My welcome part 1

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Diamond POV

I walk into the house, one that I cannot forget. I find his office door and reache for the handle when all of a sudden I hear yelling. I listen in on the conversation, after a moment of the yelling I hear a loud SLAP!
It's silent ..
Suddenly a young blonde girl walks out furious, taking me by surprise. I laugh to myself and walk into the office. I look at my cousin Tony holding the side of his face looking pitiful and can't help but shake my head.

" I disappear for a few weeks and you're already going soft. "
Tony looks up at me in complete shock. Suddenly he rushes up and embraces me in a hug.

" Oh My God, I thought you were gone forever. How could this be possible right now ? Is this really you Diamond?"

"In the flesh." I say. After some time he lets me go. Still in the state of unbelief he embraces me again in a tighter hug.

" You ..c..can let me go now."

" I'm sorry it's just that I am trying to process that you're alive right now. We searched everywhere for you, we thought you were dead diamond."

"Well she lives and breathes". We both laugh.
"What Happened? " Tony ask in a whisper. There was silence. I began to have dark flashbacks of my kidnapping causing me to loose my smile.


"What do you want from me ?!" I yell at Alex, the Alpha of the Viking Wolf Pack.
"I want you silly." He states. He traces my face with his finger until it reaches my lips. I take this as an opportunity and bite him. He yells out in pain and moves his hand away. Surprisingly he looks at me and smiles. He stands up and before I can register a sharp pain covers the side of my face. He slapped me. Alex grabs me by my jaw and I spit in his face. This angers him even more. He takes his belt off and begins to beat me until I am surrounded by nothing but darkness.

End of flashback.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt Tony wipe my cheek
Obviously sensing my change of mood Tony decided to let it go.
"You don't have to tell me what happened now just know that it's good to have you back." Tony says. Kissing my forehead.
"Thank you. It's good to be back. " Silence fills the room. I clear my throat and decide to speak up.
"So what was that slap about earlier?"

Tony rolls his eyes.

"Her name is Stacy. She's my mate. She's angry at me because she hasn't seen me in a few days."

"Fascinating. And why hasn't she seen you in a few days ?"

"Because I've been busy with the pack and finding a new trainer. When you went missing ... We uh ...thought you were dead so we had to get someone to replace you as the pack fighter."

I could see that he was uncomfortable with talking about my kidnapping but none the less I am alive so I ignored his hesitation.

"You did what! ?" I asked. Slightly getting mad

"Come on diamond, you were missing for 2 months. The pack needed a fight leader. " Although I was upset I was replaced he's right. I escaped 1 month ago but when I got free I didn't come to the pack house immediately. I went to my parents and my brothers graves and cried. I cried for many reasons not just because I was able to escape but because..
Our house burned down with my family inside and I was the only one that survived. When the fire happened I wasn't home. When I came back everything was in smoke. I immediately called Tony and the week after ,we buried my parents and brother - what was left of them that is. After that I went on miserable that I wasn't there with them. That I couldn't figure out who did this. That I was alive right now but my family died. I guess I spoke too soon because next thing I knew I was knocked out and woke up with the Viking pack. But now here I am back from the dead.

" It's fine Tony... but since I'm back you can get rid of the new guy so I can have my position back."
Tony looked at me like I had 4 heads.
" Are you crazy. You just got back and you want to start training. I don't even know how you are alive right now. You are not going back as fight leader right now. Not until I find out that you're alright."

"I'm fine."

"Well you might be but humor me please. " I started at him for a few seconds before giving in.
"Fine. " I said.

"Thank you. Since my favorite cousin is back we will celebrate your return with the pack. I will organize a party tomorrow night of your return. But for now I will show you to your room and you can rest. "
Leaving no room for any objections Tony leads me though the halls of the pack house until we arrive at my room. I stand there looking at the door. My brother and I would sleep in here sometimes when we were training and didn't want to go home.
" Actually I just thought about something, we have a brand new room made and it has your name on it. " Tony says.
"Besides we need to clean this room out anyway." I knew this wasn't the case. Tony understood me without me having to speak anything. And for that I appreciate it. I wasn't ready to open that door yet and he could tell. I get to my room and sit on the bed looking at Tony.
" Thank you Tony. "

" No worries. Get some sleep and tomorrow I will have someone to come help you get ready for your welcome party."

" Alright. Love you Tony. "

" Love you too ugly. Now go to sleep. " Before I could respond to that he shut the door. Leaving me in a empty room with only the sun as my light. I layed my head on my pillow and soon sleep consumed me.

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