gave her his old, leather jacket. It was so big on her, but she had grown into it, and still wore it.

She only kept crying, clutching, holding whatever she could. Why bother, now. Doc had hoped he'd remember her. As soon as he came to her door, she was so shocked, but he only treated her like he did random broads in New York. She knew, then and there, he didn't remember her.

Why bother, anymore? Why even try?  These thoughts filled her head, pounding, plaguing. The only reason they only began to cease was because of the knock on the door. She had to open it, hoping that it wasn't a new patient.

"Hey, oh, shit, you ok?"

It was only Twobit. He must've come over to talk, but this situation wasn't prime for just fooling around. Her eyes were puffy, red, teared up. The Christopher she clutched in her hand started making a red mark in her palm. It started to sting.

"I'm fine, don't," she paused. She had to catch her breath to stop herself from stuttering. "Don't worry about it. It's fine."

"This all 'bout Dally, ain't it? He can be a dick, for sure, but don't be upset about it. You'll get used to him, I know what he did wasn't good." He was trying to console her. His new friend wasn't doing good, and it didn't make him feel too hot to see her like that.

"I said don't worry about it. We just met, I don't want you worrying about me. Just, did you need something? Why did you come over here?"

"I was gonna come over and hang with my new friend, and right now, I think that's what you need too."

Two didn't like seeing her like this. He didn't know her for long, but he didn't like seeing anybody cry. He was known for his jokes, and his happy attitude, so he was gonna use it to help her out.

"I got a house, and bottles a beer that got your name on em. You need to relax, c'mon, my mom's out with my sister. Let's go, yea?"

Doc smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. She deserved a night out.

"Sure. Lead the way."

Twobit lead her to his house, it wasn't bad, but God it needed cleaning. He was right about those beers, though. They called her name like no other.

Twobit thought he was a drinker, but Doc had proved him wrong by chugging back more than half of the beers in the fridge.

"I ain't seen a girl drink like you ever! You oughta slow down, there, though, you gonna get sick."

Doc was stumbling around, slurring her words, obviously drunk. Twobit was buzzed as well, gulping down the beer bottle held in his hand.

Two always got touchy when he was drunk. Everyone knew this, except Doc, who had barely known him for a few days. However, this didn't stop Two from putting the charm on her.

What's Up, Doc? (The Outsiders, Dallas Winston, Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now