Chapter Three: Payback

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Dallas was still mad about what happened days ago. She had to know who he was, everyone in Tulsa knew of Dallas Winston (mostly because of his mile long police record). Nobody would do that to him, and he was real pissed about it, still.

He was so pissed he even vented out to the gang of the previous day, telling them his frustrations. Darry gave him a disappointed look, and so did a few of the others. The boys knew Dallas shouldn't have been snooping, and he didn't even pay her back for saving his life.

Darry particularly was drawn into the whole situation. He was like a father to the entire gang, and his much known fatherly instincts kicked in when Dallas told the story. He knew Dallas should apologize, but he also knew he wouldn't.

But, what Darry also knew, was that Doc needed money, or something to apologize for Dally's actions. So, he marched his way to her house to invite her over for an apology dinner at his house; it was the least he could do for Dally's trouble.

He knocked on her door, hoping she wasn't busy at this time of day. It was mid-afternoon, sun just going down. Darry had gotten off work just recently, and decided that he could just ask now rather than later. The boys would all be over, and he had yet to start dinner, so it was a good time.

She opened the door, a softer expression on her face when she met eyes with somebody who wasn't there to annoy her. She looked tired, as usual. Doc was wearing a dark, almost black, cropped shirt, with a leather jacket, and jeans.

"Hey, Dally told us all what happened, and, you know, he can be a real pain. I just wanted to apologize for him, so, if you want y'all can just come over tonight for dinner? I can take you now if you want," he asked.

She thought about it, before nodding, a slight smile on her face. Finally, somebody who wasn't a dick. He motioned for her to come on, and she put on her shoes, before following him out the door.

He led her to his house, making idle small talk along the way. She didn't respond, only nodded, or shook her head. Darry caught on quickly that she didn't talk, but said some things as to not make the walk awkward.

Soon, they were at his house, and Darry opened the door for her to come in, and when she did enter, she scanned the living room, looking at how many people were there.

Darry introduced everyone to her, pointing them out and naming them. While she had met them the night before, she didn't know their names. The tanned skin, quiet boy, who had a scar on his face was Johnny. His brother, Soda, was the fairly handsome one sitting on the floor. Darry's other brother, Ponyboy (a unique name choice, just like Sodapop), was the boy sitting on the couch. Steve was beside Soda, playing cards, laughing, he was loud, and seemed like a handful.

Before Darry could introduce Twobit, Doc had already made her way to him, holding a hand out for him to shake, to which Keith gave her a grin, and a firm handshake.

"I'm Keith, but people like to call me Twobit," he chuckled at the end of his sentence, flashing her a large grin. She smiled brightly. Doc took a liking to him right away.

Doc paused, thinking everything over, before looking Two in the eyes. Her smile was so bright, and she looked at him like she was his friend for ages. Then, to everyone's surprise, they saw her mouth open.

"Nice to meet ya', Twobit. Guess your friends call me Doc, so let's stick with that," she finally got out. Her voice was calm. It was on the deeper side for a woman, but it wasn't too deep. Just right, to make you feel calm. She had an accent, like New York meets country girl. It was nice.

Then, the moment was interrupted by Twobit's loud laughter.

"Well, look at that! Ol Dal said he thought you never talked," he slapped her on the back, a friendly gesture. She chuckled, it was warm, too, just like her voice. It was higher than her normal speaking voice.

"Now what made you come out your shell, huh, girly," Two joked, hand still on her back.

"You remind me of someone I knew, back when I was in New York. You just gave off his energy I guess," she laughed, and he did too.

"Yeah, who is he," Twobit questioned, he had moved his hand off her back. He was now standing in front of her, a hand placed on his hip.

"Oh, his name was Vinnie. Vin and me went way back, God I miss him. He was a real jokester. I remember one time, he got real mad and me and the gang. Instead a just doin' something normal, he started slowly takin' stuff from us. Took us two weeks to figure out what he was doing, till one of us saw him takin' my Christopher!"

Doc was dying laughing, remembering her old friend from upstate. She was the most lively any of the guys had ever seen.

"Where is he now, still up in New York?" Two was still chuckling at her story, but she stopped as soon as he asked that question.

"Vin," she pauses, swallowing, looking down at the floor. God, she hadn't talked about this with anyone in ages. "Vinnie died 'bout 4 years ago. Bad fight, stab to the heart," she mumbled, looking down. Doc didn't like talking about this. She didn't like showing this side to people. Doc refused to cry in front of people, she had to suck it up before the tears started to fall.

"Sorry, didn't know. He sounded like a good guy," Two patted her back, and she saw the guys around give collective nods. She smiles weakly, tears supressed.

"He was, thanks," she mumbled, keeping up a small smile. It was silent for a while, until Darry decided to break the pregnant pause.

"Well, I'm gonna get started on dinner. Y'all can just sit and hang 'round till then," he said, already making his way to the kitchen.

Everyone nodded, turning to their respective things. Steve and Soda continued to play cards, Pony read a book as Johnny read over his shoulder, and Twobit and Doc kept up conversation.

It didn't take long for Darry to holler out to the gang that dinner was ready. The table wasn't big enough to have them all sit, so, everyone opted for the living room.

Two, Pony, and Doc sat on the couch, Johnny, Steve, and Soda took the floor, and Darry sat in his chair. The food smelled great, Darry could really cook. It was just chicken and vegetables, but God he could really spice it up.

"Y'all think Dal gonna come over? I told him to, but only God knows what Dally's gonna do," Darry asked, pausing from eating.

"Dunno, he said he was gonna, but I ain't got a clue," Johnny spoke up.

Everyone continued eating, talking. Doc and Two were joking around, having good laughs. Doc was really happy, content. Then, the door swung open, revealing Dallas. He looked like he didn't particularly want to be there. His eyes were glazed, filled with just plain boredom. Everyone continued talking, not noticing his presence.

Sounds of people talking played in his ears, but particularly one voice. Doc's. He never heard her speak, and she was always so cold, but here she was joking around with Twobit. Like it was nothing.

"Hey, doll, what's got you so talkative, huh," Dallas asked. He was leaned on the doorway, cocking an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips, cigarette in hand. She shut up right away, and glared at him. He chuckled.

"C'mon, do ya' really hate me that much? I ain't that bad, sweetheart."

Doc paused, her eyes closed, taking a deep breath. Eyes trained on him, she finally spoke up.

"Sorry, but I don't talk to people who are dicks like you. At least I don't walk out on my friends, bitch."

Dally paused, then, he got what she was talking about. Not his walk out on her earlier, but something else. Something personal.

"How the hell do you know about that," he yelled, his fists balled up. "Fuckin' Tim told you didn't he? I bet he did!" He was ready to lunge at Doc, he hadn't thought about that in ages.

Doc mumbled something, words incoherent to everyone, her head hung low. She stood up, and just pushed him out of the way, leaving, slamming the door shut.

Everyone was silent, until Steve spoke up.

"What the hell was that about?"

Dally sighed, he only told two people about what happened years ago. Johnny and Tim. Now, he had to decide. Tell his gang, or keep it shut.

What's Up, Doc? (The Outsiders, Dallas Winston, Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now