Chapter Ten: Break In

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Dallas may have said he knew what he was going to do, but in all reality, he had no idea in hell. More than likely, he was gonna go take her out somewhere. She likes secluded areas back in New York, always looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

He couldn't believe what he was doing, but he couldn't exactly stop himself. Each step wasn't controlled by his body, it was just natural. Every step he felt on the cracked concrete wasn't him, it was his body, pushing him towards her house.

It didn't take him long to reach her house, maybe five or six minutes at best. He had long strides, extending his legs quite a bit.

Doc's house looked nice at the time of day. It wasn't quite dark, and it wasn't quite bright, it was right in the middle. The shade of blue complimented the background of the sky.

Two knocks were banged into the door, but nobody answered. He sighed, he knew she was home, a car was parked outside. It was beat up, but it was in a drivable shape.

Doc, who was in the inside of the house, knew it was Dally at the door. She couldn't face him, it felt awful to even think about him. It tugged at her heart to think she had denied him an acceptance of an apology. She just couldn't.

Doc couldn't look at him, so she did the logical thing. She ran, as quiet as she possibly could, and hid in her bathroom. She used to do this back in New York. Whenever somebody would knock, she'd high tail it to the bathroom to hide.

Dallas knew, he just always knew, she was in the house. He knew her too well, even if she had changed, she was still her old self deep down. So, he took the pin he kept in his pocket, and made a makeshift lock pick.

Dallas always had a pin on him, mostly for situations like this. It was coming in handy, as he fiddled with the lock on her door, before he heard the click, and opened the door.

Doc jumped when she heard the swing of the door, cursing under her breath, as she listened to Dallas make his way to the bathroom. He knocked twice.

"Doll, I know you're in there. Come out," he spoke smoothly, trying to coax her out. She didn't budge, staying silent.

"Come on. I know you don't wanna see me right now, but the least you could do was give me a reply."

Dallas knocked again, starting to get impatient at her game. He sighed, running a hand through his hair slowly, tossing it around.

"I'm gonna count to three and if you aren't out by then I'm busting this fucker down and coming in myself."

Dallas counted out loud, each number getting louder, and more annoyed. Still, she didn't respond, and he did what he said. He raised his foot up, then pounded the door in, opening it with a loud slam.

Doc jumped, as she stayed in the tub, glaring at him. Even if she was older, and changed, she still had her old mannerisms. She always did that, hid in the bathtub, whenever she didn't want somebody over.

"I don't want you in here. Get out," Doc spit out to Dally, still glaring. Dallas scoffed, a smirk on his face.

"Not a chance in hell, dolly. Me and you are gonna talk this out. It's pissin' me off, you acting like we used to hate eachother. Damn well sure we didn't, me and you both know that." Dallas was starting to slip in and out of correct and incorrect speech, his New York accent getting thicker.

"I wouldn't act like this if you hadn't have left, you know. We all waited, and we didn't even get a phone call. Least you could have done," she mumbled, anger still in her voice, even though it was quiet.

"I had to leave, dammit! You should know that, if I didn't leave, we'd all be in jail! They'd take me down, and them you guys with me! I didn't want to bring you guys into that. It would've made everything worse for every one of us. Fuck, everyone knows you wouldn't survive a day in there. You would have been eaten alive, and not one of us would be there to help you."

He just wanted her to understand. Dallas had to leave. He didn't have a choice. If he did, he would've stayed with them, or taken them with him, but he didn't have that luxury.

"Why should I believe you, huh? After all this bullshit, after not seeing you in years! Why should I believe you," Doc yelled, she stood up, taking a hostile stance. Her hands were clenched into fists. She wasn't going to hit him, no, this was just her only way of keeping her emotions in. It felt like if she unclosed her fists, tears would pour from her eyes.

"Because I'm your friend! I am your fucking friend! And I missed the hell out of you, and now you don't even wanna be around me! That doesn't make me feel to fucking good, and it wouldn't make you feel good if you were in my shoes either!"

Finally, his true emotions. Not an explanation of why he left, but his feelings. He admitted it all. He missed her. Dallas Winston missed her, and he felt bad that she didn't like him as much as she used to. He couldn't keep it in anymore.

Doc didn't know how to respond, other then lower her squared shoulders, and un-ball her fists. She looked at him, with softer eyes, and moved closer. She was so much closer than she had been in so long. It had been so long.

Too long. It'd been too long, it felt like it had been forever since she had hugged him. Dallas was shocked at first, his shoulders stiff as he felt her arms wrap around his waist, tears staining his t-shirt. Then, after the initial shock, he slowly wrapped his arms around here returning the hug.

He hadn't done this in forever. His interaction with girls being mostly flirty, one night stands, and other bad, or questionable decisions. Doc hadn't hugged him in a long time, and it almost felt like too long. Dallas missed it, she would always hug them. She had a warm embrace, and a smile every time she did.

It wasn't going to be perfect, but they were going to work on it. One step at a time, until everything was alright.

What's Up, Doc? (The Outsiders, Dallas Winston, Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now